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About DooMAD

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  1. Bump! Still fiddling with DooMGoaT's map, heh:
  2. If you download Vacuity, make sure it's this version: http://www.teamhellspawn.com/vacuity.zip There's a broken version still online in some places where the monsters can't shoot. Links to all the Legacy-specific WADs by Mystic and Big_Al here: http://www.teamhellspawn.com/doomheaven/html/wads2.htm
  3. There's an old editing guide via archive.org here: https://web.archive.org/web/20090105180727/http://legacywiki.net/index.php/Using_Heretic_data //EDIT: Since archive.org only kept a partial backup of pages linked from that article, such as THINGS/FRAMES/FLAGS/etc, an offline copy can be downloaded from http://teamhellspawn.com/toxicfluff/LEP.zip
  4. It doesn't count as a proper community project unless there's a delay somewhere. :D
  5. Congrats everyone. Looks like I was too lazy to release anything this year (again). I'm glad the rest of you are decidedly more productive and keep this wonderful community alive.
  6. After a few months of laziness, I've resumed work on Doom_Goat's Map22. 3D-mode pic: http://teamhellspawn.com/geitmap_nov_3d.png I'd imagine, given the prolonged silence from Frades, there's still time if people want to go back and fiddle with their offerings a little. Not entirely sure he's started yet. Hoping I don't end up stuck doing his map as well, heh.
  7. There does, though, come a point where extreme proportions begin to detract from the cosmetic appeal. There are more aesthetically-pleasing ways of making a big door. The larger you make a repeating horizontal texture, the uglier it starts to look. Maybe find a way to break it up a bit. Add some variety. I'd even suggest, once it reaches that kind of scale, finding ways of building the door using multiple linedefs and sectors to add some actual shape to it. It doesn't have to be one big, flat surface.
  8. I was using a 64-bit Win7 (sticking with 7 because 8, 10 and 11 suck by comparison). But that machine sadly blew up, so had to revert to an older 32-bit Win7 machine. I've encountered a few occasions where it's prevented me from doing stuff because the game or program doesn't support 32-bit, but nothing major. Then again, it helps that my taste in games is somewhat antiquated. Most of the stuff I play is at least a decade old.
  9. I was kinda hoping someone was going to take a guess, heh. Would it help if I said roughly 80% of the linedefs in that shot are missing a lower texture? Or does that just make it sound even more bizarre and unwarranted? :D There are certain ways to abuse the renderer in vanilla (or limit-removing in this case) to achieve a particular illusory effect. Those tiny thin sectors are a necessity in order for the trick to work.
  10. A harrowing insight into my latest and most egregious atrocity: (and yes, that's the 2x2 grid)
  11. They work in Heretic with a bit of tweaking. Managed to make a grey and yellow-ish-tan set:
  12. Yeah, Doom definitely seemed to prefer the "fresh blood" aesthetic over the dried, heh. Would either of these be any good?
  13. For me, some of these shots fall into the category of "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should". The one with the lava is fine. That lighting feels appropriate. But I'm not keen on the other two quoted. I can't even tell what's meant to be happening with the blue one or where that light is even supposed to be coming from. And the one with the red lighting looked better in your earlier shot:
  14. Progress. The futuristic-type area was a little too minimalist, heh. Also, it wasn't very easy to see out the window to see what the switch does, so the floor need raising a bit. I may make further tweaks.
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