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Everything posted by Ledillman

  1. Some friends have told me that I look like a girl, and I don't think so... well, I do recognize that tying my hair on the side is seen like a girl thing but seriously, most of the people I know tell me that I shouldn't tie my hair like that 'cause "it's weird"... And the other day I laughed so hard, I was in a friend's house and tied the hair on the side and he said like "who's this girl haha just kidding... you shouldn't tie it like that, trust me, you'll regret it" and I was like, ok, why would I regret- ok nevermind. Haven't tied it other way because I like how it is.

    Anyways, a little rant-relieveng post.
    First monthly blog post, stay tuned for 14th of the month, every month, or not every month... whatever, good night boys and girls, or, whatever. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w46Dwh4TMGA)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AndrewB


      As long as you're not trying to attract anyone, I don't see what the problem is.

    3. Ledillman


      yukib1t said:

      Hhahaha that made my day, well, I don't talk like that :3

      AndrewB said:

      As long as you're not trying to attract anyone, I don't see what the problem is.

      Yeah, not trying to do that, just find "confortable" tying muh-hair


      So we played basketball today and surprisingly they said it looked nice on me, so... thanks I guess? end of log :p

    4. Technician


      AndrewB said:

      As long as you're not trying to attract anyone, I don't see what the problem is.


  2. Big image:

    I didn't choose the bad luck country, the bad luck country chose me

  3. Because of this!!:


    Sh*t happening in north to center Chile (specially Santiago, Valparaiso, etc)
    Still pretty cool

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GreyGhost


      That's quite some storm! My maternal grandmother would have drawn every curtain, covered the mirrors and silverware (so they don't attract the lightning) and huddled in a dark corner until the storm had passed. Her family were a very superstitious bunch.

    3. geekmarine


      Bloodshedder said:

      Of course it's a myth if you were taught wrong. It's 5 seconds per mile. (Actually 4.7, but close enough.)

      Yeah, I was gonna say, I thought it was more like 5 seconds per mile, not 1. Heh, 4.7... I mean, unless you happen to have a stopwatch and insanely good reflexes, don't think it's really gonna matter.

      More to the point, did you piss off Zeus or something, Ledillman?

    4. Ledillman


      geekmarine said:

      More to the point, did you piss off Zeus or something, Ledillman?

      Probably, but i'm not sure if I did something wrong last week... I only recall saying to my friends that I like Terry wads... oh, right, that was it.

  4. Awesome gameplay. Awesome music. Awesome monsters and bosses. Awesome locations.

    This game is freaking awesome, I remember sitting in my brother's bed while watching him playing Diablo 2 LOD, that was my first experience with the game. Years after that I installed Diablo 2 in an old PC and started playing with a Necromancer.
    Never beated Baal in normal, because that PC crashed and lost my data.

    I re-installed it in my new laptop some time ago when I received a gift from my bro, that gift was the original Diablo 2 and LOD Expansion CD's.

    Now i'm a Necromancer Level 76 and i'm currently in Hell difficulty and searching for Jah & Ber runes to combine them with another rune in a 3 socket body armor to make an 'Enigma', but i'm currently in Act 1 and it'll be hard to find a high rune in this Act.

    I can easily stay until 5 AM playing Diablo 2... uhg, I can't remember when was the last time that a game drained all my energies because of the obsesion... I think it was Doom back in 2007-2011 :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Avoozl


      I wish my new PC wouldn't struggle to play it in window mode with dxwnd, also the video test doesn't work so I can't change the 3D settings to 3DFX so no more fancy perspective.

      A word of warning though: Do not, I repeat, do not use the character editor out there, otherwise you might ruin the game for yourself.

    3. ReFracture


      If you're running Windows 7 try running the vid test as admin. It crashes for me if I don't, but works fine if I do. Also you probably will be setting Direct3D, 3DFX is pretty dead. :P

      If you can't get it working you might be able to force it through the registry..
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment\Diablo II\VideoConfig\Render
      0 is DirectDraw, 1 is Direct3D

      Also if you're talking Windowed mode in Diablo 2, use a command line arg:
      game.exe -w

      -w will set the game to Windowed mode. That's official, not a hack.

      If you're talking Windowed mode for Diablo 1, I recommend the strangebytes patch. The character select screen is kind of jacked up but the game itself is good.


    4. Avoozl


      Edit: Ah, I managed to get it to work with XP SP2 compatibility, strange it didn't work the last time I tried that setting the last time.

      Well that's one of the problems, setting D2VidTst to run as admin struggles to even load just the same, I used to be able to run it on my previous PC with Win 7, but my new PC with Win 8 doesn't want to.

