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About Acid

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  1. Hi, been occasionally lurking the post your doom pictures thread, always telling myself that I'd start mapping, but I haven't.

    So yeah, what are some really big events (wads/news etc) of Doom stuff over the past, let's say, 4-5 months or so? I've suddenly got an urge to blast through some wads and just to catch up in general.

    Thanks in advance and great seeing some familiar faces around the forums.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SavageCorona


      Cheery start. On a lighter note I got a cool new avatar and there's a spooky thread in EE but that's about it on my part.

    3. joe-ilya


      My tune-up project and my other project "consumed earth" are close to get released.

    4. purist


      Sunlust by Ribbicks & Danne is worth a look. It's being played by DWMC this month. Valiant by Skillsaw is nailed on for a Cacoward and worth playing too, depending on how long you've been away.

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