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Everything posted by mouldy

  1. wow finally. I hope there are some crazy controversial masterpieces in this one.
  2. The question of "how do I become popular" applies to every kind of creativity. You only ever notice stuff that is already popular, so it seems like some kind of magical lottery for who is chosen to be noticed. And to a degree it is, but only if you consider what you are doing in isolation, like art is something you broadcast to the world and the world either notices you or it doesnt. The better way to think about art is as a conversation, so instead of shutting yourself away for years working on your masterpiece you join in with artistic communities, making maps for community projects and giving feedback on other people's stuff. That way you build a reputation among your peers so that when you finally release your big solo project you have an audience for it, plus the creative experience to back it up.
  3. congrats on finishing the adventure, glad you enjoyed it. I'll have a look at these vids while i make my dinner
  4. Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you went for HMP, I think of that as the fun difficulty.
  5. wow, I don't think I ever saw anyone make such a mess of this map. i guess thats partly my fault for assuming everyone who plays will immediately get what they are meant to be doing. At the start you can kill most of the smaller stuff in that room by blowing up the barrels, then you should concentrate on any surviving revs with the chaingun, it stunlocks them. The first bridge fight you need to focus on the stuff crossing the bridge, the imps behind you are mostly a distraction. This is where dodging rev missiles in a limited space plays a big part. Sobad made a good video about this: Then there's the mastermind. The main mistake you made was fighting it. Any time you meet a mastermind you should be thinking about infighting. There's a blur sphere right next to it which mitigates a lot of damage even if you stay in that room, so hide behind it and let it deal with everything coming over the bridge. Its even worth helping the mastermind if it gets pinned by imps. At this stage there isn't a lot for you to do until the cybers eventually make it across. Sometimes they dont even all make it because of the infighting. Infighting is the general theme of this map. The clue is in the starting room, with all the monsters facing away from you, waiting to cross the bridge to attack the opposite side. You are just caught in the middle of a battle they are already having. I think it was inspired by a scene from The Good The Bad and The Ugly where two armies are endlessly fighting each other from opposite sides of a bridge. Good luck with the remaining maps. Maybe try to move less erratically, you end up bumping into a lot of stuff and rocketing yourself in the face. Movement is key in a lot of doom maps but in going down there is often nowhere to move, so you have to be a bit more precise.
  6. Bold contrasting colours are nature's hard-mode signifier, as seen in various poisonous creatures and challenging mating rituals
  7. i think mappers should keep using obscure secrets and let streamers suffer the pain they deserve.
  8. I think i chose the wrong word to use there, because it was "designed" for both continuous and pistol start. There's no intended way to play this wad, but continuous play was expected as the primary method, since thats just how doom is made. Thats why there is a strict weapon progression that spans the first several maps, where each map introduces a new weapon for your collection. Thats something I always loved about the original game, gradually building up your arsenal over the space of an episode. Since most players were expected to play continuous the first time, that allowed pistol starts to be designed as an alternative experience, almost like its own difficulty setting, where each map has its own self contained progression. The pistol starts in going down were made to be kind of combat puzzles, like you say. Often they revolve around specific weapons. I guess mappers have this expectation that people will replay their maps and look for higher challenges like that, but the reality is a lot of players just want to jump in on the end-game experience. Nothing wrong with that of course, as long as players don't mind some of the maps being a bit unbalanced for blind max runs.
  9. glad you are still enjoying this wad. You seem to be running out of ammo a lot though. It might be because you dont use autoaim (or just shoot the walls a lot lol), but to be honest this wad was designed to be played continuous primarily so pistol start kind of expects players to already know the maps a bit, which makes people a bit more ammo efficient I think. Something worth thinking about from a mapping perspective
  10. thank you for my crackoward, i will cherish it
  11. I've enjoyed reading everyones write-ups and watching all the videos and demos, glad people enjoyed these silly maps. It was fun making them after such a long time off. I think that time provided some useful hindsight on my previous doom stuff. Overboard is definitely a bit more chilled out than going down, and if you havent played my old megawad and were tempted to give it a try, I would recommend playing on HMP if you want a similar experience. Have fun with the rest of the month's megawads
  12. Overboard is a bit of a strange one to play one map per day, with the whole ng+ thing going on. I'd agree with folks suggesting fewer days for the whole wad and play whatever maps you feel like during that time. I would join in for old times sake, but playing doom these days makes me a bit motion sick.
  13. I'd rather not give the tracks names in case I end up using them somewhere else, so don't worry about listing them on the wiki, cheers
  14. thanks for lettting me know, although i dont think i'm going to do any more updates for this wad now, so i'll have to live with that typo. the tracks dont have names, i guess you can refer to them as the map names if you like
  15. Good to see at least some of the maps are working ok with mods.
  16. In case you didn't know, you can shoot the sand castle for a bit of help if you get in trouble there. Map 31 is definitely possible. The sea is quite generous with space to circle around them, so i'd recommend some occasional imp-kiting to get them all away from the ammo cache
  17. heh, map 31 is something silly i knocked up for the demos which autoplay on some ports. Originally it wasn't intended for people to play it, but I figured someone would try so I made it at least possible to finish.
  18. Thanks. Any mods that mess with the monster behaviour are liable to break things, because i use monsters to trigger a lot of stuff. Brutal doom appears to break this map because there are imps outside the map who are normally prevented from activating a trigger by a gap in the floor, and brutal doom allows them to cross this gap it seems.
  19. Cool, the update is live now. Hopefully that's the final update, unless anyone finds something seriously broken. https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/overboard
  20. Indeed. I've tested all the demos from the demo thread and the only ones that desync are for map1/8, so that inlcudes both your multi-map runs. Here is a list of the map changes and probability of desync: I've uploaded the update today so it should hit idgames in the next whenever. I'll post here when it does
  21. It's probably confused by the word "credits". I'll try changing that in the approaching update. The update isn't anything to get excited about by the way, it will mainly fix problems with co-op, but it'll still desync everyone's demos probably. Just so you know.
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