      However I may have forgotten what it was that I did exactly to get DXWND to work with Diablo 2 in window mode long ago, also around then with nglide or glide-init I was able to run 3DFX mode with working perspective.

  5. This tends to happen sometimes.
    When i'm dreaming about my father I tend to wake up with tears, mainly because the end of those dreams are always just sad as hell for me.

    My dad died some time ago from cancer (If i recall correctly), it was very shocking for me, I remember very ell stading at his side in the hospital while he passed away and I could not believe it. Most of that sadness that I felt was because I was remembering the time I didn't spend with him, and the way he looked weeks and probably months before his death (very skinny and with some bad humour) and because he liked to be alone... or so I thought.

    2 nights before I dreamed about my father, he was in his bedroom with some cards (he really loved poker!) and when I saw him i was like about to cry when he called me and asked me if I wanted to play with him. I said yes.
    We played and talked a lot, it was very emotional, because we talked about when I was a little kid and we played and talked (we rarely talked the past 2 years before he died, but I started talking to him more months before), I don't know why, but instead of common lights we were using some candles. At the end of the dream the candles were about to fade when he asked for a hug, and then we hug each other. I recall waking up and remembering everything and started to cry a lot.
    So i'm not sure what it does mean... it seems that I really wanted to apologize and said hoy much I loved him, but I can do it only in my dreams.

    I don't recall having a funny or good dream about my dad, they're always sad.

    In other news, I think it's time to start mapping again to distract myself.

    1. AndrewB


      I understand quite well how dreams can mess you up for days afterwards. And it becomes a self-reinforcing chain reaction.

    2. 40oz


      last week I had a dream where this kid Jake from elementary school and I went to a concert or something, loud music, lots of people, lots of fun. Then we went to a bar afterwards, drank a little, had some deep conversations, then went back to his place and played video games for some hours. We had a damn good night, until I woke up. It was quite the man-date.

      I obviously didn't realize this in the dream, but shortly after I woke up I had recalled that Jake died in a car accident several years ago, shortly after graduating high school. I've known him for many years but we were never much more than mere acquaintances. Besides having a few small-talk convos on the school bus or being in a few classrooms together, I never really spent any time with him outside of school. I didn't really feel any sadness or remorse or anything when I woke up. I was just kinda bewildered by the idea that were besties in my dream. I'm not really friends with any of his friends, and I don't even remember hearing his name brought up at all for the last five years or so. He was definitely a cool and easy-going guy, so I suppose his friendship was a missed opportunity.

      I'm sure its much more moving when it involves someone you love, but yeah, dreams about people who've passed are crazy.

  6. Ok, so i don't know what is happening to me, but the past 3 weeks i've been chasing stores to find Mantecol. In short words, is an Argentinian candy, and wikipedia says:
    "Under the brands Mantecol and Nucrem is marketed a typical dessert of the cuisine of Argentina, a sort of semi-soft nougat made from peanut butter. It was originally created and marketed in the 1940s by the confectionery company Georgalos. Founded by a Greek immigrant family, his main reference, Miguel Georgalos, took the inspiration in a dessert of Greek cuisine, the halva."

    That's it, it's fucking incredible, i buy at least 2 mantecols per week, it's a madness, i can't stop thinking of it when i'm hungry for candy.

    I never eated Nucrem before, but it seems that is tastier than Mantecol.
    Right now i'm eating a 110 gram Mantecol bar and it's freaking delicious.
    Do i have a problem with this? it seems to, but i don't care.

    Talking about food addictions, i also like (in an incredible way) Kentucky Fried Chicken... oh my god, i want it NOW.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. myk


      Yep, it's awesome. I often have a piece with coffee.

    3. Ledillman


      Oh no... no me hagas eso! puedo sentir el olor...

      I need it


      Hopefully i'll be able to buy some units today




      Oh yeah, you know you want it.

    4. Maes


      I can understand you. I've had a similar craving for Russian kvass. Now I can't imagine living in a place where I couldn't find it.

  7. So i've always used other people's notebooks or computer to do some works, study, play videogames, mapping, etc.
    And finally yesterday i was able to get a new notebook for myself, so i'm actually happy, because it was a lucky sale i saw while looking at other notebooks that costed a lot of money.

    Some specs:
    Intel Pentium quad core processor N3520 (2M Cache, 2.42 Ghz)
    NVIDIA GeForce 820M with 1 GB dedicated VRAM
    14.0 HD LED LCD
    4 GB DDR3 L Memory
    1000 GB HDD
    So this week i'll be testing some games my bro has in his steam account and other stuff.

    Next thing i need is a USB mouse but i'll buy that later...

