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About jazzmaster9

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    Probably Working on Abysm 2 right now.
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  1. the "Lazy Dev" thing is pretty much a buzz word for "they didn't make it the way i want because they wanted to actually clock out at 5pm" Imagine making a huge chunk of Doom 2's map pool then being called Lazy by a random player.
  2. All good, I also came off super defensive there so apologies. Being cautious with Triple A developers, even Namco-Bandai, is a very reasonable stance to have considering the OP thread as well as many of the stuff posted.
  3. Ohh man i just noticed the quote reply. Maybe i should have Dark Souls 2 auto filter to "fever dream" /s I won't cuz I actually want the people who like the game to continue liking it.
  4. Everything sounds bad if you exaggerate enough. This isn't the gotcha moment you think it is. Thanks for reminding why I don't talk about Elden Ring or Doom Eternal in this cesspool known as the internet
  5. The only Triple A Developer i've show any hype towards in recent years is From Software. No Bells and Whistle, No MTX, just dying in Poison Swamps and getting demolished by every boss I come across, Like god intended.
  6. This is how i felt when Doom Eternal first released. It HAS to be exactly as how they want the series to be like, it HAS to feel like their childhood game, it HAS to have "the spirit of the classic" or else its a blight to the series and is ruined it forever. Its tiring. and its brining me back to 2021 when all this BS ruined my hype for Doom Eternal. GO FUCKING PLAY VALIANT AND ANCIENT ALIENS FFS THERE 1 MILLION mapsets, hell you can make mods that have Non of the platforming/cringe lore/confetti. We'll be outside the discourse enjoying ALL DOOMS EDIT: no use quoting me since im already over this back in 2021 but Dark Ages brining back flashbacks.
  7. But you dont understand, its no longer the Doom i remember there for its ruined and objectively bad. Kidding aside, i cant believe its real and its Glorious. *Queue Bobby Roode music
  8. So i guess my phrasing should be were afraid that it becomes bad (ie. Has features we dont like) when the third game could actually be different. I don't know at this point since no one can even agree on what "real doom" is and i kinda tuned out on the Doom Eternal arguing back in 2021
  9. I find it interesting that so many people are so afraid of having to, god forbid, switch weapons every few seconds and have a lore not be Tolkien in quality, that we didnt consider that the third game could be very different considering how different 2016 is to Eternal. Like it doesn't have to be 100% 2016 or 100% Eternal
  10. Its not Doom 2: Hell on Earth 2 so its probably gonna suck.
  11. Its definitely not one of their best album, But I still do enjoy listening to it. they gave ZERO FUCKS about it sounding polished which i respect and is exactly what it says on the tin, Anger.
  12. This is exactly what i loved about Doom Eternal's soundtrack. It had the grit off 2016 but the memorable melodies of the classic soundtracks. Also Meathook > The Only thing they Fear is You
  13. Ohh geez i guess have to list down things i hate about everything i consume. Cant 100% like anything anymore without looking like a fanboy.
  14. There is such a thing as bad outweighing the good. Nothing can be a Perfect game, but there are times where strong elements are just so strong that the negatives fall by the way side. There was absolutely nothing nuanced with "Doom 64 sux lol" and "overrated" on the intro and title. Im sorry but i just cannot agree with this at all.
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