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Koko Ricky

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Everything posted by Koko Ricky

  1. You are mistaken. Look at Doom Builder 64. All flats are 64x64. Switches are 32x32. A few "tall textures" are 32x128. The rest are 64×64. What you're referring to are structures like doors, where horizontal/vertical flipping can turn 64×64 into 128×128. The textures you posted are base 64X64. Indexing the colors is what allowed the resolution to be doubled.
  2. I looked through the entire list and while r_shadows doesn't toggle anything, r_staticshadows seems to get rid of dynamic shadowmaps. If those blobs are hard-coded, that's a rather odd decision to make. They've been distracting a bit from the presentation as it clashes awkwardly with the light/shadowmaps. Am I alone here?
  3. If you look at the textures in Doom 64 Builder, there are quite a few 64x64 textures; in fact all flats and neatly all wall textures are this size. I've read repeatedly online that 32x32 was typical for most N64 assets. An RGB, 24-bit pixel is 3 bytes, and there are 1024 pixels in a 32×32 image, which would take up 3072 bytes overall. I think maybe they went with 8-bit indexed colors for those textures, as they're a single byte per pixel, making 64x64 possible.
  4. I've been revisiting Quake 2 64, and oof! The 4kb texture cache of the N64 reduces many 128x128 textures to 32x32. It really highlights how stupid it was to cap the cache like that. How did Doom 64 manage so many 64x64 textures two years earlier?
  5. @QuaketallicA, on the subject of music videos, it's worth noting that there are three formats from the older era: Clips shot on film and preserved on a master reel; clips shot on film and preserved on SD tape; and clips shot on tape at SD. This results in some pretty wide variance in quality, and may not match how you remember them on a CRT, where the combination of scanlines and everything being reduced to a 60i SD broadcast is just an aesthetically different look. Older YouTube uploads tend to screw up remasters, because even though they have access to 16mm or 35mm prints, the bitrate of uploads was lower back then, leading to blotchy artifacts. Some uploaders zoom in on 4:3 videos to make them 16:9, a bad move made worse if the original video is limited to SD. Official videos that are old should be replaced with a higher bitrate version, but it doesn't seem to happen. Recently, the best quality I've seen of older music videos has been on Pluto TV, a free TV app with scheduled programming. A number of videos on their 80s and 90s channels, although rarely broadcast in HD (either because the masters are SD or the network doesn't have access to the scanned film reels), seem to have a really decent bitrate, possibly better than YT.
  6. I've noticed this weird thing where some games are bright/dull at 1080p and dark/contrasty at 4k, at least on my machine which has a GTX 1080. I see this reflected in YouTube clips, where the same game can look significantly different depending on the uploader. I would like to know what causes this indescrepancy, and I suspect it's related to how monitors process color space interfering with the game.
  7. Not to be a nagging Nancy, but can anyone point to a console commands to turn off blob shadows (the superficial round shadows, not the gorgeous dynamic lighting) on PC? This is such a perfect remaster and that's literally the only thing I want to change.
  8. I got rid of my CDs years ago and can't remember the last time I actually paid for music that wasn't attached to a streaming service. I have zero nostalgia for the CD format.
  9. That addresses dynamic shadows. I'm talking about Mario 64-esque blob textures attached to entity feet. They look kind of stupid as they overlap the dynamic shadows. Really would like to turn them off.
  10. Quake Live nixed all blood and gore, and was dependent on whichever servers and maps were officially supported. Really limits gameplay.
  11. Purely aesthetic question: Can the blob shadows be turned off via console?
  12. It was 3D0 that hired her and they weren't the dinguses. The real culprit is Randy Scott, who purchased a 3D0 Doom license from id and forced 3D0 to let him helm development. They had no choice since he beat everyone else to the license.
  13. It's 60% bots and most of the humans are either jacking off, bickering about subjects they don't understand, or harassing/scamming people. There's an enormous wealth of good that happens too, but it's far outweighed by bullshit.
  14. A solid 1 as there's nothing particularly interesting, funny, thought-provoking or informative about this image.
  15. I would love to see small teams receiving *optional* tip jars while they work on big projects. But whenever I bring it up it seems to bother people here.
  16. I've put a LOT of time into Sonic 3 & Knuckles over the decades and find it hard to top. Not by any means a perfect game or series, but I love how OG 2D Sonic games, at their best, become these pinball-like kinetic playgrounds. The Genesis era "classic" titles, along with Sonic Mania, are an absolute thrill.
  17. Dunno if this is an unpopular opinion, but tile-based raycasting games are so architecturally constrained that it's almost impossible to make level design compelling.
  18. I'm at the point where I have no desire to regret anything. Why would I? That implies I cannot accept an action from the past. I accept them all, even the ones that were poor decisions.
  19. Thank for checking! I thought I saved the new upload but I hadn't. It should be updated now.
  20. The link has been updated. There have been several notable fixes including: - An elevator texture that was incorrectly pegged has been unpegged - Ventilation shaft is much easier to access - Exit is a lot more obvious due to exit sign placement - IOS does not become alerted until the player enters the exit chamber for the second (and final) time
  21. I find it to be an asinine term because it implies that using it precludes any sort of basic knowledge of how culture defines different generations. If they wanted to call them gen-x shooters, I'd be more than happy to comment further. But to purposely conflate two entirely different generations because it sounds cute when combined with the word "shooter" doesn't really demand any real investigation, as the term doesn't seem to want to take itself seriously.
  22. I want to say at least two of those wads had PG-13 textures of partially nude women, and yeah, it was fairly shocking back in the day for pubescent me (maybe a bit hot, too). Maximum Doom is such a clusterfuck of often banal, ugly and poorly designed maps. I wonder if, given the occasionally questionable content, id just downloaded maps willy nilly and didn't even playtest most of them. I seem to remember a mall themed map that looked really promising, but would never load.
  23. @baja blast rd., thanks so much for the criticism. I want to make more balanced and enjoyable maps and this helps me understand where my design ideas might not always work, or when progression is overly cryptic. I think I made some of them weapons too hidden and the exit is not really clearly marked. In my next map I think I'll go for something a bit smaller scale and make things more blunt and clear.
  24. A huge nonlinear factory-themed map for Doom 2 MAP 01. It's limit-removing, but you'll need an .mp3-friendly source port to hear the custom music I made. This is easily the biggest and most complex map I've made to date, with lots of new graphics and plenty of Doom cute. One could easily get lost in this map for an hour if they wanted to explore everything. This map first went into production years ago, influenced by the oppressive architecture and interiors of places I've worked. It's very personal in a way, but also a map that I've had a lot of fun creating and refining. Shoutout to @Kappes Buur who really helped me out with cleaning up the mess I initially made of the texture lumps. Check out the link for a more detailed description, as well the the story. https://www.moddb.com/engines/doom-engine/downloads/hell-on-earth-uac-factory-cleanup
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