    1. FireFish


      seems your happy with that, it are the small things that usually bring the most joy. :)

    2. ReFracture


      It'll play Doom like a boss.

    3. joe-ilya


      I thought you finally have a paper notebook, I'm disappointed, son.

  8. So it's official now, some days ago I uploaded my Ugly Doom webpage were I'll post my short crappy reviews/opinions of wads, talk about other projects, my own projects and misc, everything I do there is doom related... or me-related, I also have plenty of Doom links too.


    It has a creepy old style structure and visuals, it's my first time with a personal webpage so don't be so rude :-P
    Anyways there it is, my personal doom space in the web, i'll update it at least every week... I hope.

    UPDATE 07/03/2014

    I've added downloads for 3 projects (one of them is on the unreleased/cancelled section) and one of them is multiplayer.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Memfis


      hey I liked your Deimos Chronology level :) http://doomedsda.us/wad2331.html

    3. joe-ilya


      D2INO is already finished.

    4. Ledillman


      @Hey thanks! good to see that there are people playing my levels
      @joe-ilya: I already know that, but i can't find a time to update that and post my review. Should be done at the end of this week, because i'll be entering vacations finally.

  9. I got this Metallica CD of their first album Kill 'em All (it's my favourite!) for only US $10 with 2 extra songs: Blitzkrieg and Am I evil?, both of them are covers, originally by Blitzkrieg and Diamond Head.

    Here is a photo (WARNING: BIG PHOTOS!):


    And this Iron Maiden t-shirt that has the Futureal single cover (originally a poster that came with the single) made by Derek Riggs (BIG photo again):


    1. Obsidian


      That is one excellent T-shirt. Kudos for getting your mitts on it. ;)

    2. Ledillman


      Thank you sir!

      Btw I just realized that I wrote "Irona" instead of "Iron", well, shiet

    3. Clonehunter


      Kickass shirt. Iron Maiden art is generally pretty damn cool.

  10. I'm talking about Yu Yu Hakusho, I used to watch this anime a lot when I was a kid, never understood too much, but it sure entertain me.

    I found a web page to watch this again but with japanese original audio with subs, I readed what was this show about, so basically the protagonist died at 14 when a car hit him trying to save a litle kid that was playing football and etc.

    I watched the first episode, but I didn't expect to cry, 'manly' tears started to fall when he was a ghost and he went to his own funeral, and his mother started crying, almost everybody was sad, even me, but I couldnt contain myself of crying when this little kid saved by him and his mother went to the funeral and he said thanks for saving him.

    Sure, silly thing you can say, but it mean a lot, there aren't too much animes that made me cry, like... 3 or 4, and I watch anime from the 80's to now (last anime I saw, and still airing is nagi no asukara), and this is the first one that made me cry in it's very first episode.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Memfis


      The funny thing about Samurai Pizza Cats is that the USA folks who licensed it didn't even have the scripts to translate, so instead they decided to just totally make up their own story and dialogues. Apparently, it even has scenes where the characters are looking at japanese texts and they say "wtf, this is in japanese, I can't understand". So you were actually watching SPC The Abridged Series, heh.

    3. Creaphis


      Creaphis said:

      Grave of the Fireflies was already on my list. Thanks for the reminder.

      Alright, I got around to it. My eyes were watery enough at the end for it to count. You win this time, Japan.

    4. baronofheck82


      Well, she didn't exactly die, but what happens to Roberta at the end of Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail (check it out if you haven't already, it's totally badass) is pretty fucked up. It didn't necessarily bring a tear to my eye but it did make me feel sad for her.

  11. So this year was pretty sad to me specially for my football (well, for some people is 'soccer') team that has 'won' 3 second places this year, 2 finals against other teams and one of them was by not scoring enough goals.

    That makes me so freaking sad, mangry, etc. I don't think that we have bad players, coach, etc, it's maybe some kind of magic thingy that doesn't allows us to win anything this year...
    I've cried a lot for my team, it's like a passion, few people can feel this like me... and in the otherside, deaths, family deaths, this years has been so shit for me.

    But, not at all, some things have been good, like my grade, finishing games (silly, but makes me happy)family and friends reunion, etc.

    I just hope I will have better times next year, but this year, has been like crap.

    In other news I will probably finish some project (of anything, doom maps, work things, etc) in the next days.

    1. AndrewB


      My indoor slo pitch team is 8-0-1 so far this winter. We were 36-4 during the summer. Unfortunately we lost the final in the last at-bat.

    2. Ralphis


      My favorite basketball team is the 76ers

    3. glenzinho


      And the answer for 100 points is Universidad Católica

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