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About Ledillman

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    out of the blue

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  1. Noot noot!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gerardo194


      Good good!! How about you?? Glad to see you :)

    3. Ledillman


      cool, I've been fine, just not checkig out DW so much, not many reaons to stay here tbh

    4. Gerardo194


      Same here. You know I have projects to be done but I'm also busy with job and studies as well. I'm happy to know you're cool!! 

  2. If you see a post that has 9 likes, be a nice bro/sis and give 'em one more to have a beautiful and nice looking H E A R T





    1. Xyzzу


      ...I actually do that sometimes :P

    2. dew


      On the evil playthrough you can pre-emptively like posts you suspect might become popular, then when they get the ribbon, you remove the like and yoink the heart away. Then you can return to your coal-sorting factory to laugh at the stupid poor orphans.

    3. Jewellds


      I was like number 10, but it only works on posts not status updates. :(

  3. Japanese Dragon Ball Z is intense


    1. Gerardo194


      I really love that epic music!! Good memories from childhood!

    2. leodoom85
  4. Hola, Happy birthday!!!! Have a great day! :)

    1. Ledillman


      thank you very muchoo

  5. Hello =)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gerardo194


      Oh good, me too... It was my birthday today :)

    3. Ledillman


      Really?? happy birthday boy! hugs and kisses 

    4. Gerardo194


      Aww, thank you very much! Hugs and kisses for you too! I'm 24 now.

  6. Hey I fixed my  screen size thanks for the tip


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ledillman


      Yeah, I think you should use it like that too so you won't be having 10+ deaths  :*

    3. Catpho


      Wtf screen X_X

    4. Evolution


      All in all, I'm just another pixel in the wall.



      We don't need no


  7. I won


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ledillman
    3. Evolution


      Can't argue with that. So did you strafe run from the thin outer sector of the red lit block? I need answers!

    4. Ledillman



  8. Trenchbroom is pretty awesome.

    Years ago (probably a decade) I installed worldcraft  and I built a pure shitshow all over the place, couldn't understand it at all, but this tool is just so intuitive, so easy to make structures and more.




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Remilia Scarlet

      Remilia Scarlet

      I love TrenchBroom.  It feels so much like the GZDoomBuilder of Quake.

    3. [McD] James

      [McD] James

      That looks really, really good!

    4. Ledillman


      Thanks! tho that was my last progress on that map lol, I'll probably continue it later

  9. The Arch-Vile resurrected me. Brought me back from the depths of the abyss. 

    1. Ledillman


      I see you came back as a ghost monster tho, were you crushed by a door and then reurrected?

    2. Gerardo194


      Yeah! It happened while I was in Doom 64. I can walk through the walls now :)

  10. Sometimes I tend to act like the flamboyant kid from Curb your enthusiasm and it gets on my nerves

    1. R1ck


      Outside DW, I somewhat can relate to this.

    2. pavera


      I get on my nerves too. When you find yourself in a social situation almost on auto-pilot, acting exactly in every way you told yourself you wouldn't act this time. Then you look back on it in shame, realizing how everyone in the room really just wished you would go away...too nice to say anything.


      Maybe that's not the same feeling you have, but it's how I feel after almost any extended social encounter.

    3. Ledillman


      @Pavera Exactly like that. I realized when I was with some friends and one of them was recording with his smartphone, then when I watched it I was like "woah, do I say oh my gosh that frequently? and how I move, whaaat".


      So yeah, akward stuff.

  11. giphy.gif

    Heyooo how is it going :3

    1. esselfortium



      Hanging in there! Yourself?

    2. Ledillman


      Doing pretty good, just waiting for vacations :)

  12. The other day I watched Koe no Katachi.

    It was amazing, just like the manga.

    I remember hating so much on Ishida for bullying Shouko, then my most hated character was Ueno, fuck her, really. My first read on the manga was some time ago now, but I recall seeing more on the character's childhood (well, it's a movie and not a tv series with lots of episodes, so I guess it's ok to expect less content on just 2 hours)

    1. Gerardo194
    2. esselfortium


      I absolutely loved Koe no Katachi. Even though it did occasionally feel like it was adapted from a longer and more complex work, I think what they distilled it down into was truly beautiful and moving.

  13. Exams are done, finally! now I'll be traveling back home for some days, more peace at last :)

    1. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels

      There you go, a brief respite:


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