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About Spazman

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  1. I finally got myself another laptop from a buddy of mine, and so far, despite its age, it runs circles around the last (HP Pavilion DV9700) one I had. (This one is a Dell Latitude D520.)

    As of earlier this afternoon, I've been having a bit of trouble with the touchpad for this thing. The thing barely responds to pressure, and when it does work, the movement is sluggish / jittery / for some reason, 'clicks' stuff without having me click it.

    I've tried to clean it off, reinstall drivers, et cedera. I'm not sure if there's something I'm doing wrong about fixing the problem, but it's certainly a head-scratcher for me.

    If anyone could help me out with this, it'd be much appreciated. (Also running WinXP 32-bit)

    1. Spazman


      Well, this is certainly weird..

      Upon restarting my computer again, the touchpad seems to be working fine...

    2. Maes


      I end up disabling touchpads completely on most laptops and using only external mice -touchpads tend to pick up spurious click or combined cursor movements/clicks, which make typing a chore, as the cursor often backtracks "by itself". Sometimes, it's my left thumb that barely touches the pad while typing, but sometimes it can be simply typing-vibration-induced. In any case, it's a nuisance.

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