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About Nanami

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    not a woman
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  1. Hey, it's that time again, loyal fans (and all of you ARE loyal, bastards).

    As a side note, I think all my best comics are the ones that end in a character saying "crap," like the one with Evilpants saying he knows evil-fu.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. DooMBoy


      Heh, this one is actually mildly entertaining

      But it still sucks :P

    3. insertwackynamehere


      Heh I like comix. Whatever :D

    4. Scuba Steve

      Scuba Steve

      Nanami said:


      rofl, classic

    1. Show previous comments  44 more
    2. Jordan


      *looks at title* hmm good for you, you have 30 good fire starters.. and 30 reasons

    3. DOOM Anomaly
    4. Ichor



      Heh, easily fixed.

  2. If any of you read my comic, you might notice I haven't updated in a while. Well, there's a perfectly reasonable excuse for that. I'm lazy!

    Anyway, some people suggested some sort of guest week, so for any of you that want to make a comic, here's what you'll need:

    Comic base I use:

    The characters:

    Tom_D who deserves his own image! (or so I tell him):

    You can post them here.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. TawmDee


      Nothing can beat my comic!!!!

      except maybe scewbs.

      lololo doomboy jeluz!!11

    3. Scuba Steve

      Scuba Steve

      Ichor said:

      omg Manc and Pritch... is this true?

    4. Ralphis

  3. I asked for three random characters and Scuba suggested himself, so I added him.

    By the way, website: Nami Comix Homepage

    1. Show previous comments  40 more
    2. Hyena


      Danarchy said:

      And you remain unfunny despite all flailing attempts to prove otherwise here.

      Whatever. I've wasted enough of my life trying to pretend that you might have a good point.

      And for the record, more people have laughed at my lame "crap tattoo" comment than probably will laugh at anything you ever say.

    3. AndrewB


      You know, it would have been much better if the fifth frame said "my quest for intelligent lifeforms on the ocean floor is a failure"

    4. Nanami


      AndrewB said:

      You know, it would have been much better if the fifth frame said "my quest for intelligent lifeforms on the ocean floor is a failure"

      It was wrong on purpose. Duh.

  4. All right, I've had enough!

    Ralphis, your lame "Doom Kart" is just a big excuse to horn in on my territory! You had no real intents to finish it until ZooM came around, and now every once in a while you mention it when ZooM starts to get some sort of publicity, and I'm getting tired of it. One of us has to go!

    I challenge you to deathmatch. 1 on 1, port of your choice. Your rules, your maps, and you're going down! This match will decide once and for all, who's the master of racing mods!

    To everyone else: Any opinions on this matchup? Thoughts, ideas, bets? I've got $20 riding on myself.

    1. Show previous comments  51 more
    2. myk


      So, where's part 3?

    3. Ralphis


      Part 3 in all of it's glory. Watch to find out if Ralphis can come back and beat Nanami at her own game!


      Thank you for watching and we hope you enjoyed this installment of DM Soap Opera!

    4. Kinsie


      Best final confrontation EVAR.

  5. I was running around when I saw this ad:

    Now it's a pretty normal ad, until I started examining it, and finally started wondering... wtf is THAT?!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Fredrik


      Looks like goatse to me.

    3. Amaster


      Everything looks like goatse to you :P

    4. Cyb


      who cares, it's a stupid ad

      this is why people should block ads

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Scuba Steve

      Scuba Steve

      He's right You know.

    3. Manc


      They're HOLES people... HOLES. You guys don't read nami comix do you?

    4. Nanami


      Oh crap, that reminds me, I need to update the site.

  6. Ugh, I actually spent time on this. I'll never do THAT again.

    Anyway, I'm going to take a break. This took way too much effort.

    I googled three different images for this. I was going to get fire too, but my fire is way better than anything I found.

    1. Hobo


      *steals Nanami's purse*

    2. dsm


      You're right, you wasted WAY too much time - quit throwing away precious minutes on doing backgrounds that sting my eyes and make the pictures an ugly mess ya stupid bitch :-P

  7. Woo, go spider.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Planky


      Assmaster said:

      Heh, what's up with that guy on the right?

      Feeling pretty good about himself because of the playboy girls standing infront of him?

    3. Amaster


      But he's not even looking at them O_o

    4. Fletcher`


      Assmaster said:

      But he's not even looking at them O_o

      so, uh, what's his right hand doing? wink.

  8. I never use these characters anyway.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. dsm


      Scuba Steve said:

      So in a way, Evilpants is doing us all a favor.

      OMG, Evilpants is possessed by the spirit of Superpants!!!

    3. Cyb


      evilpants is my hero

    4. Scuba Steve

      Scuba Steve

      I heard he can script like 1000 lines a minute!

      And has fantastic personal hygiene.

  9. Haha, not really. But there is this:

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. DooMBoy


      Whistle Britches

    3. Captain Red

      Captain Red

      KoRn said:
      Tis true, but a stereotypical captain does have a hat. Much like a stereotypical super-hero having a cape.

      Shh! They're beating the decoy pants!

      Scuba Steve said:
      Haha Red pants sucks!

      Your time will come Steve. And when it dose...

    4. dsm


      Captain Red said:


      Mark my words, I WILL have my revenge!

      Yes! If your revenge has something to do with posting a gif/flash animation then this could get really good.

  10. Woo, 25 comix so far. May you all live to see 25,000 more!

    I really do hope you all live. I know the headaches can be intense sometimes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DOOM Anomaly

      DOOM Anomaly

      My my, Superpants, you really let yourself go.

    3. Espi


      I would like to point out that in reality I am in no way affiliated with a possible future release of Massmouth III.

      Oh and looking at that, I instantly thought of this sound effect from Warcraft 2.

    4. Bucket


      I suffered from "lotsa hole" disease last summer. Currently I'm suffering from "not enough hole" syndrome.

  11. Oh no. =(

    Evil abound.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Scuba Steve

      Scuba Steve

      Nanami said:

      Flashback from third comic:

      Omg, Action!

    3. Amaster


      Hmm, I just realized that nami's comics have improved over time. Scary.

    4. Ralphis


      heh, really? They still lack a certain attribute I like in my web comics. Oh, humor.

  12. Remember this dumb storyline from several comics ago?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Fletcher`


      Nanami said:

      9, 10, and 11 are gone forever I believe. I made new copies of 9 and 10 because I pretty much remember them. I could remake 11 if I had the 3D model of Superpants.

      Didn't dn make that model

    3. Nanami


      No, I think Assmaster did.

    4. Bloodshedder


      Assmaster made the SuperPants model. The entire comic, though, was a jab at DN and his comic.

  13. (comment)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. dsm


      What's those dinosaurs doing in those pants?

      Oh btw, you did a nice minigun.

    3. Nanami


      dsm said:

      Oh btw, you did a nice minigun.

      Yeah, I'm really good at copy and paste, cropping, and resizing.

    4. Espi


      dsm said:

      What's those dinosaurs doing in those pants?

      It's a cape, silly.

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