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Everything posted by mouldy

  1. I haven't updated this wad since 2015. Have fun!
  2. Cheers mate. There used to be 666 enemies and i removed one by accident in the last update. I might have to fix that
  3. Looks like your page hadn't updated yet for whatever internet reason. I'm sure there will be a future update, I've already seen that co-op mode is missing the key on map 3 (guess nobody tried out co-op mode). I will leave it a while though in case there is other stuff people find.
  4. I'm sure I will return to doom mapping at some point in the next several years
  5. Ok, Overboard is now on idgames for reals woo! Hopefully that is the last of the updates. Now I shall celebrate by eating some toast and watching Clippy's vids. Cheers!
  6. Heh, well I guess taken as an average over the past 7 years its probably not so impressive. I just checked out the trailer for your project and it looks insane, definitely have to give that a go
  7. Cheers. The current release doesn't work in prboom/dsda doom, havent checked in other ports but I've uploaded a fixed version and will tell you all when it arrives in the archive
  8. Overboard is now on idgames This version fixes a couple of issues in the last one I posted, hopefully that is enough bugs fixed to call this the final release. Thanks to everyone who played and enjoyed and told me about broken stuff. Ok ignore all that, because there is a fucking bug that stops it working at all. I'll let you know when its sorted
  9. Yeah I think its ready for idgames. I'll wait a few more days for any bug reports and aim to upload it this weekend, but if anyone wants a preview of the current release candidate then here's a link: overboard 31-08 The only change from the last version is a tweak to map 10 that probably only continuous players will ever see as it involves killing the cyber early. Also, I updated demo island so that it is actually playable, in case anyone wanted to murder 1000 imps for some reason
  10. Yes, ng+ map5 has twice the cacos but they've all been squashed. Its just to help speed things up while retaining the drama of a ton of cacos, and to let people move freely around the map without getting walled in by flying meat
  11. The cacos on map 5 have been pre-squashed for your convenience. Basically I wanted the threat of a caco cloud but with half the HP. Flying imps, if you will
  12. I noticed this the other day and it will be fixed in the final release, but thanks for telling me. I think I recorded the demo with dsda but forgot to make sure it was complevel 9
  13. Thats a strange bug. Looks like it must be related to your mod, the key does clip into the wall slightly when it teleports so that might be confusing it, I guess? I'll make it so it doesn't do that and hopefully that will fix it.
  14. Thanks for the HNTR demo, I don't get much feedback about that setting so its good to see it all works ok. There are quite a lot of resources on that setting, probably too many, but I figure thats the holiday difficulty for people who don't want to stress about health and ammo so much.
  15. Cheers. I guess when it comes to mods, as long as you aren't getting soft locked then its all good
  16. Cheers mate, congrats on no-save cacotoa+, that looked like quite an ordeal. Enjoy the final map
  17. Thats weird, thanks for pointing that out. It looks like its been there for the last few versions so I guess it isnt breaking anything, but I'll tidy that up
  18. yeah it was an interesting idea, but something about death exits just didn't sit right with me as a solution to a problem. I think in the end people should be allowed to play how they want to play, rather than how I want them to play.
  19. I think either is fine. Pistol start will give you a more interesting challenge if thats what you are after, but if you just want a casual playthrough then try continuous instead. NG+ also has difficulty settings, but the only difference is more resources on lower difficulties.
  20. Actually I've changed my mind about that whole death exit thing, its way too gimmicky and weird. I've updated the update to remove it, here's a new link: version 21-08
  21. Ok, see how you get on with the invuls, but if it looks like it wont be fun I can look into changing it back and trying to fix the ammo balance for continuous instead. I'm thinking map 12 without the invul for the archviles might be too much of a pain for speedrunning, but the next map is kind of trivialised with an early bfg, so thats the trade-off I guess.
  22. Actually that's probably not going to help you out though, if its just faster to take the death. I will think about this further and come up with a solution we can all be happy with
  23. If you want to cheat the death exit you can use an invul, there's one on every map.
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