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About Reisal

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    OBSIDIAN Developer & Contributor
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  1. Look at the log below that garden_elf talk about, expecially her brother's girlfriend. I fucking hate people who totally control others in relationships:

    MODS - remove Ling's image spam from the thread. Thanks.


    Welcome on Doom Connector, Mr. Chris.
    There are now 27 of the 1676 registered users online.
    Type /list or /cmd for all commands.

    If you need help, read the manual, read the FAQ, then ask nicely.
    The lobby is a place for helping each other and to find a game.
    The lobby is NOT for fighting, making fun of each other or to spam.
    Take your bullshit to your private rooms or you'll get banned.

    POLL of the month for September:

    SUDDEN DEATH is a new zdemon deathmatch map which runs on a
    L@P server (modern settings) and a GSN server (oldskool settings).
    Download: http://www.xodemultimedia.com/maps/suddeath.zip

    Entering Lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I hate my brother's bf
    exp(x): why?
    Mr. Chris: boyfriend?
    exp(x): hahaha
    [RoTD] garden_elf: euh.. gf
    Doom.destroyer enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: hey.. it could just as well be his bf!
    HUMANOID_TYPHOON(BFGC) enters the lobby
    exp(x): sorry, chris, he's not gay or bi
    HUMANOID_TYPHOON(BFGC) creates room "BFGC clan room"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I wouldn't have anything against my bro if he were..
    Mr. Chris: i know that
    tato enters the lobby
    Demonic Chicken: COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!!!!!!
    Doom.destroyer: yo guys lets play
    Demonic Chicken moved to room "BFGC clan room"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: how do u know he's not exp?
    exp(x): I was joking
    exp(x): I don't know anything
    [RoTD] garden_elf: u'd look if Roger was gay
    exp(x): who?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: my bro
    exp(x): why would I look?
    Doom.destroyer: yo guys create a room to play
    KillahMo enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: because u were laughing your ass off at me saying my brother bf
    KillahMo has left the lobby
    tato moved to room "only guys who like to kill a lot...carnage!!!!"
    Doom.destroyer moved to room "only guys who like to kill a lot...carnage!!!!"
    exp(x): I was laughing at chris saying "boyfriend?"
    C][rono-][unter enters the lobby
    Zygar enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: oh.. I thought that was u
    [RoTD] garden_elf: lol
    exp(x): damn, I'm bored
    C][rono-][unter creates room "chrono's room: tlsdm2k4 testing"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: sorry.. i'm really protective of my big bro
    Zygar moved to room "chrono's room: tlsdm2k4 testing"
    exp(x): so why do you hate his gf?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: mind you.. he really doesn't need my protection.. he's a big boy *hids*
    Zygar enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: because she talks trash about him and treats him like shit CONSTANTLY
    exp(x): that sooks
    [RoTD] garden_elf: Roger'll be like.. 2 rooms away from the kitchen..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and melanie will be in the kitchen right infront of the fridge..
    Mr. Chris: Convince him to break up with her, I hate abusive relationships
    [RoTD] garden_elf: you hear "Roger... will you pour me a glass of milk?"
    [TR]Tai -NS- enters the lobby
    Zygar creates room "Halls of Death"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: "but melanie... you're right infront of the fridge."
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and then she gets all huffy at him.. and starts whining and screaming
    exp(x): what a ho
    Mr. Chris: sounds like the "Falling into abusive relationships" gene got him
    [RoTD] garden_elf: the land lord wants to kick them out because she's too lod
    [RoTD] garden_elf: *loud
    Mr. Chris: haha
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I'll be talking to him on the phone..
    [TR]Tai -NS- moved to room "Rampage's room OORT24.wad"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and she'll sit and SCREAM until he hangs up the phone..
    exp(x): man, he's a tool
    Mr. Chris: I should go and slap some sense into her
    Jackass has left the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: **He** has to clean, wash the clothes, and freaking.. he goes to the shower.. she has to be there too..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: she goes to the shower.. he has to be there
    Doom.destroyer enters the lobby
    Doom.destroyer moved to room "Halls of Death"
    Mr. Chris: TOOL!
    crawli enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and he's not allowed to leave the laundry room, she won't let him!
    exp(x): why does he take it?
    Mr. Chris: what a pussy
    [RoTD] garden_elf: because she's not bad one of four weekends
    [RoTD] garden_elf: *weeks
    exp(x): pft
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I'm like "bastard, get the F out"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: u know what she did?!
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I walked by her last christmas when my bro was still living at home..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: she was wearing BRIGHT pink leather pants..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and a tight halter top..
