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About 4shockblast

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  1. Hey, just for future reference, this was accidentally uploaded to the archive as Tyson with -fast because it had a textfile. In the future, if you do not have a valid run, please exclude the textfile in the zip. I don't really have the time to read every post or check demos on oddball categories thoroughly otherwise.
  2. Also, FYI, you will want to add a textfile to this for it to go on DSDA to match DSDA conventions. Here's an example: PWAD: something.wad PWAD Name: Name Map: ## Skill: 4 Category: UV-Max Exe: ZDaemon v#.#.# Recorded on: Date Time: #:## Author: player_name Description: Feel free to repost to the RJ/plasma/BFG demos thread with the above txt included, and the demo will go on DSDA. :)
  3. Welcome back and gg. In the speedrun subforum, bumping threads for new demos is always acceptable. :)
  4. Hi, this WAD is a cl2 WAD, not cl11. I can upload it as incompatible in the Other category, or you could redo the map under cl2.
  5. More Scythe epic. 2P co-op UV-Maxes (player 1: me, player 2: @GarrettChan) Map 11 UV-Max in 0:48. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdVqkhbPG0Y Map 11 NM-Speed in 0:02.49. Map 12 UV-Max in 0:24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP5kCiUes0s sc11mc048.zip sc11nc002.zip sc12mc024.zip
  6. 2P Co-op runs (player 1: me, player 2: @GarrettChan): Map 10 Pacifist in 0:01.86. Map 11 UV-Speed in 0:41.34. Map 17 UV-Speed in 0:03.03. 10lne510pc001.zip 10lne511c041.zip 10lne517c003.zip
  7. Map 21 2P co-op UV-Max in 0:28. (player 1: me, player 2: @GarrettChan) https://youtu.be/weMZAsmh7C0 sc21mc028.zip
  8. I can upload the cl9 demos as Other (incompatible demo), but no as UV-Max. If you're ok with redoing, then that would be ideal.
  9. Cool, yeah, this was my theory, but I didn't get around to checking it. It's a weird thing where monsters can block floors that they are not in in cl2 and not in Boom. I think it's hard to say if this was intended on the map, because it sort of makes sense progression-wise; otherwise you can get the yellow key right away and exit, but this way the blue key is required. But it's confusing to rely on a bug like this for this, so who knows.
  10. Hmm, that is very confusing to me. I will investigate the WAD further to see what's going on. I checked in nomo, and it worked, and when I maxed the map it worked, but now I have to wonder if somehow monsters impact how it raises somehow impacts it in a weird way.
  11. That's strange. Is there a MacOS build of the latest DSDA version that you can test on?
  12. That floor may or may not go up right away, but the line there is a vanilla action line. I think if you try again in cl2, it will go up, but it could take a few seconds (same would apply in Boom, though).
  13. Which elevator? I played through this map, and it worked just fine for me on cl2.
  14. This is an empty zip file. Regarding the question, I put anything that has no movement at all into Pacifist.
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