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Everything posted by Janizdreg

  1. Janizdreg

    Knee-Deep in Doom Media

    As tends to happen with each new Doom release, Doom 3: BFG Edition has generated a fair amount of buzz in the gaming media and fandom. Here are several noteworthy bits from the last few weeks:Famous developers shared memories of first playing Doom.Matt Barton discussed Doom level design with Sandy Petersen.Rooster Teeth presented Five Facts about Doom.The Steam community hub for the BFG Edition surpassed the Doom II, Doom and Resurrection of Evil hubs in the number of community contributions, and is rapidly closing in on the Doom 3 hub.
  2. Daniel Tidwell, best known for his popular game music guitar arrangements, has now tackled the E1M1 tune from Doom. While Doom music reinterpretations are not an awfully rare treat, Tidwell's take spices things up with the addition of growling vocals. Check out his Doom video here, download the track on Bandcamp or soothe your ears on the instrumental version if you are allergic to guttural voices.
  3. Janizdreg

    Compet-n Resurrected

    After nearly a 7-year hiatus, Compet-n has been reopened at a new address and server, under the direction of Zvonimir "fx" Bužanić. For the most part it uses the classic Compet-n rules and design, although the FTP services have been replaced and various renovations are being planned. Further details on the new site and its goals are found on the forums. Regardless of the reopening, the old defunct Compet-n will remain at Doom2.net in its archived form.
  4. Janizdreg

    Doom2.net Returns

    After struggling with nameserver issues for over half a year, Doom2.net is back in action. The classic Doom site is perhaps best known as the host of Doom Depot and Compet-n, both of which also became available again. Compet-n's FTP and demo file services are still defunct, however.
  5. The Doom-based roguelike game, DoomRL, recently received a major update. Apart from the usual tweaks and fixes, the new version adds a graphical mode with art from the acclaimed indie game artist Derek Yu, as well as MP3 music tracks from Sonic Clang and high quality sound effects by Per Kristian Risvik. The new release can be downloaded here, while people hungry for preview appetizers can turn to the fresh screenshots or the new showcase video.
  6. Janizdreg

    A Voyage into id

    The Bethesda Blog recently published a blog post and a Flickr photo tour featuring the id Software office. Among the contained Doom highlights are the Doom shotgun (aka TootsieToy Dakota), as well as most likely the best public photos so far taken of the original latex and metal models of Arch-Vile, Mancubus, Revenant and Spiderdemon, all in glorious high resolution.

  7. (Me desperately attempting to kill everyone reading the thread via telekinesis.)

    For shits and giggles I grew a beard and dyed it green (the actual result being a dark turquoise tone). My official excuse to do it is to celebrate the upcoming Walpurgis Night (aka Vappu), which is a huge carnival-style celebration day in Finland and in some other European countries, during which people go totally crazy, drink like sponges and do all sorts of weird things.

    I kinda like this beard, and it felt especially heart-warming when a girl (whom I totally have a secret crush on) working at the local grocery store called my colored stubble "handsome".

    That's pretty much about it so far. But I'll post it here in case something extra memorable happens during this Vappu.

    So do any of you guys celebrate Walpurgis Night, and if so, what kind of festivities do you have in mind? Or do you have any interesting memories to share from previous Walpurgis experiences?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Technician


      Has anyone attempted to dress up as a Doom Zombie for Halloween?

    3. Shadow Dweller

      Shadow Dweller

      I wanted to go as an Arch-Vile (Doom 3) but I just don't have the money to do it the way I want or the skill to even make the costume. And if I'm not going to be able to do it right, I'd rather not do it at all.

    4. fraggle


      I was wondering what had happened to Fred Durst. Now I know.

  8. I know many sites pull this type of information out of their asses, but this is definitely the first of its kind I've seen on Doom 4.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Technician


      Highest traffic?

    3. Philnemba


      I didn't know that there was a SpongeBob SquarePants Doom O_o

    4. Sharessa


      This kind of reminds me of this guy in high school who claimed to have copies of Doom 3, Quake 4, and Diablo 3.

      This was in 2002, mind you.