    Mr. Chris: IF I ever had a lover like that, he/she'd be out of my life before they'll know it
    james: how dare she
    [RoTD] garden_elf: she goes "who's the slut?"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt!
    james: wierd
    Deeebo: hmmm
    [RoTD] garden_elf: god.. I could strangle people like her.
    Mr. Chris: How did you respond
    Deeebo: more information than i needed
    exp(x): she needs to go bang someone else's brother
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I was like "ME?! Look at you!"
    ratchetjaw.hell.gov has left the lobby
    james: i kno some guyz who wouldn't complain
    Demonic Chicken enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: "For your F***ing information.. I'm his F***ing sister! You best close your mouth."
    Demonic Chicken: whos sister?
    Deeebo: hey hey CHILL
    [RoTD] garden_elf: um... by brothers? lol
    Demonic Chicken: lol
    james: you could have added another F******
    Deeebo: nobody yanking your chain
    [RoTD] garden_elf: lol deebo..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: it was a quote
    Demonic Chicken: is ur bro on DC?
    Deeebo: oh
    Mr. Chris: you should have her hook up with the guy who abused you Elf
    Deeebo: sorry
    Doom.destroyer enters the lobby
    james: you still could have added another F******
    Doom.destroyer moved to room "BFGC clan room"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: no.. she won't let him go on the computer for anything but homework
    Doom.destroyer enters the lobby
    Demonic Chicken: oh
    Doom.destroyer moved to room "only guys who like to kill a lot...carnage!!!!"
    ImAJackass666 enters the lobby
    exp(x): yeah, what happens when two abusive people hook up?
    james: *F***ing
    Mr. Chris: Fuckin control freak
    ImAJackass666 moved to room "na"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: exp, he'd NEVER hit her
    crawli has left the lobby
    Demonic Chicken moved to room "BFGC clan room"
    Mr. Chris: what a wuss
    exp(x): I'm not talking about him
    Deeebo: guilty
    Huy Quoc Pham enters the lobby
    Demonic Chicken enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: He heard about someone hitting me... and he freaked out
    exp(x): does she hit him?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: yea.. my brother's not even allowed to talk to my family without her being on the phone screaming
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I don't know.. they live miles and miles away
    Mr. Chris: I would suggest you get that little bitch out of your brother's life ASAP
    Demonic Chicken moved to room "na"
    exp(x): yeah
    killtime22 enters the lobby
    Demonic Chicken enters the lobby
    exp(x): but how?
    Huy Quoc Pham moved to room "Halls of Death"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: heh.. I threatened her actually..
    james: i don' blame you
    [RoTD] garden_elf: told her if she ever came near me... she'd be leaving broken or in a coffin
    killtime22 moved to room "only guys who like to kill a lot...carnage!!!!"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: yea.. um..
    Demonic Chicken moved to room "only guys who like to kill a lot...carnage!!!!"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: my brother use to live at home..
    james: remember when u said u were ladylike
    [RoTD] garden_elf: James.. I don't put up with shit against people I care about
    Demonic Chicken enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: anyways.. my brother use to live home..
    james: i know....
    james: not that
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and my brother went to school at the time.. and had to wake up at 7:00 in the morning..
    Mr. Chris: Make him move home, tell your parents about this
    killtime22 enters the lobby
    killtime22 moved to room "Halls of Death"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: she called him up at 3:30 in the morning wanting him to go drive her to the hospital..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: a 30 minute drive each way..
    Huy Quoc Pham enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and of course.. he did
    Mr. Chris: dumb bitch needs to do shit herself, he's not her fuckin slave
    [RoTD] garden_elf: she had a freakin' scratch on her forehead
    Huy Quoc Pham: is there any way to restore a saved co-op game?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: she got into a barfight and fell
    Mr. Chris: Huy: I don't think so
    Huy Quoc Pham: or do you have to start fresh every time
    Demonic Chicken: no huy
    Mr. Chris: GE: I bet it was because of her attitude and mouth
    exp(x): you ca w/ legacy
    [RoTD] garden_elf: Chris.. my parents know what goes on..
    killtime22 enters the lobby
    [DooM]Kaneda has left the lobby
    Huy Quoc Pham: really?
    exp(x): I restored a saved coop game with mega before
    Blunt-c! enters the lobby
    Mr. Chris: why aren't they doing anything about it?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: my parents also dislike her
    Demonic Chicken moved to room "[ORB] Clan Room"
    Demonic Chicken enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: they can't..
    james: start it one player beat the shit outta the other person
    Demonic Chicken moved to room "«Makaveli»"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he's 19
    Huy Quoc Pham: so if i had doomlegacy and this connector
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and living in ontario
    Huy Quoc Pham: i can restore coop games?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I live in PEI
