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About Rayziik

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  1. One of the biggest complaints was that the red key was not visible on the status bar compared to the other two, and some were having trouble distinguishing whether they had it or not at a glance. Swapping the key positions and a small change to the status bar was done to fix that. The fullscreen HUD functions fine in dsda-doom as far as I can tell, maybe a change can be made in Woof to remove the offsets affecting the key positions when using the fullscreen HUD.
  2. Been a little while. Finally sat down and knocked out the last few things, so now this can be considered final. Download links have been updated one last time. The main change concerns all the maps that originally had death exits: there are now alternative conditional exits that are not death exits, which should open up strategies for D2ALL runs and continuous play. Otherwise, there's only a handful of other changes since RC3. -A few maps had geometry changed to give better performance -Fixed some possible softlocks in MAP32 and MAP34 -Adjusted the monster and item composition in MAP32 and MAP34 -Doggo can't softlock the secret in MAP34 anymore -Added some health and ammo to various maps, mostly the later ones As a reminder, use dsda-doom 0.27.5 (or newer) for the best experience. When recording demos, the new numbers for skill levels are: 4 for Ultra-Violence 5 for Mega-Violence 6 for Nightmare 7 for Ultra-Nightmare If you played the original, I recommend a play-through on Mega-Violence for a new and more challenging experience. For ports other than dsda-doom, enable cooperative thing spawns to achieve the same/similar settings. = Downloads: Judgment: Retrial - Final (5/25/2024) • Mirror • /idgames - Thanks for playing.
  3. Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed! - Mega-Violence is the same as Ultra-Violence with the "-coop_spawns" parameter added onto the command line. This means that the monsters and other objects that would only spawn in cooperative mode will now appear in single-player. It's not the same as the 'official' UV+ since 'fast monsters' is not also enabled. Ultra-Nightmare is the same as Mega-Violence, although now the monsters will behave like they do on Nightmare, meaning that 'fast monsters' is active and that they will respawn after some amount of time after they're killed. When it comes to resource balance on both of the new difficulties, I tested MV in a way that is more similar to the original release's UV: ammo and health management requires more strict consideration, accuracy is very important, and dodging/avoiding/minimizing damage taken is critical. The balancing may also be a bit silly on some maps because they were originally designed in this way for multiple players in cooperative, and I didn't cut back on most maps for the single-player balance in order to preserve the fun in cooperative play.
  4. Another update, this time a bit of work for both MAP01 and MAP02. Some of the most important bits: -Added ambient sounds, and added more to 01 and 02 depending on location -Adjusted some linedef action parameters in 01 (examples: a switch that didn't make noises, and a lowering floor that was too slow) -Removed some redundant/incorrect mid-textures -Fixed a couple very unintentional softlock scenarios in some of the secrets on 02 -Added a new set of sprites to represent the full-health restoring Rejuvenation Sphere in 02 -Fixed some grammatical errors in secret texts on both maps -Fixed/changed some of the intermission texts -Adjusted the midi on 02 so that it takes longer to repeat and adjusted the mix for easier listening And otherwise there's some behind the scenes changes that just make things run a bit smoother and fix a few visual errors, again. With all that taken care of, special thanks to @Vile and @brendondle for their play-throughs of MAP02, which enabled me to discover and fix a lot of things afterwards. Now to start working on MAP03 proper... Remember to update to at least version 0.27.0 of DSDA-Doom! = Downloads: The Pilgrim's Westward Way - Map 02 (1/14/2024) • Mirror
  5. Glaive MAP01 UV-Max in 1:09.83 glaive01m10983.zip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCa0yCNX0LY MAP02 UV-Max in 1:28.29 glaive02m12829.zip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbXGSEWTrfg MAP03 UV-Max in 1:29.66 glaive03m12966.zip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXGH4Cmckmk MAP04 UV-Max in 0:52.69 glaive04m5269.zip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnEQlIp5j_M MAP05 UV-Max in 1:23.20 glaive05m12320.zip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TohMVe4xSKo MAP06 UV-Max in 1:22.74 glaive06m12274.zip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_9AD1ucBds MAP07 UV-Max in 1:17.80 glaive07m11780.zip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xWBWxFm3pE MAP08 UV-Max in 2:21.74 glaive08m22174.zip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7itXnlMbiQ MAP09 UV-Max in 1:27.43 glaive09m12743.zip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drrqVwObBpU
  6. I would recommend skipping the original if you hadn't played it before. The majority of the content is the same between the two, and the changes and bugfixes that I did make in Retrial should (at least in my opinion) make for the better experience.
