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About Acid

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  1. For this summer, I will be working on a group-based "research project" with several other students and an overseeing professor as a volunteer. The theme for the whole project is centered around creating fun, engaging and educational video games, to appeal towards a variety of subjects for those aged anywhere from 2nd grade to high school.

    For our first week, we were given a choice of using either Unity or GameMaker (apparently idTech 1 or UE4 weren't allowed, so...) - to which I picked unity by the title, and were told to simply get our feet wet with the new editor and create any game. My background involves a bit of Python, Java, C, and Android (and useless stuff like Verilog HDL and Latex), so I didn't know what to expect when attempting to learn C# for Unity's scripting language. My only real game making "experience" comes from using DoomBuilder, Slade3, and some pwad modifications.

    Anyways, since I'm a total beginner at using Unity, might as well document my little adventure here over the next few months :)

    Moving on to our first week. I went through the Roll-a-Ball and Space Shooter tutorials (and some general editor stuff). Some immediate bad habits were using ESDF instead of WASD to maneuver the editor camera and trying some shortcuts for linedefs/vertices mode... whoops. I initially tried making some Super Monkey Ball clone, except with solid colour spheres as the player and rectangles as the playing field. I tossed that idea after a few hours after I failed to get player movement to work relative to the camera (ie, after you rotate the camera, moving "forward" is relative to some global axis rather than the camera).

    Instead, I made a VSRG, or "vertical scrolling rhythm game". I figured why not, since I already love playing those games anyways. I tried to emulate certain regions to indicate accuracy, such as "perfect", "great", "good", or "miss". I ended up using a ragtag hackish method where when a key is pressed, it translates an invisible cube that contains a mesh collider, and checks whether or not there is a colliding note. It waits for 0.05 seconds before automatically translating back to its original spot. So even though the game is seen from a 2D billboard perspective, I'm using really ghetto 3D tricks to get it to work.

    Something like , where you can see the pink column of blocks representing the leftmost (or right most from this perspective) lower compared to the other columns. Depending on which block touches the note, you'd get the appropriate score. I'm also sure that there's a better way to read user inputs, but I was running short on time and well, shamefully used an exhaustive list to cover every possible input combination of keyboard presses.

    Similarly, I didn't have the time or dedication to create methods to read and sync bpm/music/fps/notes, so in the final project, the notes are very roughly placed and horrible off-beat (so much for rhythm game, right?). It also involves a rudimentary counter with like 50 different cases for each measure, which is terribly atrocious. Some other bugs were being able to delete two notes at the same time, if they were close enough vertically to be touched by two separate boundary checkers.

    All in all, I learned that I'm probably going to stick to the 2D aspect of the Unity engine. It seems nice and all, but I suck at 3D animations/meshes and all that jazz, in addition to not having a source of custom 3D models (and I don't know how to model). I also discovered that C# is like some weird child of Java and C, but much, much, much nicer than C. (No char arrays hooray, there are actual String methods)

    Week 1: Final game screenshot:

    Download (why would you want to): https://www.sendspace.com/file/quhcwa

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dg93


      I've never tinkered around with Unity before. But, I'm interested in learning more about it and how to use it.

    3. Acid


      Clonehunter said:

      FIrst image looks like Jurassic Park's Unix System

      Huh, it does.

      the_miano said:

      I've never tinkered around with Unity before. But, I'm interested in learning more about it and how to use it.

      You definitely should! The tutorials on the official website are pretty useful, and they explain a lot. Plus, you can choose either C# of Javascript to do your scripting ^^


      Anyways, moving onto week 2: we were tasked with finding a really menially satisfying task, and turning that into a game. Stuff like "when I was young, I used to try and time my stopwatch to stop at exactly 1:00:00", "I try to cross the road at exactly zero seconds", "I would do 1+1 on my calculator and mash my = button as fast as possible", etc. I chose the premise of the stopwatch example, and crafted a game out of it.

      I opted to not do my game in 3D because I don't have reliable access to 3D models, and the fact that I don't have any experience doing 3D modeling. Instead, I decided to draw everything out as 2D sprites instead, since that's what some people who like to mod for Doom do :)

      So I didn't come up with any witty title, but you basically play as a gas station attendant. Then, cars randomly spawn, and they each have a specific amount of fuel that they need. Using keys 1, 2, 3, and 4 on your keyboard, you "send off" the car. Depending on how close you got to the fuel they wanted, you'd either gain or lose reputation points. When your rep drops down to 0, game over.

      All art is original, music from some royalty-free website, and SE from some skin on Osu. Hope you enjoy :)


    4. Acid


      Super delayed update (hence why I'm doing nothing related to Doom mapping): I've started working on a new game where you play as an apothecary shop owner / potion maker, and you create potions according to the customer's request. The recipes come in weird fractional amounts, and it's your job to fetch the right amount and choose the right size of the pot.