    exp(x): yeah, but I don't know how
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and he has to do her homework constantly or she flies into him..
    Huy Quoc Pham has left the lobby
    Foxxy enters the lobby
    Mr. Chris: Gay
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he broke his grad ring this week..
    Mr. Chris: why?
    james: how
    Foxxy moved to room "Rampage's room OORT24.wad"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he got pissed off at her and punched the counter
    Doom.destroyer enters the lobby
    Mr. Chris: haha
    james: instead of her?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: this thing as a HUGE grad ring..
    Deeebo moved to room "Rampage's room OORT24.wad"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: the ruby went flying, hit his friend in the arm, left a welt..
    james: jesus....
    [RoTD] garden_elf: the writing is un readable and he had to get it cut off.
    Zygar enters the lobby
    Thorhammer enters the lobby
    james: christ...
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he's not a little boy.. he hurts when he punches.. lol we use to play punchies.
    [DooMPlayer]~Macro11_1 enters the lobby
    [DooMPlayer]~Macro11_1 moved to room "Lert @ Ga Tech"
    [DooMPlayer]~Macro11_1 enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: mind you he hit me over the head with a frying pan and bent the frying pan. :s
    exp(x): uhhhh
    killtime22 has left the lobby
    exp(x): that's fscked up
    james: break anythin?(besides the ring)
    [RoTD] garden_elf: the counter..
    Zygar moved to room "Doom Connector HELP Room (no game here)"
    Thorhammer has left the lobby (ping timeout)
    [RoTD] garden_elf: it was a heat resistant serface..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: *surface
    [RoTD] garden_elf: the surface cracked and he punched through new wood
    Mr. Chris: You might want to post your story on Doomworld forums
    Loco enters the lobby
    Zygar enters the lobby
    Loco moved to room "Lert @ Ga Tech"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: *kicks chris's shins* shuttup u lol
    james: whassit godda do with doom
    Jackass enters the lobby
    Jackass moved to room "chrono's room: tlsdm2k4 testing"
    [*ORB*]NetNomad enters the lobby
    Mr. Chris: it's off-topic
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I just remembered something!
    Mr. Chris: that's allowed here
    james: oh no
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I'm going up in may..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: hehe...
    [RoTD] garden_elf: *march
    [*ORB*]NetNomad: going up?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: going up to ontario
    [*ORB*]NetNomad: ah, nice
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I can kick her ass then...
    exp(x): w00t
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and she can't really touch me first...
    james: ooh fun...
    [*ORB*]NetNomad: lol...
    [RoTD] garden_elf: because she's 18
    Mr. Chris: get into a nice pre-emptive fight (strike from behind)
    [*ORB*]NetNomad: g2g
    [RoTD] garden_elf: so I can beat the shit outta her before she even touches me.. WHAHOO
    [*ORB*]NetNomad has left the lobby
    Mr. Chris: and you are what, 15?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: 14
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I can fight though
    Mr. Chris: So you can file assault charges if she hurts you
    james: shell be 15 in march
    Zygar moved to room "only guys who like to kill a lot...carnage!!!!"
    james: by*
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I bet the shit out of a 17 y/o girl who was in boxing for 3 years
    Mr. Chris: heh, nice
    [RoTD] garden_elf: believe me.. after that..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: no one bothered me..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I wonder why
    [*ORB*]MegaZzZeux enters the lobby
    james: you'd never guessed by your picture on the clan site
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I know..
    BiggShagz11 enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I look like such a little wuss!
    [RoTD]AyToaster enters the lobby
    Mr. Chris: I'm sure if that bitch of your bro's g/f hurts you, he'll definatly change his mind on being with her
    james: i didn mean it like that!!!
    [RoTD] garden_elf: but get me pissed off enough and I'll lose my temper
    [RoTD] garden_elf: actually chris..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he doesn't care if I have bitch fights..
    BiggShagz11 moved to room "Lert @ Ga Tech"
    Doom.destroyer moved to room "only guys who like to kill a lot...carnage!!!!"
    BiggShagz11 enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he cares if guys beat me up, cause "i've been through enough of that"
    BiggShagz11 moved to room "Lert @ Ga Tech"
    [DooMPlayer]~Macro11_1 creates room "Testing Stuff"
    Mr. Chris: :\
    [RoTD] garden_elf: heh.. long.. long.. long story
    james: really or.....
    exp(x): I would image he would care if you fought his gf
    james: he jus say that
    [RoTD] garden_elf: lol actually..
    Mr. Chris: your brother is a tool and a big wuss
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he'd most likely disown me
    exp(x): heh
    [RoTD] garden_elf: lol chris..
    james: hed thank you
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he just really cares for her..
    Doom.destroyer enters the lobby
    Zygar enters the lobby
    Zygar creates room "Halls of Death"
    james: ow...
