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About leebigh

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  1. Thank you Deadwing :-) I have my progress saved, so I could to continue without cheats. I´m glad I helped fix this bug :-)
  2. Dear guys, I have problem in the 27th map (Rapido) I jumped into outdoor area without activating the switch which reveals a lot of cacodemons and the lift. I´m stuck now as you can see on the picture. It´s a bug or I´m doing something bad? Playing RC 2 version with GZ Doom 4.70. Thank you for your reply.
  3. Hi guys, could you give me an advice for map 29 please? I can´t find the yellow key and continue in the map to the final fight. Thank you :-)
  4. Map 02 If you enter this lift nearby the start of the map, you will be stuck there, I haven´t found the way out
  5. Map 02 I would recommend to turn off crouching, I think that you don´t need this in this map. You can get stuck under these stairs
  6. Hi guys, I started to play your project. It looks very good. I found a little bug in the first map (RC2 version) If you will fall off from these stairs to the left, you will be stuck below.
  7. Hi guys, is there the way how to turn off mouse movement in Eternity Engine? I would like use mouse look only because the mouse movement is uncomfortable for me. I haven´t found this in options. Thank you :-)
  8. I tried it and I think that is obligatory for playing Demonfear. I have to write about your pack in my review which I´m preparing.
  9. Thank you very much, it works now. I think that problem was somewhere in Google Drive, because actual link looks different.
  10. I tried to download this MIDI pack from Google Drive link above. It seems to be OK but my WinRAR reports that it is corrupted so I can´t unpack it.
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