  7. Another RC update, more bug-fixes and some balance changes. Here's a short list: -More maps were updated to better facilitate true co-op play -Multiple instances of monsters being stuck together or line-skipping teleporters in some ports should be fixed -Problematic monster closets now have failsafe systems in place so monsters will enter the maps eventually -MAP06 has extra dogs for each player in the game -MAP11 pacifist switches will be hidden until ready to use, and will hide themselves when they're no longer needed -MAP14 had geometry changes by the blue key, and some of the fights happen at different times -MAP32 has a few more megaspheres you can grab once you open the doors to the exit -A handful of maps have had a secret added to them -Some more visual errors in some maps are now fixed -Probably a bunch of other small things I forgot to write down... For the best experience use DSDA-Doom, as I can guarantee the maps behave properly in that port. Other ports might experience small differences due to different handling of flags and physics. Aside from anymore bugs that pop up, there's one more significant addition I want to include before finalizing the wad. = Downloads: Judgment: Retrial - RC3 (1/31/2024) • Mirror
  8. As I've been working with the format, alongside @Napsalm for a lot of it too, I came up with a good number of things that may be useful. There's a good number that are just QoL changes for existing stuff, but then also quite a few new things that would be rather useful, I think. Here's the list, as it currently is: Thing Flags (Access via editor means that the flag can be toggled in the editor like AMBUSH or FRIENDLY is) REVERSEGRAV = Makes something gravitate to the ceiling instead of the floor NORESPAWN = Access via editor to make things not respawn in Nightmare difficult JUSTHIT = Access via editor to make things instantly attack on sight SHADOW = Access via editor to make things appear as specters (speedrunners hate him for this!!) CONTROL1/2/3/4 = Dummy flags in MBF21 flags to use for JumpIfFlagsSet (also get editor access?) FRIGHTENED = Inverts speed value so that they retreat from the player (or advance if speed is set negative) TELESTOMP = Thing can telefrag regardless of map slot or MAPINFO settings Thing Properties Heal group (new) Functions similar to projectile group, but with regards to raising monsters (things in same group can only be raised by another thing in the same group) Gib health (enable) Add property functionality Blood color (extension) Add the rest of the colors as definied via DSDACR Pickup Type (new) Allows creation of "new" items, likely handled as flags? Could combine effects of existing items, perhaps also cheats, also add new effects? Ex: Pickup type = INVULNERABILITY+MEGASPHERE+GIVEWEAPON5 This would create an item that gives an invulnerability, megasphere, and rocket launcher at the same time Other properties could be pulled from other ports or just added if sounds like a cool idea Ex: FLY = Grants flight for a limited time (don't forget to bind controls) FULLAMMO = Gives max ammo in all ammo types ALLWEAPONS = Gives all weapons HASTE = Grants 25% increased move speed/weapon swap speed for limited time QUADDAMAGE = Multiplies your damage output by 4 for a limited time Perhaps even finer control could be given via other new properties? Powerup time = 'int' interpreted as seconds for effects to last (default = 30) Damage amp = 'int' interpreted as % Speed amp = 'int' interpreted as % Ammo = 'int' amount of ammo granted by an item OR multiplier of base amount amount (Ex: clip gives 10, box gives 50, multiplier at 10 would give 100) Health = 'int' repurpose for items with special as HP given, add BONUSHEALTH flag for healing over 100 (or deh limit if changed) Armor = 'int' new property for items with special, gives armor %, add BONUSARMOR flag for armor above threshold (add new misc dehacked property for green armor threshold?) Protection amount = 'int' interpreted as %, amount of damage armor absorbs Potentially add generic strings to reference when an item is grabbed? "GOTGENERIC1 =", where the number in the string name is referenced via property Thing Codepointers A_Mushroom (extension) Add argument that lets you define the projectile type that is spawned Shift to RadiusDamage instead of Explode, add two arguments for Damage + Radius (default = 128) A_NoiseAlert (extension) Add argument that lets you select a sound to play when called Add argument that detemines whether the played sound is played at full volume or not A_Wander (new) Like the strife NPCs do, move around but don't attempt to approach or attack anything (enter melee/missile states) Add