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nicolas monti

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About nicolas monti

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  1. Everytime I want a nightsky map into my brightsky episode I use candles:
  2. Map08 done!: erkenta pyapyo https://www.mediafire.com/file/mszr2evehjwsxka/wa08d.wad/file
  3. Map07 available: Bungalops https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwfh05mvwql02fb/wa07b.wad/file
  4. Map06 "ouranophoneus" ready for testing! https://www.mediafire.com/file/nun42pbz6xmpo7y/wa6b.wad/file
  5. Thanks man, I love metal but to tell the truth I choose the name after the latin name creatura, as I consider the wads 'creations' if you will Thanks man, only four maps left! I don't know what happens with the search engine as this thread and its content is invisible to it, it's somehow detrimental if someone wants to look for it.
  6. MAP05 Ready for testing! https://www.mediafire.com/file/3riburthvodvln8/wa05.wad/file
  7. MAP04 ready for testing! https://www.mediafire.com/file/6d5dnwxypmncprm/wa04.wad/file
  8. A good name @Cacodemon187 it makes sense, I see some inspiration on the 'quarantine' map of my Alpha Centauri wad, the tracks and the shadows from them.
  9. Third map ready for playtesting! https://www.mediafire.com/file/gji95ky59hbnid6/wa03.wad/file
  10. Second map done https://www.mediafire.com/file/osde82x8mk67e0m/wa02.wad/file @dashlet Thanks man for the demo, I'm going to be busy with exams and holidays but after that I'll continue with the project. @FEDEX Querrás decir ácido, si, la verdad es que me gusta visualmente, le da profundidad a los mapas, lo uso más por lo visual que como un medio para el gameplay. @Walter confetti The limitation is for the entire episode, I'll have to go creative, the choices may look silly but these are the textures I find myself using most of the time, you can call it the Tom Hall pack as those are mostly alpha textures that made it into the final cut. @Dubbag thanks man, I think I recognize your voices, have you made other videos of my maps in the past? the imp rape was funny, you reached that point very low in health, but doable. The proto version of the map had more imps in that trap but without the SS it was unfair.
  11. Thanks man, this is the original one: Thanks @EmoLevelDesigner for the video, played as intended, the imp trap has some rape but doable! @FEDEX gracias wachín, la textura del cielo ayuda, voy a aprovecharlo en cada mapa, entusiasmado con los próximos niveles y el gameplay con los archviles y los revenants.
  12. Some maps would be better, with more identity I think. Take for example the uniqueness of E2M2, E2M4 and E2M7. Also Tom was prone to human structures which fit the doom2 theme, specially the city episode.
  13. Thanks man, all the weapons and bestiary will be added subsequently, with no much delay, and yes, lots of barrels in every map!
  14. Well, the idea is the following: 9 maps with only 30 textures and 15 flats plus the new sky, very restrictive, let's see how it goes. Textures employed: BIGDOOR1, BRNBIGC, BROWN1, BROWN144, BROWN96, BROWNWEL, COMP2, COMPOHSO, COMPTALL, COMPUTE1, CRATE2, CRATELIT, DOOR3, DOORBLU, DOORHI, DOORRED, DOORYEL, EXITDOOR, EXITSIGN, GRAY5, GRAYYALL, LITE96, LITEBLU3, METAL1, NUKEDGE1, PIPE2, SHAWN2, STONE2, SW1GRAY, TEKWALL1. Flats employed: CEIL3_1, CEIL3_4, CEIL3_5, CONS1_1, FLAT1_1, FLAT10, FLAT14, FLAT22, FLAT5, FLOOR0_2, FLOOR0_3, FLOOR5_1, FLOOR6_2, NUKAGE1, TLITE6_1 Map01-08 available: https://www.mediafire.com/file/mszr2evehjwsxka/wa08d.wad/file Map01: Fava genes Map02: Valvularia Map03: In vulnere lux Map04: Gare du nord Map05: Nimbus Map06: Ouranophoneus Map07: Bungalops Map08: Erkenta pyapyo
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