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About Ozymandias81

  • Rank
    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Hi, I'm back from a week of de-wormination of my PC! Damn, but my works are ok now!

    My PC was infested by an army of Tanatos.Y malware, but it never considered my BF-AVG 9000 :-).

    I think that at the end of this month I will release my 1st work, maybe skin packs for SkullTag.

    Aloha and Have A Nice Day!

    1. Technician


      Ozymandias81 said:

      Hi, I'm back from a week of de-wormination of my PC! Damn, but my works are ok now!

      My PC was infested by an army of Tanatos.Y malware, but it never considered my BF-AVG 9000 :-).

      I think that at the end of this month I will release my 1st work, maybe skin packs for SkullTag.

      Aloha and Have A Nice Day!

      I never fought for my computer. I back up anything important and use the dilemma as an excuse to reformat.

    2. Craigs


      You use AVG? For the love of God please don't tell me you actually paid for it.

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