      I'm doing all the art (never knew how much time this would take me...) and code myself, with SFX, music, and fonts borrowed from other sources. In the meantime, here's a quick preview :)

    A bit too hard for my tastes, but hey - at least I managed to get through a few levels.
  2. Hi, been occasionally lurking the post your doom pictures thread, always telling myself that I'd start mapping, but I haven't.

    So yeah, what are some really big events (wads/news etc) of Doom stuff over the past, let's say, 4-5 months or so? I've suddenly got an urge to blast through some wads and just to catch up in general.

    Thanks in advance and great seeing some familiar faces around the forums.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SavageCorona


      Cheery start. On a lighter note I got a cool new avatar and there's a spooky thread in EE but that's about it on my part.

    3. joe-ilya


      My tune-up project and my other project "consumed earth" are close to get released.

    4. purist


      Sunlust by Ribbicks & Danne is worth a look. It's being played by DWMC this month. Valiant by Skillsaw is nailed on for a Cacoward and worth playing too, depending on how long you've been away.

  3. In the process of moving houses to better suit my commute time for school, my family has unearthed many artifacts, so to say, from my childhood. Hoping to make some extra money, and before I go explore the wonders of ebay/amazon/kijiji/etc, I decided to post here on selling things.

    I'll generally be selling very cheap compared to commercial prices, and I'm super open to negotiation. Most of these things are kids toys and things I've outgrown, but everything is in very nice condition and I can post pictures if need be.

    If anybody is interested, you can post here or PM me.

    Lego -> Mostly standard bricks, but over 1000 pieces that I don't mind selling for like $10 or $15
    Bionicles -> Preassembled from generation 1 to 3-4 (or wherever)
    In-line/Ice Skates -> Smaller sizes for kids roughly 6 years old, barely worn once or twice -> $10/20 or so
    Accompanying In-line/Ice skate protective gear (wrist/shin/helmet)
    Puzzles of roughly 1000 pieces (ie, picture of cats etc)
    Old Bakugan (balls that pop open via magnet) toys

    I'm listing this partially off the top of my head, so apologies if some things may seem inaccurate.

    Thanks for reading and have a nice day!~

  4. At some shady office as a part-time worker/student doing 20 hours a week on top of school. Been trying to plug window and eaves cleaning and asphalt sealing into hundreds of customers. Getting yelled at means nothing to me since I'm not bothered by it at all, but me being racially...different from everyone else makes me question their motif for even hiring me.

    Anyone in southern Ontario need eaves cleaning?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Acid


      Guess who's fired and now unemployed :)

    3. Cupboard


      Cool beans. Now you can say you were a contractor in property maintenance.

    4. Krispy


      Much of Russia is Asian.

  5. Enrolled, University of Toronto, St. George Campus, general Computer Science, $5,000 scholarship.

    High school can fuck off now.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DoomUK


      Sodaholic said:


      I don't want to derail the OP's blog beyond all recognition, but I must ask: when/how did you get un-banned?

    3. Krispy


      You can major in Canada in something other than maple syrup?

    4. Acid


      Krispy said:

      You can major in Canada in something other than maple syrup?

      It's something they're introducing in the 2014-2015 semester. I guess I'm pretty lucky.

  6. woke up at 6 am, stomach hurts like no tomorrow, been throwing up

    it's been like 5 hours and i still feel like literal garbage

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Marnetmar


      Damn that sucks, sorry to hear.

    3. Springy


      Sorry to hear that, hope you get better soon.

    4. Acid


      thanks for the get well wishes - my condition has taken turns for both the good and bad

      after saturday, my fever condition improved considerably, and I thought I was doing fine; later that afternoon I was hit with a case of diarrhea for the next godknowshowmany hours.

      just after falling asleep, I miss school today because I felt terrible. on the plus side, my stomach pains have subsided, but my fever is coming up again and I can't stare at a screen for more than a few minutes before feeling dizzy

      to my family it was a bad case of exam stress with extremely cold weather and bad luck

      now I'm recovered, for the most part, except for some physical fatigue and mild headaches. if sleep does work wonders, I'll be a-ok tomorrow.

  7. Happy birthday to me (and 40oz, if I remember correctly).

    I'm 17 now.

    5 years of modding and an even longer history of Doom gaming. Even if I'm in a slump right now, Doom's great fun. Here's to an awesome 17th year.

    1. Tristan


      happy Bloody birthday Acid!

    2. C30N9


      Happy Birthday! :D

    3. Obsidian


      Happy birthday, now I feel old.

  8. Up to you whether or not you believe me. I dream very vividly, but not to the point of exact lucid dreaming to control them, aka I sit and watch my body as a on-rails dream.

    Today, I had a dream.

