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About OpenMaw

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  1. Hey guys! More news. Save The Astronaut will be receiving an update next Friday which will address a few small issues people have had with the game. Nothing that outright broke it, but just a few niggling issues. Alongside the update will be a demo for the game as well to hopefully increase peoples interest. We're a small studio and every purchase is massively important to us right now. Save The Astronaut is now also on indiedb! https://www.indiedb.com/games/save-the-astronaut We were also in a sponsored stream thanks to "The Princess" on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=1257309274621094 She starts streaming Save The Astronaut at about 2:02:00 into her stream. We hope you guys will check the game out and give us some feedback.
  2. My good friend over at Retro Dino has done a full playthrough of the game. Work on the sequel, tenatively titled "Save The Astronaut II" has started.
  3. Hey guys, Been awhile since I've come on here. I've spent most of this year in quarentine experimenting in game development, and over the last few months I have put together a game called Save The Astronaut which is now available on Steam Store page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1404070/Save_The_Astronaut/ My wife and I are hoping to turn this into our full time career. We really enjoy the process of conceptualizing and making games. It's something I've been experimenting with since I was a young teenager. So, this is just the beginning for us. We're already working on the sequel. I hope some of you guys will check it out and let me know what you think. We're really excited right now. This was a big step for us.
  4. Hello!

    For those of you who may be fans of not only Doom, but of classic games like Commander Keen, Quake, Wolfenstein 3D etc... You may find it very awesome that a machinima series for Duke Nukem is in the works. The first episode released Christmas Day and is called "Ass Kicking Etiquette"

    You can view it here:

    We also have a facebook page you can subscribe to here:

    We hope you enjoy what our series offers. Be sure to stay tuned as the next episode will be out January 25th, 2012. We're going to feature many classic DOS characters in future episodes after that, including DoomGuy and maybe even Commander Keen!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. OpenMaw


      The third episode in the series now has a teaser trailer available. It's entitled "Bacon Factory"


      Enjoy! :)

    3. OpenMaw


      April 7th has hit already and as such we are at the release day for episode 03 of Duke Nukem The Series. You can view it right here in glorious HD.


      Take it easy folks, and enjoy! :)

    4. OpenMaw


      It's been a long while since Duke Nukem The Series had a release. The reason for this is shortly after the release of our third episode, Vinny Stagnitta lost his place. He's been searching, and still is. However, we did manage to secure a small area for him at a friends house where we can work on smaller scale shorts.

      In this instance we decided to do a short commercial featuring Duke.


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