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About Zaratul

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  1. Oh, i used notebook for editing. :D Next time i use proper tools. And big thx for editing this.
  2. Wierd, its not working. After changing coords Your hud does not working. What am i doing wrong?
  3. @liPillON This is so freakin good! Big thx for this! One suggestion: maybe third alternative version of this with arms number above ammo instead in the middle? Or maybe option for turning this off?
  4. Playing Hells Bane megawad currently so hell yes im liking Doom 1 wads! I like my constant usage of low health enemies, killing ims and former humans\seargants with shotgun\chaingun is calming for me. Also i love Doom 1 episodes reimaginations.
  5. Jesus Christ, ppl are offended by everything these days. These monsters are ofc caricatures because entire Pirate Doom is a caricature of pirates\carribean\tortuga stuff.
  6. Thx for answer. When i play Vanilla Edition as an iwad with Woof\Nugget i have OG Doom 1 episodes names instead of CQ episodes names. DSDA has correct episode names.
  7. So proper way to play is CQ3 1.4 as a iwad and vanilla edition as an pwad, right?
  8. This is really cool! Thx for making this! Now im playing Doom megawad but after that i definetly gonna teleport some slimes to another dimension!
  9. Same for me. Now that Woof and Nugget Doom supports native resolutions these are my source ports of choice. DSDA is great but i like QoL of Woof\Nugget and last but and not least: blockmap bug fix!
  10. Abscission wad. Holy shit, that wad has so unfriendly, evil and ominous atmosphere.
  11. My native resolution is not really native. I have 1080p monitor with 1980x1020 res. Its a Nugget Doom or Woof bug? Or maybe its a feature and that how this engine works?
  12. Another port with native resolution support! Very good work! Maybe i start using it instead of Woof? :P Nice QoL features.
  13. Great patch, i love the new screen wipe effects and my mouse is buttery smooth now.
  14. Yep, looks like the -bsp command helped!
  15. Playing 2022 A Doom Odyssey with new Woof version. I sometimes got this vertical lines. I`m playing with wrong port or this is a wad\port bug?
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