argument that specifies a thing number to return to/wander around? Add argument that specifies how far away until returning to previously specified thing? A_FastChase (new) Hexen's unique chase variant that the bosses use to strafe around and keep a distance from players A_SoundChase (new) Chase codepointer that also plays a sound at the same time, like Hoof or Metal does Potentially just add arguments to the other two pointers to specifiy a different sound? A_CustomComboAttack (new) A combination of projectile and melee attack, for ease of use mostly. Exclude melee range, just use actor property type (uint): Type (dehnum) of actor to spawn angle (fixed): Angle (degrees), relative to calling actor's angle pitch (fixed): Pitch (degrees), relative to calling actor's pitch hoffset (fixed): Horizontal spawn offset, relative to calling actor's angle voffset (fixed): Vertical spawn offset, relative to actor's default projectile fire height damagebase (uint): Base damage of attack; if not set, defaults to 3 damagedice (uint): Attack damage random multiplier; if not set, defaults to 8 sound (uint): Sound to play if attack hits A_Thrust (new) Gives momentum to a thing, moving it or changing it's trajectory by the specified amounts at specified angles Add argument for the amount of thrust Add argument for the horizontal angle relative to current angle Add argument for the vertical angle relative to current angle Counter codepointers (Number of counters per thing likely limited) AddToCounter (counter #, amount) Adds value to counter # RemoveFromCounter (counter #, amount) Removes value from counter # SetCounter (counter #, amount) Sets counter to # ResetCounter (counter #) Resets counter to 0 JumpCounter (counter #, value, compare type, frame) Jumps to a frame based on counter comparison Comparator Types 0 = counter < value 1 = counter ≤ value 2 = counter > value 3 = counter ≥ value 4 = counter = value 5 = counter ≠ value Projectiles Control over damage die (Use reaction time as the variable? Default is 8 for all things anyway) Create new thing property "Missile multiplier ="? Use reaction time as the variable since it does nothing on projectiles? STRIFEDAMAGE flag does 1-4 instead of 1-8 Sector Types Friction without Protection A friction floor variant that is negated by radsuit Bouncy sectors Either control via linedef, length determines scale of bounce versus momentum on impact Or simply act like any actor touching the sector floor has BOUNCY flag Damage to all things Damaging sector type but also damages monsters Heal sectors Gives HP back to the player while standing on, flash lowest pickup palette or radsuit palette on heal maybe? Variant that heals only monsters Variant that heals all things Linedef Types Flags Block Flying Monsters Block Projectiles Block Hitscans Wrap Mid-Textures Key Locked generalized line action specials Action Specials Exit linedefs (11, 51, 52, 124, 197, 198) Use tag to point exit to different maps (Ex: tag 24 causes exit to send player to map 24, tag 0 sends to UMAPINFO/MAPINFO defined next or secret next) Possibly add new exit types for this behavior instead Translucent Middle Texture (260) Use tag to define the level of translucency (1-99) Generalized Light Types Trigger types (Walk 1/R, Switch 1/R, Gunfire 1/R, Door 1/R) Model types (trigger/numeric) "Direction" types Increase/Decrease to (only happens if below/above target level) Increase/Decrease by (relative amount, go above/below max/min for better control) Target types (Highest adjacent, lowest adjacent, next adjacent, exact value) If possible, have a property to select specific light target levels (0, 16, 32, 48, etc.) Timer amounts for temporary light level increases/decreases? Add sector types? (flicker, glow, blink, none) Line Horizon Extends the flat in front of the line to infinity on the other side Currently zokumBSP can do this somehow? Noise Alert Functions as A_NoiseAlert, but triggered on a linedef Weapons and Weapon Codepointers New Slots tied to the existing slots, cycled into like SG/SSG and Fist/Chainsaw Slot numbering is gonna be a mess unfortuntely. Chainsaw is slot 7 and SSG is slot 8 for example, so a pistol secondary slot would be 9, chaingun 10, rocket launcher 11, etc. Potentially, add a property to weapons that specifies which slot they're accessed from instead of hardcoded assignments? Would then need to have selection be based on lowest slot number or add a 'priority value' property Alt-Fire Add "altfire frame =" and new input to trigger this state change from WeaponReady Alt-Flash Add "altflash frame =" that is called by A_AltFlash Reload Add "reload frame =" and new input to trigger this state change from