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About Ru5tK1ng

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  1. For every good AAA game there's two handfuls of Triple A Trash clogging up everything. Unfortunately, games are products first and it's less risky to make a game with standard mechanics and design compared to a fresh and bold idea. As someone already stated, games are made for the investors first and the gamers second. Some of these investors are questionable as well and can very well have a negative influence on the end product. Furthermore, some games that are released aren't even finished or they are in such a bug ridden state that it will take multiple patches day 1/week 1/month 1 to get it into a decent state (effectively making everyone who bought it a paying bugtester). A couple of posters mentioned not feeling hype anymore and that's largely due to the fact that most 'hype' is manufactured. Studios and publishers will invest in marketing and some will go all out in order to raise engagement (including negative) by paying for websites to write articles about the game, have top streamers and content creators talk about the game (or play it), firing up the Twitter & Youtube bots and sending their interns to post about the game on places like reddit and the chans. Going back to the design of the games themselves, everyone is just copying successful formulas (or in the case of Chinese devs they just copy the damn game entirely) and no one is really experimenting within the Triple A realm. It gets to a point where you don't feel like you're seeing anything you haven't seen before because it's just the same games reskinned and repackaged that you've played before. You can only release so many shooters, mobas, survival craft, open world, souls-likes, remakes and remasters before it gets extremely tiring and uninspiring. What is also tiring are the number of games that resort to some sort of predatory micro-transaction model that's borderline (or full on in some cases) gambling. A lot of games are looking to stretch your wallet thin and the next step of this is the addition of in-game ads that you can't skip. It's all pretty bleak and sadly many gamers are conditioned into believing that everything is fine and nothing needs changing because it's the status quo. These gamers eat up the triple A slop which leads to the state we are in where there is no incentive to change anything as long as it works and the products sale. Fortunately there are still good games being made in the indies from smaller studios and dev teams. The kind of experimentation you saw in the 90s and early 00s with the 5th and 6th is what you'll be more likely to encounter with indie developers. Since Triple A devs don't really make the games some pockets of people want, they'll just make it themselves which benefits everyone (as long as it's done correctly)
  2. That's actually quite what I mean. If someone is honest and unfiltered they are being themselves which means they are being unique, unless they are trying to be something they're not (bad idea). No one is forcing anyone to be innovative and if anything it's just a suggestion or a direction to consider. I'd rather see newer mappers attempt branch out and try making a gothic style map, future tech, etc. regardless if it's been before. I would rather not see newer mappers just make dwango1 over and over again. If a brand new mapper wants to make a 90s style map, then sure that's fine. But if that mapper continues to release wad after wad of the same thing, then trying to be a bit more innovative or unique is probably some advice worth considering. Not sure what you mean by this. Niche means nothing, people will make content if they choose to regardless of community size. Server admins are a dime a dozen and have come and gone before. As long as there are players to enjoy someone's work, that's worthwhile enough.
  3. Actually, no content at all is probably a better route than being presented with mapsets that recycle old, uninspired ideas we've seen hundreds of times before. I'd rather wait patiently for new stuff that's actually fresh or attempting to introduce new ideas on old concepts than be flooded with a bunch of 90s throwback wads that are about as hip as wearing t-shirts 4 sizes too big. There's nothing wrong with liking or enjoying the classics or being inspired by them. The problem is when authors just make lazy carbon copies and try to pass it off as something super noteworthy. It's really just a cop out at that point. Don't sell yourselves short, you can be better or unique compared to your inspirations. Gothic maps aren't being made anymore because it's nearly been done to death. Once you've seen a handful of gothic style maps, you've seen them all in terms of visuals. But I'd rather take a gothic styled mapset over stock vanilla or Dwango styled.
