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Koko Ricky

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Everything posted by Koko Ricky

  1. You're not missing much. Some cool maps but kinda forgettable.
  2. I find myself wanting to see something between the heavy interaction and survival horror of Doom 3; the sinister vibes of PS1/N64 Doom, and the exploratory approach of OG Doom. id Software has taken the arena/heavy combat approach to its limit, in addition to pushing the series a bit too much into cartoon territory. I want dark ambient music, open level design, a straightforward plot, a simple weapon upgrade/alternate fire system, and an emphasis on environmental destruction.
  3. I have this exact issue and want to remedy that this year by playing more community stuff, playtesting, providing feedback, etc.
  4. As far as "forgive and forget" goes, I'm more a fan of "forgive and be cautious." I've let go of people who proved to be a poor fit for me. I forgave them for their actions, but I didn't forget their actions, because I need to be aware of signs someone is being toxic toward me or others. Forgetting would be irresponsible here. Of course, if we're talking about minor, insignificant infractions, then the "forget" part applies. As for drunkenness? I've noticed people who normally hide social flaws (such as being overly macho or argumentive) are more likely to exhibit them when drinking. My personal experience with alcohol is that it does not amplify ill behavior, but I also barely drink.
  5. I've realized after replaying it a few times that it's a very set piece-oriented game. It's clear that there is thought that goes into the dimensionality of each space and how you can meaningfully move around in it, but the broad sense of navigation does cause boredom to eventually set in. You're funneled through a series of locked arenas with sporadic travel bits in between, with exploration being mostly relegated to an additional room, cubby, or hallway. OG Doom's focus on small, tight maps (even Doom 2's larger maps aren't all that big) with multiple methods of approach is something that has seemingly been ignored since Doom 64.
  6. 100% on this. I love being able to have what I consider basic features like slopes, texture scaling, 3D floors, colored and point/spot lights, etc. But it also has a ton of extras I don't touch and may never get around to, and as a result it has a rather intimidating UI. Also, with there being multiple scripting formats, and coding being something people like me find a bit too cognitively difficult, adding scripted sequences is daunting.
  7. It's not just that...it seems that most modding communities are going to create content that is closely correlated to the art and assets of the original game. If you look at communities as diverse as Blood, Sonic, Mario, Wolfenstein, etc., there isn't a very strong tendency toward creating entirely new monster rosters or player characters.
  8. I think OP is really talented, and could potentially forge a career doing 3D modeling. They look good and with a bit of tweaking, the animation will be fine. However, I will admit that I think it's a clash of styles that hurts the game's look and feel. I thought we had learned 20 years ago this doesn't work. But I would not want to discourage OP, as that's not fair, so I'll politely reign it in.
  9. I get the feeling OP is going to ignore literally every single constructive criticism offered in this thread and release an inconsistent and poorly animated mod. I look forward to testing it.
  10. Every moment is the best. Even the really painful and stressful stuff. I'm having an overall better time than ever.
  11. He's probably talking more about the texture quality than anything else. Doom 3 has some fairly compressed textures. It would be interested if the HD versions were available somewhere.
  12. I think it would even be feasible to have GTA 3 as something you could play on a laptop or PC in the game world. It's a primitive enough game that it's entirely doable. Thing is, do people want this? I think of it as a feature that would need to actually tie into gameplay, as well as the game's societal themes, in order to be more than a pure gimmick.
  13. Yeah. Considering how much of society GTA parodies, this would be an opportunity to parody themselves.
  14. As a casual spectator fan of the series, my thoughts: - There is very little if any noticeable pop-up, which is amazing considering the level of detail. - Larger and more varied crowds than previous games. - Female protagonist looks like she'll be a lot of fun to play as. - Multiple shots of what appears to be smartphone or body cam footage, suggesting that kind of tech will play a more up front role. - Humans generally look extremely well-rendered, especially hair. - While clearly not path-traced (shadow map artifacts are present in some shots), there appears to be a lot of light bounce and generally photoreal lighting that looks better than almost anything currently available to play. - Given how much the series comments on the current zeitgeist, wouldn't it be great if a GTA-like game existed in-world that was playable?
