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About Spazman

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  1. I am in the process of making a remake of the old DOS Alone in the Dark game, but in an NES-like format.i'm remaking the first one, which I think was probably the scariest. The way survival-puzzle-horror should have been. Anyway, when I get more done, I'll post some screenshots of my progress. Oh, and i'm still working on doom RPG. Don't worry.

    Whoever likes this, or likes any of the older AitD games, tell me what you think: would you like to see this? Or do you think this would be wasting time?

    Also, i'd like to hear what's been going on about this game. Are they still releasing sequels to this game? I know there was one for the 360, but I heard it was teh sux.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Snakes


      Technician said:

      Being disappointed suggests you had expectations from an Uwe Boll film.

      I usually have more expectations about his boxing matches.

    3. Spazman


      Why the Hell is this in Morons?

      I was being dead friggin serious about this game! I even have youtube vids and pics of this game!


    4. Technician


      TheSpazztikOne said:

      Why the Hell is this in Morons?

      I was being dead friggin serious about this game! I even have youtube vids and pics of this game!


      It's not really morons per se, it's just the blog section is located in the morons section. It's not usually accessible by people who do not know of it's existence.

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