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Everything posted by mouldy

  1. Continuous ng+ is still technically possible, though I have to say map 12 took me a few goes
  2. New update: version 21-08 notable changes: New game plus now has death exits on UV. Controversial perhaps, but I'm sure you can find a way around it if you can't live without your stuff Depth Charge + now has a mysterious third cyberdemon who is very lazy and only appears if he really has to. Seaside Siege + now has moar imps. It probably didn't need them, but maybe it did. This is the final final version. Maybe Congrats on wonning the game
  3. Yeah I'm not going to change any gameplay to accomodate mods, but I was interested in how they were messing it up, so thanks for clarifying that. Any problems like this would have to be forwarded to the mod creator
  4. Cheers old bean, looks like your dooming has improved since i last saw it
  5. Flushing that toilet blows up a cheeky imp who is hiding in the wall. You may choose to spare his life in which case you will meet him later in your boat. What you do with him then is up to you. I have a feeling it could also be the same imp that is flushed down the toilet in map03. Quite the adventure he is having
  6. Cheers, people have remarked that its a bit less brutal than going down, which is exactly what I was aiming for. The final version will have difficulty settings for the new game plus maps, but the only difference will be more power-ups/weapons on lower settings.
  7. By the way I forgot to mention, these maps have multiplayer functionality but its completely untested, and I dont play multiplayer doom so no idea how broken they might be. If anyone has a burning desire to play this in co op or deathmatch then i cant guarante it will be fun, but let me know if there are any technical issues. Gameplay mods like the one above might cause problems on a couple of the maps, due to some of the monster trigger setups I use, so i should also mention that.
  8. Updated to version 12-08 changes: slight adjustments to maps 9 and 12. This is probably the last update I will do before uploading to idgames. Thanks for the nice comments from everyone, glad people enjoyed these maps.
  9. Re-download version 08-08 to fix that. I might post a new update soon anyway though.
  10. Cheers! I watched your stream and it gave me some ideas for tweaking the difficulty of a couple of the NG+ maps.
  11. Yeah messing with the sector in any way tends to unjoin them, but I'm fairly sure I didnt do anything to that one. Maybe I nudged it with my elbow or something
  12. Fixed and updated the link. Doombuilder sometimes decides to unjoin my joined sectors for some annoying reason.
  13. You may be relieved to hear that the imp was rescued by a passing boat and delivered safely to the shore of a nearby island, along with its cargo of angry skeletons
  14. Updated original post with version 08-08 version 08-08 changes: fixed general bugs, soft-locks and cheese. Also adjusted the difficulty of maps 11 and 13 to make them a little less friendly.
  15. Heh, that was on my "hope no one notices" list. Great nightmare run, almost makes me wish I added a way to speed up map 4.
  16. I think you are right, I've come to that conclusion myself. I'm going to adjust those maps, along with map 6 ng + which is also trivialised a bit with the bfg.
  17. right, i guess i never strafe run so never experience this. I'll put it on the list of fixes, cheers
  18. thanks for the feedback and videos everyone. I've been watching people play new game plus and think I might make a few tweaks on a couple of maps, but I'll wait before doing an update in case anyone finds more broken stuff.
  19. thanks for the playthroughs, I will try and watch them, although watching people play doom gives me mad motion sickness so I have to do it in moderation
  20. Thanks for the fda's, I will watch those with a cup of tea. I should have fixed the problem with dsda doom now. Hopefully. I don't even know what was wrong, but moving a bunch of points around seems to have done the trick
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