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About Netherstorm

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    Basking in the abstract

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  1. So this is my first blog, yay. Well, I didn't have anything to do today, didn't have to go to work. So I ordered dominoes and enjoyed it.

    Aaaaaaaaand that's it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Netherstorm


      I usually order thin crust, with pepperoni and bacon bits on it. It's actually really delicious and frankly, I prefer dominoes over pizza hut any day.

    3. Phobus


      They do a "buring ring" stuffed crust, which is basically the usual cheese stuffed crust, but also spicy. Possibly the best thing I've ever seen done with a pizza.

    4. Snakes


      I used to loathe Dominoes, but they must have changed their recipe recently or something. Their deep dish is waaaaay better than I remembered it being.

      That being said, I still prefer locally-owned places as their pizzas are just... well, they're better 9 times out of 10.

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