  4. Hello all, I hope you're enjoying the new year because it's about to get better (maybe). I present to you a collaborative effort by MXU and Ru5ty Sh4ck entitled The Eon Collection Vol. 1. This collection contains the definitive versions of DBAB, AEONDM and NeonDm altogether in one package for a grand total of 82 maps. There have been a vast amounts of fixes, changes, and improvements made to the maps and the most notable one being the addition of vanilla item layouts for DBAB maps. With this big change, all the DBAB maps can finally be ran with other custom weapon mods and DBAB itself is brought into continuity with Aeon and Neon in this regard. Another small bonus is the return of Blast Furnace from DBAB2 with additions and improvements made by yours truly. For this release, there are currently only 3 compatibility options implemented at this time with additional compatibility options expected to added in future releases: Skill 2: Aeon Champions - QCDE support (only for NeonDM maps) Skill 3: The Vanilla Era - Vanilla weapon compatibility Skill 4: Eon Experience - Eon Weapons comparability Future updates will occur in small patches because I don't want to make people download a 230+ MB pk3 10 times for every batch of changes. With all that said, happy fragging and have an ice day. Links: Download: Beta 1 Eon Weapons: Latest Version Credits: Inside the pk3 Maplist:
  5. With the spooky season over, it's now time for the cold season to set in. The Ru5ty Sh4ck presents the next entry into the long deathmatch series that you have grown to know: FreonDM. The concept takes some of the crazy colors previously seen in Neon and mixes in a frozen motif. The pack consists of 9 frigid maps that bring forth the expected gameplay of previous *eon packs and adds a small dash of environmental hazards here and there. There is also the addition of 3 new weapons which adds to the mix of craziness: the Laser Chaingun, Flamethrower, and Freeze Rifle. The project is currently in progress and is expected to feature more maps in the future. If interested in contributing, message us on Discord. Download links and a couple of screeenshots are below. Have an ice day. Download: Beta 1 Weapons: RC 8.2 Discord: Link Credits: Inside pk3 Maplist: Freon01: Quite Storm - Razgriz Freon02: Eye of Neptune - Ru5tK1ng Freon03: Unusual Night - Razgriz Freon04: Ice Carved Cavern - Ru5tK1ng Freon05: Risk of Injury - Ru5tK1ng Freon06: Frigid Outpost - Ru5tK1ng Freon07: Texas 2021 - Hatedaddy Freon08: Winter Siege - Razgriz Freon09: Return to Desolation - Ru5tK1ng
  6. Nothing wrong with having mirrors. If anything is silly, it's your nitpicking.
  7. I got ya fam: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vdl5wv1h9djz4ih/zdaemon10611_win32_src.zip/file
  8. Final version has been released and the download link has been updated. The quest is now complete for the time being.
  9. Hope you had a happy Halloween folks because tonight Ru5ty Sh4ck Productions proudly delivers a special treat of Progressive Duel 3, rc1. The project started a bit over a year ago when I first brought up the idea of doing another entry in the ProgDuel series. Joining me for the ride are core members Razgriz, Hatedaddy and guests @Dragonfly and Killer Kouhai. Development has been a bit shaky (mainly my fault) but it has been very steady since the end of summer and we are now almost ready to bring out 14 new maps for a total of 30. The approach for the new entries is less SSG, more everything else. Prog3 introduces a new lobby map that features a map select screen to pick and choose your map as opposed to traditional cumbersome lobby maps. Additionally, there is a Lightning Gun visual update with colors, more balanced Chaingun, OGL player model, new SBAR, edits to latter prog2 maps and a F1 help screen that summarized the armor system. Download links, game settings and screenshots are below. The PK3 only runs on Zandronum, so no ZDaemon or Odamex support. Have an ice day. Download: https://allfearthesentinel.net/zandronum/download.php?file=progduel3.pk3 Credits: Inside pk3 Gameplay Settings ================= dmflags: 4347140 dmflags2: 4195844 zadmflags: 32800 compatflags: 0 compatflags2: 0 zacompatflags: 1704714 sv_forcerespawntime 4 Maplist: Prog17: Bitter Struggle - Dragonfly Prog18: Orbital Bliss - Razgriz Prog19: Overgrowth - Dragonfly Prog20: Perpetual Haunting - Ru5tK1ng Prog21: Geo-Deengineering - Razgriz Prog22: Disorienting Library - Dragonfly Prog23: White Noise III - Ru5tK1ng Prog24: Spacewalk - Hatedaddy Prog25: Chapel of Harmony - Ru5tK1ng Prog26: Beyond the Inferno - Razgriz Prog27: Life in the Mines - Hatedaddy Prog28: Rituality - Ru5tK1ng Prog29: Neon Lites - Hatedaddy
  10. If you're playing by yourself in single player, it would be worth to at least have 1 play through of a wad with intended settings. But at the end of the day, you can play however you want locally. No doom police is going come and toss your computer out the window just because you enabled jumping in a mapset not designed for jumping. It's really not that serious of an issue... Crouching is a bit different. It's pretty broken (op) and you're most likely going to get trapped some how in a map eventually. But as stated already, play how you want. No one is going to beat you up for not adhering to their definition of 'the right way'.
  11. Ru5tK1ng

    Odamex 0.6 Released

    After much anticipation, Odamex has officially released version 0.6. This major version of the multiplayer centric source port introduces a slew of new features including GPL compatible slopes, a robust voting system for players, a netdemo system that allows playback control and the ability to start and stop recording mid-game, improved networking, and much more. You can view the abbreviated changelog for a more complete list of changes and additions.
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