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    Yo! Holy... shit. Your MIDI's you posted back in Sept 2023 is one of the best playlists I've come across. I have so many midi's, mods, and music files I lose track of what is where and from who, and so on. But I had downloaded your .zip last year, and it got buried multiple directories down in my folders. Then I randomly came across it today 5 days ago, and almost didn't play them again without a second thought...... but then I decided to unzip to a folder, and listened....WOW. Just, wow. Fricking amazing set of choons here. Talk about POGGIES man. GG's. Thanks a ton!

    This will be in nonstop heavy rotation for literally weeks, I can guaranty you that. It's just how I roll lol.




    (P.S. I didn't reply to that actual thread b/c didn't want to necro bump)

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