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Platinum Shell

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  1. I think it came out 03 to 04, and it was an action movie with some sort of bad guy gangsters chase the guy and girl type thing. One scene had the black boss of a gang shoot an Italian mobster in the head when he was on the floor (from being riddled with bullets just prior) and you could see his toupee jump. Another scene in (I'm pretty sure) the same movie had one of the members of the black gang flirting with a girl while pointing a gun at her and sipping from a tea cup. The boss said his name in the way you do when something is acting completely fucking ridiculous, and his name was along the lines of Waboo or something like that. No one is probably going to know what I'm talking about but I feel it was worth a shot asking anyway.

    Nevermind, it's Be Cool.

    1. Cupboard


      this is now a john travolta thread.
      do you know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in france

    2. Krispy


      Have you seen Get Shorty?

  2. I know it's not the best help, but the song starts off with an electric guitar sounding quite common with recent English rock bands (I believe the band is English too), going like this: na na na na na na boomp na na na na boomp na na na na na na boomp na boomp boomp. I'd use one of those websites that try to identify a song by humming into a mic but I don't have one at the moment. Also, I'm fairly sure the band has King or Kings somewhere in the name.

    Never mind, found it again today.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. glenzinho
    3. Platinum Shell

      Platinum Shell

      glenzinho said:

      Figure It Out by Royal Blood?

      You got the band right. Not sure whether it was luck or you deducing a band that sounded like that, but great job!

      Found it a few minutes ago:

    4. glenzinho


      A little from column A and a little from column B ;) Glad you found it!

  3. After a week of putting up with this agonizingly slow, dying external hard drive, I moved all of the irreplaceable shit off of it and onto a new drive. It was like watching my computer army crawl a mile through a field of sludge when it was pulling stuff off there.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Maes


      I still have perfectly readable (and FAST!!!) gold CD-R from the mid-90s. Those things were expensive, but practically atchival-grade compared to the -literally- a dime a dozen CD-R you can buy today in "cake boxes".

      I'd like to move to BD-R at some point, but drives have take much longer than CD-R and DVD-R to become affordable.

    3. Platinum Shell

      Platinum Shell

      Maes said:

      I'd like to move to BD-R at some point, but drives have take much longer than CD-R and DVD-R to become affordable.

      I'll probably have to google around, but I thought the only special thing about Blu-ray was it's scratch-resistant coating? Even though I took good care of my CD's, the coating would of helped for some particularly unlucky discs of mine that today are pretty much media vegetables.

    4. Maes


      Platinum Shell said:

      I'll probably have to google around, but I thought the only special thing about Blu-ray was it's scratch-resistant coating? Even though I took good care of my CD's, the coating would of helped for some particularly unlucky discs of mine that today are pretty much media vegetables.

      Well, DVDs have no special coating but are made as a sort of "sandwich" of two relatively thick polycarbonate disks, they don't have a vulnerable thin data layer like CDs. It's harder to destroy them by a casual scratch, but they have vulnerabilities of their own due to this construction. BR are built similarly.

  4. Platinum Shell

    Combat Shock

    This mapset looks cray cray.
    Removed custom sounds version: http://www.filedropp er.com/campe
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