    [RoTD] garden_elf: this guy's worked since he was 10 years old..
    tato enters the lobby
    exp(x): does she make him wear a collar and a leash?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: making thousands and thousands of dollors a year..
    james: naw shock bracelet
    tato moved to room "«Makaveli»"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: exp, what they do in bed is none of my concern
    [RoTD] garden_elf: lol
    exp(x): haha
    james: heh
    fosters enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: but yea.. my brother worked for 10 years....
    [RoTD] garden_elf: *since he was 10
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he's 19 now..
    [RoTD]AyToaster: I got shot with a paint ball gun
    Mr. Chris: People can't work will they're at least 16 here
    [RoTD] garden_elf: she has the nerve to say that because he's worked since he was 10..
    james: 19-9=
    Mr. Chris: will=till
    [RoTD] garden_elf: that he has no "street smarts"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: well chris..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he was an oyster fisherman
    exp(x): oyster fisherman, hehe
    james: *19-10=
    Doom.destroyer moved to room "Halls of Death"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: exp... it's hard work..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: it really is
    exp(x): hehe
    exp(x): I never said it wasn't
    YourMom enters the lobby
    james: heh
    [RoTD] garden_elf: you try lifting 50 lbs every dip..
    exp(x): I hate oysters
    [RoTD] garden_elf: well.. not 50.. about 30
    james: m gf weighs 107
    tato enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: you make about 100-200 dips in one day.
    Overlord enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: work for 6 days a week.
    exp(x): I would kill myself before becoming an oyster fisherman
    YourMom creates room "Yourmother"
    fosters moved to room "Yourmother"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: james, I'm between 100-115
    Overlord has left the lobby
    Mr. Chris: I'm glad my brother doesn't have a bitch g/f like yours does.
    tato moved to room "«Makaveli»"
    Loco enters the lobby
    JaqUio enters the lobby
    [RoTD]AyToaster: slim shady, brain dead like jim brady, I'm a M-80
    james: i don' even have a gf it was a joke... if you look at the placement
    [RoTD] garden_elf: chris.. she's a TERRIBLE gf
    JaqUio creates room "JaqUio's COOP server"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: his gf weighs about 150
    Loco has left the lobby
    [RoTD]AyToaster: my name is marshall mathers i'm a alcoholic; i have a disease and they don't know what to call it
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he weighs about 160 and is much skinnier than I
    james: if the weights in the right spots....
    [RoTD] garden_elf: heh.. her ass?
    Mr. Chris: I'm 200lbs, 5'11"
    Mr. Chris: 150...sounds like she's getting fat
    [RoTD] garden_elf: my bro's about 5'11 also
    [RoTD]AyToaster: I'm 260 6'0
    Mr. Chris: that's borderline overweight for her, how tall is she
    [RoTD] garden_elf: she's about 5'4 maybe
    james: less' shes muscly
    james: eeewwwww
    [RoTD] garden_elf: no, she's fat
    [RoTD]AyToaster: I just want attention
    james: that's nice
    [RoTD]AyToaster: la la la la la la la la la la
    [RoTD] garden_elf: *hugs toasty*
    [*ORB*]MegaZzZeux moved to room "«Makaveli»"
    [RoTD]AyToaster: talking that shit behind my back, like dirty mack
    james: song?
    [RoTD]AyToaster: so put my tape back on the rack and tell your friends my shit is wack
    [RoTD] garden_elf: ANYWAYS... yea, I thought I was chubby.. and then I remembered "hrm... my bro's gf is a lot bigger"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I'm concidered nearly underweight
    Mr. Chris: Her body mass index is 26, same as me. Slightly overweight
    exp(x): I used to be underweight
    james: considered?
    Mr. Chris: The Lethal Danger of Being Fat
    [RoTD] garden_elf: chris, I'm 5'2 roughly about 110
    Mr. Chris: Excess weight has a dramatic impact on one’s health. The BMI (body mass index) is a way to measure your disease risk based on your height to weight ratio. People with a BMI of 25 to 29 are considered overweight and those with a BMI of 30 or more are considered obese.
    exp(x): 6' and 135 lbs
    [RoTD] garden_elf: lol exp, weren't u sayin' u had a gut?
    Mr. Chris: Exp, you're underweight with a BMI of 18
    exp(x): that was before I gained weigt, elf
    james: 5'2"... i've got 5 inches on you you wouldn't be able to tell i'm a year younger
    Mr. Chris: Your BMI is 20, GE. Desirable
    [RoTD] garden_elf: lol james.. I won't date you.
    exp(x): I hit 185 but now I'm down to 170
    james: ...
    [RoTD] garden_elf: ooo.. I'm desirable.. tasty. lol
    james: .....................
    [RoTD] garden_elf: did I say that outloud? I meant.. euh.. lol
    james: ..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: but yea.. melanie must die..
    Blunt-c! has left the lobby
    james: .
    [OFoD]Doom Rampage is offline
    Mr. Chris: Wait, my BMI is 28
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I wonder if I send her a package of anthrax.. will my brother open it?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: lol
    exp(x): oh boredom, oh boredom, thou hath betrayed me
    Mr. Chris: I should be at least 170
    james: does he read her mail.... Id be afraid too
    [RoTD] garden_elf: oh bitch, oh bitch, thou shall be burried soon
    [RoTD] garden_elf: muahaha
    tato enters the lobby