  9. As you may know, id Software has decided not to release any new official Doom 4 information until QuakeCon 2010. Unfortunately for them and perhaps to the joy of info-hungry Doom fans all over the globe, an early alpha version of Doom 4 has leaked to the hands of a couple of naughty Doom-loving individuals. The anonymous duo of naughtiness has decided not to spread the leaked version further to avoid legal measures from id, but have released a bunch of information, a screenshot and a map view of E1M3. A quote from the naughties: Apparently id is going to make Doom 4 a faithful HD remake of the first Doom, similar to what Serious Sam HD did to the original Serious Sam game. As you might’ve guessed, the alpha is in a very barebones state and uses tons of placeholder resources from Doom and Doom 3. Three levels are in a playable state: E1M1, E1M3 and E2M2. The status bar face, Imp and Demon graphics have been renewed as well as a bunch of textures, but apart from that it’s just a bunch of placeholders or recycled stuff being used until the actual HD resources are finished. So there you have it: Doom 4 is actually going to be exactly what classic Doom fans have been craving for for years. Let the tears of joy be shed!
  10. Janizdreg

    Don Punchatz passes away

    Donald Ivan Punchatz, a distinguished fantasy and science fiction artist who also illustrated the acclaimed Doom package art and logo, has passed away on October 22 at the age of 73 following cardiac arrest 11 days earlier. The Doom community would like to send its sincere condolences to the Punchatz family. Rest in peace Don Punchatz! EDIT: Kotaku has an article with some more information.
  11. I just finished playing a round of damn intense and fun 3 player classic deathmatch. It just happens to be the first time I played Doom deathmatch in nearly four years and boy, I had almost completely forgotten just how ridiculously awesome it can be. The adrenaline rush I had during the peak of the match was simply something that I haven't fully experienced while gaming ever since quitting Doom deathmatching. In the end I didn't win, but it didn't affect the enjoyability factor of the match one bit, quite the contrary in fact - the match was very even all the way through, which made it all the more enjoyable.

    The match was pretty much as bare bones as Doom DM can get - Chocolate Doom was our port of choice and Doom II map02 the level. There were no railguns, no freelook, no flags to capture and no tanks to drive, just 3 Doom marines blasting at each other using the classic Doom controls and arsenal - just the way I remember it, and just the way I like it. All in all I'd say very few games can match the pure & simple, highly enjoyable action the best Doom deathmatches offer.

    1. lupinx-Kassman


      Your right, modern fps's just can't capture the same feeling :(.

    2. myk


      Incidentally, I also played a handful of 3 (and 2) player classic DM games (but it was on Map01) last night after I had not played for awhile, but only a couple of months. Quite a blast, needless to mention.

  12. Janizdreg

    Doom 4 A Certainty

    John Carmack confirmed in a recent QuakeCon interview that Doom 4 is in the future plans of id Software. Says he: There will be a Doom 4, we don’t have it scheduled or a team assigned to it, but there will be a Doom 4. There’s going to be a Quake Arena sequel. There’s a Wolfenstein thing in production. We’re following along with all those. This game doesn’t have to be Doom. It’s going to be something different. You can read the whole interview here although there is nothing else interesting of course.

  13. All it took was one minor slip-up, which makes me wonder what kind of a wound would a major shaving error produce.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Kaiser


      Holy crap those were awsome

    3. Technician


      I remember those. Anyone remember the movie?

    4. spank
  14. Just wondering. His page seems dead plus he hasn't actively posted here for a looong time. If he is truly gone, I'm wondering if DW could mirror his cool site (of course someone would have to contact him first and ask him for the site's files and all that too).

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Epyo


      Give that ^ a funny domain name and some advertisements and cyb could be a millionaire.

    3. Szymanski
    4. Piezo


      Mancubus II said:

      He hasn't been in that channel for a long long time.

      I was talking about Danarchy.

    1. Coopersville


      I've never really seen the DOOM logo editied into other words before, so dispite its age, I deem it to be new and well done.

    2. KwadDamyj


      God dammit. =^(

      You [strikeout]stole[/strikeout] preused my idea. I was going to make a whole Ultimate DooM parody megawad entitled that (except specifically it was going to be called "DooM: The Last Chef on Mars").

      Don't ask.

  15. Post screenshots of your artistic, simplistic, assholestic and everything in between desktops. Here's mine:

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