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Everything posted by mouldy

  1. Fixed this and other problems and updated the link. Should work ok in dsda doom now (fingers crossed).
  2. This appears to be a problem with open gl. If you change to video mode to software it works. A quick google search tells me that people were seeing the same error message in prboom + for one of sunders maps. It looks like it was a problem with the software that has since been fixed, so could be that dsda doom needs some kind of update.. Meanwhile I'll see if I can narrow down whats causing it.
  3. Thanks for the bug report, looks like someone else got stuck there as well. Glad you enjoyed HMP. New game plus is a bonus hard mode, so its basically playing the same maps again but harder than UV, so not sure if you will enjoy that so much. I meant to make those maps inaccessible on lower difficulty settings, not sure how people would feel about that though.
  4. thanks for the nice words folks. I've been testing in dsda doom and never seen that message. No idea what it even means. Man, that sector has been no end of trouble, cheers mate
  5. cheers for all the welcome backs. I haven't even played doom for several years, but I felt the urge to make a silly adventure nonetheless, so here it is for your enjoyment. Have fun breaking all my janky boom trickery
  6. Doom guy has taken a holiday from hell, but it turns into the holiday from hell. This is 6 maps of nautical mayhem for Doom 2, boom compatible. These maps are small but reasonably violent. Difficulty is average, but expect the usual mayhem. Also let me know if you find any broken stuff. Featuring: jaunty musical accompaniment cc4 textures some additional custom bits and bobs new game plus toilets have been provided Now on idgames! (updated 27/09/22)
  7. Wow, congrats on finally getting this done. I had a quick look at map 1 to see if i remembered any of my traps, and i love the extra prelude, very spooky. The glass cage around the teleporter was a nice addition too, although as someone else noted it seems to mess with the monster's hearing in that room. Looks like something screwy going on with that sector in doombuilder. Anyway, I'll have to dust off my shotgun and have a play of the rest of it now.
  8. mouldy


    Really nice megawad this. The maps are short and sweet, not too difficult and with a degree of continuity that keeps you hooked. Really like the new textures and monsters too. Perfect for a few hours of casual dooming.
  9. mouldy


    Very nice map, didn't want it to stop.
  10. mouldy

    Going Down


    Something sinister is lurking in UAC headquarters. Grab your gun, head to the roof and shoot your way down through the building to get to the bottom of the mystery. This is a 32 map Doom 2 megawad - boom format, complevel 9. Each map is a floor, each floor has a lift, each lift needs a key. You'll work it out I'm sure, just keep going down. These are small, fairly hard maps with high body-counts, and gameplay I would describe as 'chaotic-evil'. The music tracks are my own compositions which you may use with appropriate credits, here is a track list: map 01, 29 - 'Somebody set up us the bomb' map 02, 30, 31 - 'Zombie goes shopping' map 03 - 'The haunted supermarket' map 04, 15 - 'Running from the jazz robots' map 05, 13, 23 - 'The haunted aquarium' map 06, 22 - 'Lost in zombie cyberspace' map 07, 20 - 'Mega robo-clown boss battle' map 08, 14 - 'The haunted waiting room' map 09, 17 - 'The haunted skeleton factory' map 10, 27, 32 - 'Robo-zombie mecha-brain boss battle' map 11, 21 - 'Zombie maggots in the flesh cathedral' map 12, 24 - 'Chased by dancing skeletons' map 16, 28 - 'Wedding march for the princess of death' map 18, 25 - 'Hiding from the robo-zombies' map 19, 26 - 'Attack of the spider-clowns' title screen - 'Going Down' lift muzak - 'Descent of Death'
    I thoroughly enjoyed this map, some great battles and chaos going on and loads to explore. Cool secrets too. Definitely worthy of 4 stars
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