    exp(x): hehe
    [RoTD] garden_elf: James.. she reads HIS mail..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: normally he doesn't.
    [RoTD] garden_elf: unless it's beyond her comprehension..
    james: mail it to him then
    [RoTD]AyToaster: I sit back with this pack of Zig Zags and this bag of this weed it gives me the shit needed to be the most meanest MC on this -- on this Earth
    [RoTD] garden_elf: then she gets him to read it
    Mr. Chris: what a bitch
    james: make it comprehensible
    exp(x): comprehensible anthrax?
    [RoTD]AyToaster: And since birth I've been cursed with this curse to just curse
    [RoTD] garden_elf: yep.. I sent Roger a letter with about 100$ in it..
    tato: need mak_gunzlll.wad some1 can send me the file please?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: needless to say he didn't get that
    Mr. Chris: and she takes it, right?
    BiggShagz11 enters the lobby
    exp(x): what a biznatch
    james: it's pretty comprehensable to get a envelope of white powder
    [RoTD] garden_elf: she didn't live with him...
    [*ORB*]MegaZzZeux enters the lobby
    tato moved to room "Yourmother"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: but she'd go pick up his mail everyday..
    tato enters the lobby
    EvaUnit01 enters the lobby
    james: lol
    [RoTD] garden_elf: as soon as the mail got there, she'd be there
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit enters the lobby
    EvaUnit01 moved to room "Yourmother"
    BiggShagz11 moved to room "http://doom.underwood.ru/5OGNAWD.WAD (Mirrored dwango5)"
    exp(x): you should hire someone to kill her
    [RoTD] garden_elf: MOST the time... he didn't get his mail
    tato creates room "TATO Modem clable coop game"
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: what up
    EvaUnit01 enters the lobby
    EvaUnit01: DM?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: anyone else wanna teach her the "thou shall not screw with elf's brother" commandment?
    C][rono-][unter enters the lobby
    HUMANOID_TYPHOON(BFGC) enters the lobby
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: elf
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: lmfao
    C][rono-][unter moved to room "chrono's room: tlsdm2k4 testing"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he treats her like freakin' gold..
    HUMANOID_TYPHOON(BFGC) moved to room "«Makaveli»"
    EvaUnit01 moved to room "na"
    EvaUnit01 enters the lobby
    james: you don't have to kill her make her life hell.... send her to the looney bin....heheh
    anthrit enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: if she's feeling not so well.. he'll stay home from college to look after her..
    EvaUnit01 moved to room "Halls of Death"
    Mr. Chris: Talk about a fuckin tool man
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and cook her brekfast..
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: elf why are u talking
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and lunch..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and dinner.
    [RoTD] garden_elf: ARG! I'm ready to lay one on her..
    james: forgot brunch
    Mr. Chris: I'd let the dumb beotch cook her own food
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: treu
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: true
    exp(x): your brother needs to get some cajones
    anthrit moved to room "«Makaveli»"
    Mr. Chris: Send a virus to her box :D
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: aint no niga gona cook some b itch breakfast
    [RoTD] garden_elf: Chris.. he even had to bathe her because she was too lazy to!
    EvaUnit01 enters the lobby
    exp(x): fack!
    exp(x): bitch!
    EvaUnit01 moved to room "chrono's room: tlsdm2k4 testing"
    EvaUnit01 enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: when he was in school, she'd call him up somedays and get him to drive her home...
    [RoTD]AyToaster creates room "stupid $#it"
    EvaUnit01 moved to room "Rampage's room OORT24.wad"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he lived 30-40 minutes away from her..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: which was alright.. if he wasn't sleeping!
    james: home frum where
    anthrit enters the lobby
    anthrit moved to room "«Makaveli»"
    -=Garrett=- enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: anywhere..
    exp(x): could you please estimate your brother's IQ?
    Mr. Chris: Send him the "SHUT THE FUCK UP" image for her
    [RoTD] garden_elf: exp.. he's a honor roll student
    anthrit enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he's got a 4.3 or 4.7 gpa
    -=Garrett=- moved to room "Rampage's room OORT24.wad"
    anthrit moved to room "Doom Connector HELP Room (no game here)"
    james: howthe hell did he manage that
    -=Garrett=- enters the lobby
    james: with her?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: by barely sleeping..
    YourMom enters the lobby
    EvaUnit01 enters the lobby
    exp(x): bah, grades have nothing to do with intelligence
    james: oh... i do that anywaze
    -=Garrett=- moved to room "na"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: god.. he use to come to me and get me to type out stuff
    Mr. Chris: lol omg
    YourMom moved to room "Yourmother"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I'm pretty good at typing things out... as long as I can see em
    james: oh i know that exp...kinda opposite how yur sayin
    Mr. Chris: Why is he so afraid to call the relationship quits? I'm sure he can find a better girlfriend