    My mother and I were on two different sides of a subway platform. It was dark green, and a bit muddy overall. It was my turn to cross over to the other side. To do so, we had to hop over the top of it. I missed the first try and the car flipped over. I had a second try. I missed again. On the third try, the front pilot compartment flipped over onto the side rail. I jumped off and helped flipped it over again.

    I get onto the platform and watch another subway rail from the right smash into the subway train that I just failed to jump over 3 times. I died from the explosion. Even then, I seemed to be a ghost, and watched as my mother cried from the disbelief of the death of her own son. I turn around and there's a good amount of people looking at me, all ghosts who have died from my recklessness.

    I take a few steps towards them and some howls appear from behind us. We turn around, and see some monsters hop over the rails and onto the
    platform, think Metro 2033. We kill them and get a move on. As we're about to descend the escalator, I see my mom sitting at a table across from me.

    Even as a ghost, I'm crying my heart out. I jump over to the other side and confront my mother. She can't sense me, and she's crying. I put my forehead to her's and she looks up for a second. She tells me "I feel like Andrew (my name) just felt up to me. I know he'll be back"

    Then we started our little "adventure" to come back alive again. Our group of 30 or so ghosts turned into 4 survivors, me and 3 others. Our adventures included more monster killing and the such, and helping out a cancer ridden woman in the darkest, most claustrophobic tunnels ever.

    Suddenly, we were in high school again. It's been 10 years as ghosts and we're at school. I look at the wall, and see a little collage my mother put up as a remembrance to my death. I can't help but cry. She's old and frail and still believes that I'll be back.

    The 4 of us for some unknown reason relived high school. I helped others, made friends and event went mountain biking. At the very end, the four of us looked up at the clearing sky. We were back.

    At my house, I quickly ran from my room to the living room and hugged my mother. I was crying like no tomorrow, and she looked at me weirdly. "Andrew why are you crying?" "It's been 14 years since I saw your smile" "What? You went in like 10 seconds ago. What are you talking about?"

    I look at the mirror, at my hands, and wake up.

    17 November 2013

    Ok, side note. I cried. Alot. For some reason emotions in dreams seem to be a lot stronger for me than in real life. I've never loved my mother so hard after today.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TimeOfDeath


      BloodyAcid said:

      Up to you whether or not you believe me.

      Considering dreams aren't real, I believe you.

    3. Acid


      Maes said:

      BloodyAcid was ghost for 14 years....

      As fast as 14 years could fit into a few hours of rem sleep.

      Maes said:

      No, BloodyAcid. You were the monsters. And then BloodyAcid was a subway car.

      Where are the new super-violent sentient creatures?

    4. Maes


      BloodyAcid said:

      Where are the new super-violent sentient creatures?

      It's the toaster.

  9. Ordering from Canada. I'm looking for a slightly-better than general use laptop, intended for mild video editing, basic 3D modeling, the usual internet browsing, and of course, Doom. An additional bonus would be some smooth performance on medium-detail games like Skyrim or DS3. I'd like to try a machine that can do some decent OpenGL.

    Budget: $1,000 (before tax)

    Candidate 1: Samsung

    Price: $799.99
    Size: 15.6"
    Res: 1366 x 768
    Processor: Intel Core i5 3230M (Dual Core @ 2.6GHz)
    HDD: 1TB @ 5400RPM
    RAM: 8GB DDR3 @ 1600MHz
    GFX: AMD HD8750M Dedicated w. 2GB
    No optical drive
    "6" Hour Battery Life
    ~2cm thick, 2.09kg

    2x USB 2.0
    1x USB 3.0

    Noted: potential overheating (no ventilation), matte screen muddles colours

    Candidate 2

    Price: ~$925
    Size: 15.6"
    Res: 1920 x 1080
    Processor: Intel Core i5-3230M 2.6GHz
    HDD: 1TB @ 5400RPM
    RAM: 6GB DDR3 @ 1600MHz
    GFX: Dual NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M SLI, 2GB Dedicated
    "3" Hour Battery Life
    VGA/HDMI Output

    1x USB 2.0
    2x USB 3.0

    Noted: fingerprint magnet, dirt-cheap trackpad

    Candiate 3

    Price: ~$599.00
    Size: 15.6"
    Res: 1366 x 768 "Anti-reflective"
    Processor: Intel Core i5-3210M (2.50GHz)
    HDD: 1TB @ 5400RPM
    RAM: 8GB DDR3
    GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M Graphics, Optimus technology
    ~3cm thick, 5.5lbs
    ?? Battery Life ??

    2x USB 2.0
    2x USB 3.0

    Noted: 1 review stated overheat + crash

    Candidate 4

    Price: $699.99
    Size: 15.5"
    Res: 1366 x 768
    Processor: Intel i5-3337U (1.8 GHz)
    HDD: 750GB
    RAM: 8GB DDR3L
    GFX: Nvidia GeFroce GT 740M with 1 GB RAM
    "2.5" hour battery life.

