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About xnv

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    ey my map is bretty good i made it in one hr
  1. xnv

    Maps From Memory

  2. xnv

    Gothic Windows

    19 years later and Nick still did not release version where baddies can shoot at me. Get you shit together, Nick! Are you trying to outmordeth Mordeth or something?
  3. xnv

    putin eats children

    Еди ;наn 3; Рос ;сиn 3; 146/5
  4. xnv

    Extreme Weapon Pack

    What's up with all of those "unplayable" comments? Jesus.
    Looks interesting, should try building something with them some time.
    This is like Heretic but better.
    This is like Hexen but better.
  5. xnv


    ^ "Ton of effort". You're not bullshitting anyone. :^)
  6. xnv


    Works perfectly.
    It's a short (you can finish it in about 30 minutes) mapset which is, well, not so good. First of all, it's cramped as hell. Fighting Knight in 64 wide corridors is no fun. Design is quite blocky and sometimes there's no design at all (vents in E1M2). Plasma marines or whatever they are called are annoying as heck. Final boss fight was impossible for me at second stage as red plasma balls seemed to bounce of the walls and I had no ammo halfway through the fight. 3/5 + 1 because first map.,, fcklmt
    ^ Use skulltag.
  7. xnv

    United Mod

    If you like absurd content DOWNLOAD THIS RIGHT NOW. This is the craziest stuff I've seen lately (yes, even crazier than ARCHIE) AND it's good despite being so simple! P.S. Do not download if you are a boring grumpy person though, you won't like it.
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