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Everything posted by Darch

  1. Congrats on the Cacoward, Essel! I've just started playing it, really impressive so far! Didn't read the thread, but in case nobody pointed it: at the first map, there are instructions to use the bomb at the rock wall at the yellow key room, but the rock wall is actually at the red key room.
  2. Indeed, it doesn't shoot anything at all using A_FirePlasma. I think I remember @Doomkid talking about BFG zombies and how you could make any monster shoot any weapon, but couldn't find it anymore.
  3. Let me explain: - I changed the arachnotron plasmaball sprites and sounds for a custom projectile for a new monster (SS replacement) - Now I'd like the arachnotrons to shoot the same plasmaballs as the player, since I have no other "missiles" available (all other monsters shoot their own projectiles already) - I'm aware of a_monsterprojectile on MBF21, but this is an old PRBoom+ project with tons of dehacked already and I wouldn't like to change compatibility just for this one projectile. Is it possible? Thanks!!
  4. Thank you @Gez, that did work. MBF edit text file says: "Note that the frame's tics field must not be -1, for this to work correctly" but it worked anyway. I only had to change frame 921 duration to 1 instead of 0, because 0 tics gave me 100% skulls. But that's good enough, thank you!
  5. I'm trying to use MBF's random jump to spawn one of two things in a map, randomly of course. The problem is, it always goes to the same frame at first. If it randomizes several times, it works properly, but it's no use since my intention was to spawn an static object, only once. Just as a test, I picked the flaming skull slot, because it has 3 states. The first one is the randomizer. Then it should go randomly to the second state (a tree) or the third state (a lamp). In this test , I made them go back to the first state, just to try to understand what was going on. The skulls always turn into trees at first, then they start randomizing. This is the code and there's a test wad attached: Frame 921 // skulls Duration = 100 Unknown 1 = 923 Unknown 2 = 128 // even if I change this to 255 (100% go to lamp state), it still picks trees at first Frame 922 // tree Duration = 200 Next frame = 921 Sprite number = 115 Sprite subnumber = 32768 Frame 923 // lamp Duration = 200 Sprite number = 117 Sprite subnumber = 32768 [CODEPTR] FRAME 921 = RandomJump random jump test.rar
  6. Welcome back! Super fun and creative mapset, great music, played it in one sit. Might make a nautical themed wad myself someday :)
  7. Don't know if bugfixing is still going on, but in case it is: there's a Cacodemon stuck in a Pain Elemental on E2M12, Skill level 3. Looks kind of cool, tho. Fantastic mapset, by the way!
  8. @Aurelius I didn't know about MBF21, thank you. Looks like a "clean" solution for me, but according to the Doom Wiki. it's not supported by PRBoom+, I'm afraid
  9. In PrBoom+, if you shoot the plasma gun near a wall, the firing sound (DSPLASMA) gets cut out by the plasmaball death sound (DSFIRXPL). I've tried changing sound priorities with dehacked, but it didn't work. Anyway to fix this?
  10. The red skull key graphic is STKEYS5 and the red card is STKEYS2. Just replace them with your custom graphic.
  11. I didn't know that. Thanks
  12. That dog is an MBF actor, not vanilla. His sounds and states cannot be edited with wacked4, as far I know. But thanks, anyway
  13. I'm working on a monster replacing the MBF dog. His melee attack should be similar to the revenant punch, playing A_SkelWhoosh when it misses, and the custom dog attack sound (DSDGATK) while hitting. Problem is: when I define first attack frame in dehacked, it immediately plays DSDGATK, no matter what frame I choose. If I set that frame to a_SkelWoosh, then it plays the Woosh sound, but of course there's no damage. Is there a custom state for the dog attack (like A_TroopAttack, A_SargAttac, A_SkelFist, etc)? edit: forgot to mention that I'm using dehacked
  14. Exactly. In the test map, if go up the stairs after Arch Vile starts its attack, sometimes the lamp will be spawned inside the floor, at the same height you were when attack started.
  15. Awesome! Thank you very much, @holaareola. The biggest issue (object spawning on air) is solved, but we still got the object inside the floor if we go to a higher floor after the fire sequence starts. Is this also fixable?
  16. That would be perfect, can you show me how to do it?
  17. That helps, thank you. Unfortunately it still has no gravity. So, if I'm standing on a higher floor when Arch Vile starts his attack, then go down in the middle of it, the object will still be spawned in the air.
  18. I'm trying to make an Arch Vile attack that leaves an object behind. The problem is, this object is not subjected to gravity. I've removed the gravity state with Whacked and added an object after it's last frame (tall lamp, just for testing) and sometimes it's spawns on air and even inside the ground. Here's the code: Thing 5 (Archvile attack) Bits = NOBLOCKMAP+TRANSLUCENT Frame 310 // (vile attack last frame) Next frame = 442 // (tall lamp first frame) My test wad is also attached if someone can take a look, thanks fire test.rar
  19. You mean grittin teeth + invulnerability eyes? That would require extra frames. As far as I know, you can't add frames, only replace the existing ones.
  20. This was the first Doom map I couldn't beat with iddqd. I became indeed an "imortal smoke trying to reach the moon" as the map title says, and couldn't get back to the floor. Later I figured it out and beat it properly.
  21. Watching my 6 year daughter learn how to write, what does not make sense for me (in any language) is that C sometimes is pronounced as S, and S sometimes is pronounced as Z, G sometimes is J, etc etc. It would be much simpler if every letter sounded always the same. Most of her spelling errors happen because she writes the words exactly as she hears them, and it makes more sense to me.
  22. @RDETalus the problem with this "delete unused textures" option is that it also deletes frames of animated textures, since you generally don't place them all into maps, breaking their animations. If I had few animated textures, I would make some walls outside of the map with every frame of them. (didn't test it, but should work) @TheGreenZap I look at doombuilder which textures were used, exactly as @RDETalus mentioned above, which can be a slow and painfull task if you have lots of textures. I was just about to ask the same as you, if there was an easier method.
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