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he's really a cute guy, sounds bad.. but it's not like he couldn't find a better girl..
    EvaUnit01 has left the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he's had 2 gfs in his life because he's scared to hurt them..
    james: smart.... but low on common sense sound like me?
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: hes a pussy
    [RoTD] garden_elf: when my brother wasn't being an asshole, he'd talk to me about stuff like this.
    Mr. Chris: Even if he is stalked by her, he can file charges
    exp(x): he likes the abuse
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: true
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I mean.. he acts like she walks on water
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: id slap the bitch
    james: he "wont" file chargez
    [RoTD] garden_elf: actually.. exp.. he hates it
    exp(x): he's a masochist obviously
    Mr. Chris: he must be a mascochist
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: that or stupid
    anthrit enters the lobby
    anthrit moved to room "Yourmother"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he's called me up from up the road on his cell..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: which costs him quite a bit that he couldn't stand being around her anymore..
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: im here to play doom not talk
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit moved to room "«Makaveli»"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: that if he didn't stop, he was gonna blow up at her
    james: reminds me: of a song... Started talkin' **** wouldncha' know, I Reached back like a pimp an' i slapped the hoe.....
    [RoTD]AyToaster enters the lobby
    anthrit enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and 5 minutes after he left the house.. she'd run after him..
    anthrit creates room "time to die"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he ran for 5 freakin' blocks to get rid of her!
    exp(x): he needs to tell the bitch off
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he came back and she had destroyed the dishes...
    [RoTD] garden_elf: destroyed the furniture..
    AsukaSMC enters the lobby
    exp(x): what the fuck is his problem?
    Doom.destroyer enters the lobby
    exp(x): how can he act so helpless?
    AsukaSMC moved to room "Halls of Death"
    james: furniture... my catz do that
    [RoTD] garden_elf: exp.. remember when I was in the relationship with david..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and I couldn't leave him?
    Doom.destroyer moved to room "Yourmother"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: because I loved him.. but I hated him at the same time?
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: oh boy
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: oh boy
    JOHN FOREVER enters the lobby
    exp(x): it didn't sound like he was nearly as bad as this chick
    [RoTD] garden_elf: lol no, he wasn't..
    JOHN FOREVER moved to room "time to die"
    exp(x): this bitch is straight up satan incarnate
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: dc gets gayer everyday
    [RoTD] garden_elf: but I think he feels obligated to stay with her..
    Zygar enters the lobby
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit moved to room "«Makaveli»"
    james: proof dashit go play doom
    [RoTD] garden_elf: because he doesn't want to hurt her...
    exp(x): fack that
    exp(x): he needs to care about himself
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he actually did break up with her for a little while..
    james: let the adults talk now
    Zygar moved to room "na"
    BiggShagz11 enters the lobby
    Mr. Chris: I feel like saving this log and posting it on the Doomworld EE forum
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and then she called him up and cried to him
    C][rono-][unter enters the lobby
    exp(x): hehe, chris
    BiggShagz11 moved to room "http://doom.underwood.ru/5OGNAWD.WAD (Mirrored dwango5)"
    Mr. Chris: I wouldn't fall for it
    BiggShagz11 enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and then they went to go get their hands CANDLE WAXED
    [OFoD]Doom Rampage is online
    [OFoD]Doom Rampage enters the lobby
    exp(x): pft
    james: it's off fffking topic
    C][rono-][unter moved to room "chrono's room: tlsdm2k4 testing"
    [OFoD]Doom Rampage moved to room "Rampage's room OORT24.wad"
    Mr. Chris: EE = off-topic
    [RoTD] garden_elf: do u have any freakin' idea how much candle waxing hurts?
    james: Eff Eopic?
    BiggShagz11 moved to room "Rampage's room OORT24.wad"
    BiggShagz11 enters the lobby
    BiggShagz11 moved to room "http://www.geocities.com/sirtimberwolf/Index.html"
    james: she wine?
    anthrit enters the lobby
    anthrit moved to room "time to die"
    Foxxy enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: god.. I've gotten it done before... and it stung like a bitch, but I bit my lip and didn't cry..
    anthrit enters the lobby
    Mr. Chris: james = everything else
    Foxxy moved to room "Rampage's room OORT24.wad"
    [*ORB*]MegaZzZeux moved to room "Rampage's room OORT24.wad"
    james: Im everything and nothing...
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I was talking to him and all of the sudden I hear "ROGER F OFF YOU'RE HURTING ME!" and I'm like "what the hell u doin' to her?
    james: lol
    [RoTD] garden_elf: he goes "well.. she had this great idea of getting our hands candle waxed together."
    Mr. Chris: I'd say toss a small pot of scalding water on her face to uglify her :)

