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About insanoflex312

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  1. Pretty interesting. I like the void aesthetic going on and the fights were tight. Are you planning on making this longer? Its short and sweet, but way too short for me.
  2. insanoflex312

    Deep Core 1

    Pretty great level, considering its from 1997. Would fit perfectly in any easier UD episode 1 replacement. Extremely easy
  3. Thanks to the playtesters giving valuable feedback, and @Mr. Meanor for his playthrough, many errors were found and corrected along with balancing(see top post) for the final version, which will come before February. I encourage everyone who has played the beta to check out the released version when it comes out. Thanks everyone!
  4. models in Doom, imo, can work if the animation is jittery like in Quake. I mean, theres Quake, after all, and no one complains about the models in that game. If people think models wouldnt work in Doom because of the low detail environments they'd be in, uh, have you played any mods created past 1998? But yes, for the love of gawd, please work on the animations before making new models
  5. Count me in. I've gotten back into Doom lately Active/Partial Playtester: Active. Preferred difficulty: UV but I can test whatever. Number of maps in a set (Max/Min): No full megawads unless you want me to just play a few levels Genres don't like: BFG-fest Slaughter Preferred souce ports: GZDoom CrispyDoom Refused source ports: All others, sorry Demos or written comments: Messages and posts with as detailed of feedback as I can Contact (Personal forum thread/ Private message): DW Private message is fine
  6. As a beginner, I STRONGLY recommend against creating an entire megawad. They're extremely time consuming to do all by yourself, and that's if you actually finish it. Take it from me. Make some smaller sized level packs and get lots of feedback so your skills can grow, then if you want to make a bigger project, go from there. Your skills will grow as you make your megawad because its so many levels that by the time you're at about level 20 or so, you'll look back to your old maps and want to redo them with the new skills you learned. Learn the skills first, then try a big project.
  7. Is that what the banging on my door was?? I just thought it was the boogey man, but oh no, its so much worse....
  8. Oh nice, thanks for the heads up. Im really digging your tracks, its great work. Ill check out those others too. Got some projects in mind for some dark music
  9. The difficulty I would not call middling. Its pretty brutal, actually. Didnt like the enemies at the beginning either(don't want to spoil). I do adore the atmosphere, though
  10. Not really much of a fan of PB, but these were pretty fun, none-the-less. Pretty basic layout, room-to-room fights, but good for a first .wad.
  11. Updated the file, removing the recoil from weapons, in case anyone didn't like that feature. I'll be adding an option to turn it off for the final release. Just download this version and play it instead.
  12. I'm stoked. For real, the first one was such a trip
  13. This is literally the best ever. Easily above wow.wad in quality. I genuinely had fun playing it. Give mindblower119 an award, just not a caco ;) Advice? Play test your levels to see if they're actually beatable.
  14. I seriously cannot believe it was almost 10 years ago since I released not the first Hell Awakened megawad, but the first episode of Hell Awakened 2. Wowee! But, fans of the first episode will be very pleased to know that episode 2's new beta release will be tomorrow sometime around 3pm Pacific Time(UTC -8). BETA NOW AVAILABLE, see below! I'm currently looking for play testers for anyone interested, though I'll be contacting some directly who are in the play tester list here on Doom World. But, once released tomorrow, it'll be an open beta for all. I ask that you give feedback in DM ONLY(and please give feedback! Improving this map-set in its final stages is imperative) so as to not spoil anyone waiting for a final release to play. That kind of only goes for specifics, though, so if you really want to hype the wad because you enjoy it, go for it! Or the opposite as well. Current Features: Brutal combat on the level of Altars of Madness on HMP, so pretty hard but not far too hard. Difficulty settings have been implemented and are undergoing thorough testing now. The combat is BRUTAL on UV, so don't be afraid to lower the difficulty if it becomes too much. Requires GZDoom. Not currently tested with any additional ports, though cross-porting would be really great to do. Nine total maps. You no longer need the console to switch maps. Map 9 is a secret level, 8 is a boss, speaking of ... A new, yet familiar(if you've played the first Hell Awakened that is) Boss to end the episode THAT IS NOW BALANCED One extra new enemy compared the first episode, making four in total compared to Doom 2, not including the boss. All levels are completed, minus thorough playtesting. If you played the first beta release, play this one too, as many of the levels have been overhauled to some degree. Doom 64 and PSX music tracks Until I figure out how to fix it, recoil from the weapons keeps mouse look aiming off. The map-set is designed without mouse look, but I really want to fix this as I know many people play with it on. Fixed. I'm dumb Link to the old beta thread for additional screenies and additional info is here Any additional questions can be asked here or in DM if you'd like to know more. Hopefully the full release will in February or sooner based on how much feedback I'm able to get. Thanks so much to everyone who has played and enjoyed any of my wads. Fixed known bug: Ending of E2M3 is marked as End Game instead of End Normal, so if you've already downloaded the beta, use the console (~) and type "map e2m4" to proceed Fixed: Errors switches for secrets in map 04, balancing in the final map, balancing and errors in the secret level, added text to ending and other things. Tons of stuff fixed, so thanks everyone for the feedback! VERSION 0.1.2b out! (Updated 12/25/23) D64 style recoil: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EIOUZWd24hm10bxdGi1OGgpSjpvsBpgE/view?usp=sharing No recoil: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ASEXZt8e036FkgSWAVv6SAWJvA5L5oYa/view?usp=sharing I'd like to credit:
  15. Just make the linedefs have the same sector definition and voila, invisible platforms. I feel like its lost technique from the olden days.
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