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About Ozymandias81

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. I see you are amalgamateing with the flow, very sad to read this from you too. But anyway, I am 40 years old and unfortunately very far from acting like a child, have better things to do than appease threads filled with people which doesn't think anymore with their own brain. I have the right to be sincerely disappointed on your wording here since I never insulted you directly and I was not doing that actually, and then I see Torm gets banned for a decision made in 2017 okay... Oh wait: I have an idea that this is another trick to destroy another modder reputation, or worse feelings regarding the community and its lack of empathy in general. I am simply not eager to share my files primarly for this reason, second because there is some stuff that has been removed from the website and I respect that. Torm is my friend and I know him, whatever will happen in the future is just something we can't handle in general, this also means that this thread then should have been opened ages ago, not after banning him, which is a very curious coincidence. Farewell.
  2. Hello everyone, I am here to talk on the behalf BoA Team members and Torm regarding recent facts and BoA development: it has been always openly since 2014, following quite strictly community feedbacks FOR FREE AND FOR THE LOVE OF DOOM/WOLF3D (we take issues seriously, just check monthly and then their total - donations are facultative), which also made us to have more fun with our mod since we have collected lots of scrapped ideas (which who knows, maybe they will be included on future mutators - yes, we are working on mutators too) despite this also slowed down a bit things in terms of resource management, we are in the verge to take all recent criticisms (most of them, some have been too harsh and touchy that I prefer to not talk about, just because they weren't mature behavior adding nothing to the mod, instead causing drama and turning down the general hype) and apply them to 3.1 release. One last suggestion from me regarding the future of BoA, I think you should follow our development to have an idea how things happens in a polite way without any hidden intentions or bad faith (remember the WW-Nazis fact?), commits on github repo talks for themselves. Do you want to let us know something? Then create an issue and describe the problem, if it regards gameplay, a bug or something more sensitive or peculiar. To end this and hopefully in a good way, since we respect deeply every person (we are all nearly middle-aged pals on team), here you are some lines then reagarding what's going on from today with BoA and its download links: During the last days and weeks we, the development team behind "Blade of Agony", received a lot of emails, comments and news about the release of the project. While the overwhelming majority found the result and the execution of our work successful, there were also critical voices, among others, which we take just as seriously. First of all, Blade of Agony is a fictional scenario based on the alternative narratives of the Wolfenstein game series by id software and Bethesda and the corresponding canon. It does not represent accurate history, our political stance or thinking of the development team. We reject any form of racial hatred, discrimination, (Neo-)Nazism, anti-Semitism or glorification of the Second World War. We have invested a lot of time and work to communicate this message in our game, to deal sensitively with the content and to create a respectful game experience without discriminating against people or groups of people. Despite meticulous care, we have not succeeded perfectly in all points, which is why we have taken the current version of "Blade of Agony" offline until further notice. We are currently working on a revised version in which we will correct these mistakes and respond to the players' comments and reasonable demands. Until then, we ask for your patience and understanding. Stay psyched! Here you can find the important issue: http://github.com/Realm667/WolfenDoom/issues/795 Also you may want to check Realm667 website since it got some more detailed news about BoA: http://www.realm667.com/index.php/en/ Have a good day, - Ozy81 -
  3. Curious to see from whom it comes this thread... Anyway since R667 has been pristine again, I suggest to close this since it is redundant and unnecessary. If I will be still willingly to post anything on this forum, maybe in the future I will share my files regarding R667 which I have jealously kept since 2005.
  4. Regarding the stuttering, tried to explain what's mostly going on. Also continue reading the issue to have an idea too. BoA has been shipped with GZDoom 4.6 r195.
  5. Well atm there is this old Steam group, which isn't very active... But if it will grow, who knows. :)
  6. First of all, thank you for playing the mod and for feedbacks. You need reconsider some of your phrases btw, because the "it's not fixable by the user" is completely wrong: you can improve performance by changing practically everything ongoing on screen, locked framerate doesn't belong to these issues, this isn't Unity or Unreal engine, it is GZDoom engine and it has limits. We are still doing our best to improve performance, but have in mind that you must play the game without any apps in the background, I say this because I have developed the mod with a GeForce GT 1030 2gb, 8gb ram ddr3 1600mhz and AMD Vishera 6core 3.5ghz. You can swap between OpenGL and Vulkan renderer, this is a free game effort. I'll drop these screenshots just in case you have missed something, otherwise wait for 3.1 if you don't feel good as how it is now (and it runs pretty good on my machine, from Windows 7 mind you). https://ibb.co/LQZhjgQ https://ibb.co/djmvYQ4 https://ibb.co/pnW3GBK https://ibb.co/gMpS6VZ https://ibb.co/TtWrnX2
  7. Hello doomers, since 2010 I'm trying to do a decent PWad for Doom2 with gzdoom specs, but 1 month ago my monitor spent its last breathe without no reasons.

    So my project stucked, but now I'm back with a new monitor (yes, I don't have internet, I'm writing from a Point),and I hope that in the future this will never happen another time.

    Now I must reset the bunch of ideas I was trying to suspend inside my brain...

    1. Merry Widow

      Merry Widow

      This is just to wish you good luck on your project,so go for it!

  8. Hello doomers,
    I've almost finished skins pack, but I'm in a desperate need to know how to get authorizations from many & many persons! First of all i will try to post the zip normally (with template) and to see what happens. I've read the rules, but there is so much material in my project that i think it's impossible to have all permissions! AVG is good on my pc, because i don't have an internet connection!

  9. Hi, I'm back from a week of de-wormination of my PC! Damn, but my works are ok now!

    My PC was infested by an army of Tanatos.Y malware, but it never considered my BF-AVG 9000 :-).

    I think that at the end of this month I will release my 1st work, maybe skin packs for SkullTag.

    Aloha and Have A Nice Day!

    1. Technician


      Ozymandias81 said:

      Hi, I'm back from a week of de-wormination of my PC! Damn, but my works are ok now!

      My PC was infested by an army of Tanatos.Y malware, but it never considered my BF-AVG 9000 :-).

      I think that at the end of this month I will release my 1st work, maybe skin packs for SkullTag.

      Aloha and Have A Nice Day!

      I never fought for my computer. I back up anything important and use the dilemma as an excuse to reformat.

    2. Craigs


      You use AVG? For the love of God please don't tell me you actually paid for it.

  10. Hi fraggers & doomers, I'm Ozymandias81. A new member in 2011 is incredible, Doom is 1994! Aaah, but I trust that these games never dies. Any news about a Doom IV project? :-) I hope it will be reality one day.

    PS: Sorry for my english, I've finished school 10 years ago and some verbs and/or terms can be stupid or non-sense-like.

    I'm working at 20 texture resources of many games like ShadowMan, NERF Arena Blast, Clive Barker's Undying etc etc and I'm trying to create an huge pack of 300 bots/skins playable with SkullTag (but I've to do many files because my ST loads only 128 per time! :-()! Any suggestions (I'm reading now those uploading rules, I know...).

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Alfonzo


      Don't act.

    3. Snakes


      Don't think... Don't do anything.

      Just... y'know... pop up.

    4. neubejiita


      I met a traveller from an antique land
      Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
      Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
      Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
      And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
      Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
      Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
      The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
      And on the pedestal these words appear:
      `My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
      Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
      Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
      Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
      The lone and level sands stretch far away".

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