WeaponReady Likely used in conjunction with the Counter codepointers below or as a third firing mode potentially A_Zoom Zoom in the player view when called Add argument to specify zoom multiplier amount A_WeaponProjectile (extension) Extra argument field to set range of autoaim (is this possible?) A_WeaponBulletAttack (extension) Extra argument field to define unique bulletpuffs for hitscan impacts Extra argument field to set range of autoaim (is this possible?) A_AltFlash (new) Displays the AltFlash frames over the weapon sprites like GunFlash does for the normal Flash frames A_Light (new) Customizable light function for weapon flashes. Zdoom ranges -20 to 20, to allow darkening or lightness, 1 = Light1, 2 = Light2 Counter codepointers (Number of counters per weapon likely limited) AddToCounter (counter #, amount) Adds value to counter # RemoveFromCounter (counter #, amount) Removes value from counter # SetCounter (counter #, amount) Sets counter to # ResetCounter (counter #) Resets counter to 0 JumpCounter (counter #, value, compare type, frame) Jumps to a frame based on counter comparison Comparator Types 0 = counter < value 1 = counter ≤ value 2 = counter > value 3 = counter ≥ value 4 = counter = value 5 = counter ≠ value Friendlies Decouple the MBF target logic from the MBF infighting behavior so that friendlies work better overall New MBF21 flag that enables the MBF infighting behavior for specific things instead? Better control for modding overall
  9. Oops, quick update to fix a few stupid mistakes I didn't catch. If you've started playing already you probably won't find them unless you try to break stuff or you get very unlucky, and there's a few visual things that I fixed as well. The worst issue was a bug at the start of map 02 that affects a later fight and I didn't use the right text on map 03 for the preview... That's what I get for not double checking. Same links for the download. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  10. Hello there. An update appears: this time bringing MAP02 into play. Alongside this, there is a a Prologue map that functions as the first map of the first episode. Returning Pilgrims may enjoy starting from the main menu, and entering the episode from here in order to preview a bit of the project's scope. A text screen follows this map as well, if you're interested in gathering lore. MAP02 features many set-pieces based on concepts such as crowd control, crossfire, overwhelming a static player, position awareness and spacing, and some platforming. There's also 4 secret encounters for those who explore everything. Enjoy. Due to new features and MAPINFO support having been added into DSDA-Doom, it is highly recommended that you update to Version 0.27.0 or newer. = Downloads: The Pilgrim's Westward Way - Map 02 (1/14/2024) • Mirror
  11. Did some investigating, this seems to also be mishandling by GZDoom. The monsters marked "Not Cooperative" should not be spawning on mega-violence, and yet they are. Maybe worth it to mention alongside the specters appearing opaque when they should be showing translucent.
  12. Yea I tested this and they don't appear as they should. It must be different handling on GZDoom. These should all be fine. Some monsters are tagged as multiplayer only, and the others will only appear in single player. Is this behavior different on GZDoom and making them stuck or not teleport into the map? Looks like a linedef skip scenario, which is rather uncommon. I can build a fail-safe mechanism for this closet so they can get out. You can *technically* get out of that spot with a glide, but I will move the pillar over slightly to make it easier to escape.
  13. Those are just updated specters, they're intended to look that way! They have a solid color sprite and are tagged translucent instead of having the normal fuzzy effect.
  14. Hi, new RC since there's been a bit of play-testing and such. Mostly co-op related stuff, but a few minor tweaks in general. In order to access the new difficulties, update DSDA to 0.27.5! RC2: (1/4/2024) -New difficulty menu (added in RC1.1) -Multiple maps were updated to better facilitate true co-op play -Multiple maps had small graphical errors fixed (lighting, improper fake floors, texture offsets, etc.) -Fixed monsters not staying awake in true co-op play on a few maps (MAP02 in particular) -The shaman's upgraded missile attack's tracking ability was nerfed a little bit -A missing Impact Gauntlet on MAP17 was found! -Boss monster triggers that worked slowly or unintuitively were updated (MAP19 in particular) = Downloads: Judgment: Retrial - RC2 (1/4/2024) • Mirror
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