    james: small?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and she broke it the next day cause she got pissed off! costs 50$ to get it done..
    JOHN FOREVER enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and she shattered it into little pieces.
    JOHN FOREVER has left the lobby
    exp(x): she needs to get what she deserves
    [RoTD] garden_elf: the VERY next week "roger... can we go get our hands candle waxed again?"
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit enters the lobby
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit moved to room "«Makaveli»"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and sure enough.. she got it done again
    james: stick a wick in it fill it with wax... lightit up... that's the way to destroy 'er
    james: stick a wick in it fill it with wax... lightit up... that's the way to destroy 'em
    exp(x): your brother has no self esteem
    [RoTD] garden_elf: it's up in his room on his shelf actually..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: actually...my brother knows he's very smart..
    Doom.destroyer enters the lobby
    exp(x): still
    exp(x): he's taking shit
    [RoTD] garden_elf: but... he is insecure yes.
    [RoTD] garden_elf: *dances* I need a piss..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: then I need to go to be
    [RoTD] garden_elf: *bed
    [RoTD] garden_elf: actually.. I need a smoke before bed..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: *contemplates*
    [RoTD] garden_elf: lol
    Mr. Chris: Smoking is bad mmk
    exp(x): bah
    exp(x): yeah, chris
    [RoTD] garden_elf: lol chris.. I know
    [RoTD]AyToaster: Hijo de la chingada
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I had quit for a little while..
    [RoTD]AyToaster: ay buey
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and then my bf dumped me and I got really upset..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and I was like "AAH! I need a smoke."
    [RoTD] garden_elf: lol
    Doom.destroyer creates room "fucking hard coop plutonia levels!!"
    -=MR.[OFoD]ROCKET> moved to room "( MR.ROCKETS (.*) MEGASPHERE )"
    exp(x): I had quit porn for a while, then I was like "AAH! I need porn"
    james: that's why ur not fat
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I'm weak.. I know.
    Deeebo enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: james, I'm chubby.
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and don't argue!
    exp(x): you are so not chubby
    exp(x): !
    -=MR.[OFoD]ROCKET> enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: arg.. piss off.. I am so
    james: is that an old picture then?
    exp(x): pft
    -=MR.[OFoD]ROCKET>: hey
    [RoTD] garden_elf: no... was taken in june
    [RoTD]AyToaster: freepicturepage.com
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I lost weight since then
    [RoTD] garden_elf: about 10 lbs
    james: was that possible
    exp(x): what good does it do to think you're chubby?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: for me to lose weight? haha yes.
    james: ooh good stratagy
    [RoTD] garden_elf: exp.. gets me modivated to lose MORE weight
    exp(x): pft
    exp(x): I don't care about how fat or not fat I am
    [RoTD] garden_elf: cause I am chubby..
    james: i just depress myself till i don feel like eating
    Mr. Chris: You are NOT chubby elf!
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I'm around 26 inches around..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: which is rather chubby.
    Doom.destroyer enters the lobby
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit enters the lobby
    Doom.destroyer: guys
    [RoTD] garden_elf: lol james.. today was the first time I ate in a week and some
    exp(x): I say "my body is the way it is, and I won't try to change it"
    Doom.destroyer: want ot play some plutonia levels?
    HUMANOID_TYPHOON(BFGC) enters the lobby
    james bens a measuring tape in a circle... nope
    james bends a measuring tape in a circle... nope
    [~dui~]Makaveli enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: pft... my body's the way it is.. and I will change it
    exp(x): 26 inches is so not chubby!
    [~DUI~]Shadowdevil98 enters the lobby
    [~DUI~]Shadowdevil98: ahahaha
    [~dui~]Makaveli has left the lobby
    [~DUI~]Shadowdevil98: lol
    [~DUI~]Shadowdevil98: i got kicked by myself
    [RoTD] garden_elf: if it's the last thing I do.. it'll be tinier
    [~DUI~]Shadowdevil98 moved to room "Rampage's room OORT24.wad"
    james: hey she wants to make it 22 thats fine
    exp(x): you need to learn to like yourself
    [RoTD] garden_elf: 22 would be nice..
    BiggShagz11 enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: maybe even 20... *thinks* is that even possible?
    Doom.destroyer moved to room "Yourmother"