    And, yea, those are my current candidates. As I've no experience with laptops (desktop + mobile phone), I'd like some help with choosing my first laptop. Suggestions and input is more than welcome. At the moment, I'm leaning towards the $799 Samsung because its battery life and decent GFX I can see myself using, but the 2/3 HR battery lives seem really disappointing.

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Creaphis



    3. Acid


      Here's the mouse I bought with the laptop, for $24.99

    4. Creaphis


      And I bought this one. Similar colour scheme, at least.

  10. Heh, first disk defrag on a 300GB harddrive in 6 years, running 3 web browsers and a multitude of other programs. It's been 30 minutes and it's still working on Internet Explorer.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. SavageCorona


      The porn part was a joke. I do uninstall/reinstall/verify games on Steam a lot though, seeing as my hard drive is nearly full and if I installed every single game I own it'd be rather completely full.

    3. Maes


      If your usage patterns include frequent deletions of large volumes of files or writing/deleting a gazillion tiny files, consider organizing your disk into dedicated partitions: an OS partition with stuff that is long-term stable (e.g. serious applications, favorite games, the OS itself etc.) while more volatile or static stuff ends up in other partitions (e.g. video and music collection, game demos/trials, odd applications which mess with the filesystem etc.)

    4. hex11


      Bucket said:

      Porn doesn't require much defragging because you're not editing and rewriting the files.

      But sometimes it requires defagging if you download the wrong porn by mistake.

  11. Just like this, I've been viewing the DW forums at 90% zoom for years. Shit looks weird.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cupboard


      Whatever zoom which allows a straight back posture is likely ideal. edit: Haha, that reminds me of playing Diablo with the zoom-in feature to showcase "hamster vision".

    3. Netherstorm


      TheCupboard said:

      Haha, that reminds me of playing Diablo with the zoom-in feature to showcase "hamster vision".

      Haha, exactly.

    4. hex11


      I don't even have any zoom. I use a text-mode browser and all my xterm's are configured to use the Terminus ter-122n font.

      Technically xterm does have a "zoom" feature (you access the menu with Control + RightMouseButton) but I don't ever use that. In fact, normally I only have a single maximized xterm running tmux to manage a handful of virtual terminals.

      Sadly, I still have Firefox installed for the small number of websites I visit that require javascript. But I despise its bloat and its hostility towards keyboard users. Not that the other popular browsers I tried are much different (well Opera was slightly better in that regard). The browser I'm running now is called links and it doesn't care if you want to navigate with the keyboard or the mouse, and it doesn't care if you want to run it in graphical or text mode (as tend to do). It adapts to the user straight out-of-the-box, rather than forcing him to do things a certain way or to install various plugins in order to get expected behavior. There's a few other interesting browsers out there, like uzbl and xombrero, and of course I'm a big surfraw fan! :-)

  12. Here in Toronto.

    Tornado warnings up north in Barrie, and thunderstorms + rain + heat + humidity warnings here in Scarborough. The rain's coming in sheets, and leaves are travelling upwards. The rain's practically flowing back up, and over 130,000 people are without electricity.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. GreyGhost


      TimeOfDeath said:

      I'm west of Grazza's cat's name (Milton).

      Grazza's cat has a town named after him, or is that what Canadian Ufologists do for crop circles - spell out pet names? Either way, I'm impressed!

    3. Acid


      Our area was hit with some severe thunderstorms for a few hours, but I was lucky enough to survive the outages. All good now, since there's absolutely no trace of the aftermath near my area.

    4. Grazza


      Milton was the name they had given him at the Humane Society, and when we adopted him we certainly couldn't think of a better name, so we kept it. I don't know what the name was based on. Poets? English villages? Canadian towns? His sibling had already been adopted, so we didn't know what the naming theme was. (They generally give all the kittens in a litter names that are linked in some way - like Agate, Pumice, Carbon and Graphite.)

      I was away from home recently when there was a severe rain storm (nearly two inches in a fairly short period, apparently), but did experience heavy hail. That was at Independence Pass, so it's not too unusual, even in summer.

  13. Turns out I've been browsing the idGames archive at 90% zoom for several years now. I noticed today when I actually zoomed in on Chrome.


    1. Technician


      Now don't kill yourself!

  14. Me.

    Another year, seems just as boring as the last.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Acid


      Obsidian said:


      Just a speedmap I made wishing you and 40oz Happy Birthday. Hope you like. =D

      <3 Thanks, will post video playthrough later~

    3. 40oz


      Happy birthday man, we share the same birthday :D

    4. Obsidian


      You end up making a vid? I wanna know how crap I am. :D

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