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About Psyrus

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  1. I still remember staying well after school ended playing Marathon Infinity with my computer teacher and two other students over a LAN. There were also some obscure what-would-be-called-indie games back then such as Barrack and Stardust which were plenty of fun.
  2. Impeller, Satellites, Chikurin, and Shadow added.

    Yo! Holy... shit. Your MIDI's you posted back in Sept 2023 is one of the best playlists I've come across. I have so many midi's, mods, and music files I lose track of what is where and from who, and so on. But I had downloaded your .zip last year, and it got buried multiple directories down in my folders. Then I randomly came across it today 5 days ago, and almost didn't play them again without a second thought...... but then I decided to unzip to a folder, and listened....WOW. Just, wow. Fricking amazing set of choons here. Talk about POGGIES man. GG's. Thanks a ton!

    This will be in nonstop heavy rotation for literally weeks, I can guaranty you that. It's just how I roll lol.




    (P.S. I didn't reply to that actual thread b/c didn't want to necro bump)

  4. Very well done. Solstice is one of my favorite AD pieces, and Dragonfly's Hourglass is truly unique -- a style no one else has been able to pull off and make it work just right.
  5. Long overdue update to main post. Updated zip to include Animus, Eclipse, Lunacy... Whatever else I forgot.
  6. Looked at the first screenshot, and I immediately thought I was looking at a Xaser map.
  7. Glad you enjoyed it. We all nailed it as a group. Looking forward to getting involved with another project (if time permits).
  8. "Solitude" and "Atrium" have been added. Link of convenience: https://www.dropbox.com/s/af758zabwwyn6zx/Psyrus_MIDI_03-18-2022.zip?dl=0
  9. Is it safe to say that your Arcane will blow my Arcane out of the water? :D
  10. Added "Arcane" and "Emulations" to the zip. Also done some updates to a few others including an extension to "Astray" after a couple of years.
  11. MP3 recordings of my MIDI contributions to 1000 Lines Community Project 3 (11 tracks plus 2 bonus tracks that did not make the final cut): [Dropbox Link] (74.6 MB) Alternative listening (Soundcloud):
  12. *Peeks in* The intermission midi is mine. ;)
  13. Since Influx was very Descent-like (which was my intent) and didn't quite work with the episode theme, we've decided that using Pathfinder was a much better choice in the end.
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