  15. No, I don't know what you mean. At all. Voxels only add immersion for me since now I can see everything from every perspective.
  16. Voxel Doom largely if not entirely resolves this, as they are 1:1 replications of the sprites. The only things not currently covered are some of the projectiles. Polygonal models will inevitably either look overly realistic with proper proportions, or awkwardly caryoonish if the squashed look is maintained.
  17. Ultimately, the ideal way to enhance the graphics for an old game is to create assets that compliment those of the original. These models are several orders of magnitude more detailed than the surrounding geometry and textures. What artistic purpose does this serve? It's also worth noting that, in the absence of light sources, the sector lights will only provide ambient light for a given model, completely flattening it out. This is worsened by the lack of PBR as the models appear to use diffuse textures. So the question this has me asking is: What is the benefit of having overly detailed 3D models that will averagely be ambient-lit, populating low-detail environments?
  18. https://www.moddb.com/engines/doom-engine/downloads/return-of-the-icon A vision of the Icon of Sin from a very personal point of view, just in time for Doom's 30 birthday! Play it on GZDOOM. Requires OTEX. Features new music composed by me =)
  19. I found it a bit disappointing that he purported the...shall we say, "tasteless high school mod" as real, despite pretty clearly being a troll effort. It seems very wilfully ignorant for the sake of sensationalism.
  20. I tend to have a really strong response to vegetative green colors, especially forests and jungles; but I also adore rusty industrial browns as they're also similar in color to fall leaves, and fall is my favorite time of year because you'll often see multiple hues of leaves at once.
  21. The one and only time I dropped acid, I had what my best friend described as a "schizophrenic episode" in which, for more than a year after, I thought I was inhabited by several other human entities. They didn't have names or distinct features, but I could hear voices which would craft and describe hallucinations to me for a good chunk of the day, without taking anything. These auditory and visual oddities were of a very prurient nature, and were disturbing enough for me to repeatedly contemplate suicide. Then it just started going away and it was like it never happened. Looking back on it, I had also suffered a concussion around that time, and I suspect some wires got crossed in some unintended ways. I never really recovered from it and I've noticed as I get older my speech slurs a bit, words sometimes come out the wrong way, or I sometimes say things that make absolutely no sense (despite being aware that it's happening). It was a harsh lesson in what my neurochemistry can handle.
  22. I find the metal a bit weak myself. They're cool in parts, but Gordon talked about tuning down to like F# or something on Doom '16, and given metal's prominent penchant for percussive, pedal-point riffing, it means every single composition swims around in that range. It really limits the potential expressiveness an electric guitar could bring to the table.
  23. Much of the metal world is unlistenable to me despite being a metal fan for 20+ years. There's just so many unpleasant choices that can ruin an album: shitty production that turns everything into noise; overproduction that makes everything sound artificial and robotic; the use of quantizing to clean up instrumental mistakes rather than just playing better or playing something else; mixing bass so poorly that it is nearly inaudible; filling the space with notes rather than using breathing room to accomplish more; solos consisting of linear arpeggios instead of an actual melody; gluing a dozen unrelated riffs together instead of writing anything with structure; overreliance on gruesome, "shocking" lyrics; singers that growl at a single pitch for their entire careers; wading around the first five frets because it's "brutal"; endless bands all using identical distortion; a complete lack of music theory, or theory being used to make meandering bullshit; an apparent fear of anything resembling a traditional chord progressions; drummers that can play fast but have ZERO groove or funk; the list goes on. It has severely limited what I can tolerate.
  24. It really is, it's just those teleporters make things a bit confusing and I think that ends up ruining some people's enjoyment of it, when really there's a lot of fun combat and exploration.
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