    BiggShagz11 moved to room "Rampage's room OORT24.wad"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: probably is.. *sets new goals*
    james: yeah if you do more than not eat enough
    Mr. Chris: hey [RoTD] garden_elf, have you thought of writing about your brother's g/f in a livejournal?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: no..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: last thing I wrote was about Ice.
    james: exersize... spicy foods speed up your metabolism....
    [RoTD] garden_elf: and how "happy" we were
    exp(x): yeah, update, elf
    marlin295 enters the lobby
    BiggShagz11 enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I should..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: tomorow
    [RoTD] garden_elf: cause I gotta get up in 5.5 hrs
    BiggShagz11 moved to room "Fnord. Dwango5 Map01 (1on1). Hosted by GSN"
    exp(x): go to bed!
    BiggShagz11 enters the lobby
    exp(x): now!
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: elf
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: go to bed
    [RoTD] garden_elf: *smiles*
    sLiP2K3 enters the lobby
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: go masterbate
    [RoTD] garden_elf: it's 12:45 I gotta get up by 6:30..
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: while you think of yo daddy proof
    EvaUnit01 enters the lobby
    Mr. Chris: lol proof you perv
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: :)
    sLiP2K3 moved to room "Yourmother"
    anthrit moved to room "Yourmother"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: nah.. I'll be thinkin' of toaster.. hehe
    [RoTD] garden_elf: lol
    -=MR.[OFoD]ROCKET>: lol
    Akiri enters the lobby
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: oh boy
    -=MR.[OFoD]ROCKET>: toaster this week ?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: oh yes.. and Mr.Rocket
    EvaUnit01 moved to room "na"
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: is that her new bf this week
    [RoTD] garden_elf: lol no rocket..
    [RoTD] garden_elf: single
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: im just wondering
    Deeebo: toaster ?? im lost
    [RoTD] garden_elf: planning on staying
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: do i just have to keep lookin on the dc list
    Akiri moved to room "Yourmother"
    -=MR.[OFoD]ROCKET>: haha
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I don't want NO inernet bfs..
    -=MR.[OFoD]ROCKET>: good
    anthrit enters the lobby
    exp(x): good job, elf!
    anthrit moved to room "Yourmother"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: cause I'm too old for that shit.
    anthrit enters the lobby
    anthrit moved to room "Yourmother"
    anthrit enters the lobby
    Deeebo: too old ??
    anthrit moved to room "Yourmother"
    Akiri enters the lobby
    Akiri moved to room "na"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: it's childish..
    -=MR.[OFoD]ROCKET>: i learnt her good :P
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: yeah ok elf when did that change when u found out you dated all dc people
    Akiri enters the lobby
    ~[~DUI~]~proofdashit: ?
    anthrit enters the lobby
    james has left the lobby (ping timeout)
    BiggShagz11 moved to room "Rampage's room OORT24.wad"
    anthrit moved to room "na"
    BiggShagz11 enters the lobby
    Akiri moved to room "Yourmother"
    Deeebo moved to room "Yourmother"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: um.. when I dated my 4th guy on dc?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: the last... ya know, Daniel..
    BiggShagz11: Brit anyone???? come follow
    BiggShagz11 moved to room "GSV's OldSkool Server"
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I dumped him because I didn't want a online bf
    Mr. Chris: Hey Elf does Rocket know about your brother's abusive/controlling girlfriend?
    [RoTD] garden_elf: I dunno.. he'll just have to read upwards about it
    exp(x): heh
    [RoTD] garden_elf: she's never.. really hit him of my knowledge..
    anthrit enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: no, I'm lying.. she has..
    anthrit moved to room "Yourmother"
    Akiri enters the lobby
    [RoTD] garden_elf: she split his eyebrow open and gave him a black eye

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. insertwackynamehere


      I can't read IM/IRC conversations unless I'm reading it as it goes, and participating in them.

    3. Bloodshedder


      Mr. Chris said:

      Yeah, too controlling in my opinion. That girl needs a good bitchslapping too.

      Actually, I was referring to Ling's reaction.

    4. Sharessa


      Yeah, I'm not going to read that. If I were wanting to read a novel with too much filler text, I'd finish The Portrait of Dorian Gray right now.

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