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Everything posted by an_mutt

  1. Having finally gotten around to checking the awards, I have to say a huge thanks to @Demon of the Well for his fantastic write-up of TNT2 and my map for the project. I wasn't expecting anything of the sort this year (I haven't released anything, after all) so it was a lovely surprise to see the golden caco and for Relayer to be cited as one of the mapset's most noteworthy entries. I've received a couple gongs in past Cacowards, but I'm typically riding in on the coattails of other talented mappers and their projects - this time, on a personal level, the golden caco feels earned. I really appreciate it. I also really appreciate the hard work everybody does in putting the written awards together. The level of co-ordination and effort it must take is hugely impressive, and without you lovely folks I don't think this community would be as vibrant and as tight-knitted as it currently is.
  2. TNT: Devilution For fuck's sake: Map26 - never finished
  3. Just wanted to say that I thought this was a really cool effect, given how simple it is to do. Anyway, good stuff! I played all 5 maps last night on continuous without saves (and almost died at the final fight, left on 8% health) and my only real complaint is that there wasn't one larger, sprawling map to cap off the whole thing. The style of the textures and the general theme of the WAD would really have fit something a bit more non-linear and greater in scope, I think, either before or after the current map 05. Map 04 was the largest in the set, but all that really changed was the monster count increasing and its 1st outdoor segment being a little longer than the average portion of all the other maps. All that aside, my highlight was Map 03, which I thought was the most cohesive and grounded map in the set. I really like maps that mix current day layout design with realistic environments to traverse through (not enough of this, imo...) so I had a lot of fun with each map. I also really liked the starting room of Map 05, the mix of the music and having to climb through a window to get things started did a great job of setting the tone of the final map. Lastly, I really enjoyed how camp Doomguy's secret found voice was. It is, indeed, nice.
  4. Prison's new midi gives me palpitations. Good job, and congrats on the release!
  5. On a technical standpoint this is probably the greatest vanilla mapset I'll ever see. Congrats on the release! Z1M8 in particular blew me away, it's a fantastic way to cap off a great mapset.
  6. Just dropping by to say that Map 06 is an especially wonderful map - I'm still trying to actually beat it (I really need to start using saves for these larger maps) but from what I've seen so far it's a brilliant pastiche of that Mucus Flow/Disturbia/Darkwave0000 style of toxic base crawler. A really mischievous and enjoyable piece of work, with a perfectly fitting midi. EDIT: In my most recent attempt I was able to grab the BFG through the bars in its room besides the Armory.
  7. Didn't have time to do a stream or practice or anything, so I speedran the maps this evening. Completely blind runs, had never played either of these 2 mapsets before. Thankfully they're short! mutt-glaive-Demos.zip
  8. an_mutt

    Doom Streams

    Resurgence for the Ironman club. This will probably be a short one.
  9. Category 3, did 2 practice runs early in the month and finally streamed my run on Wednesday night.
  10. an_mutt

    Doom Streams

    Scythe 2 for the Ironman Club. Come and watch me eat shit in the exit room of Map 10/15/20 (to be determined shortly) and feel sad about it.
  11. an_mutt

    Doom Streams

    https://www.twitch.tv/an_mutt Ironman stream, Firebox edition.
  12. Very little was "misinterpreted", I'd say that all of the content that was up for discussion was "interpreted" well enough and the response was justified. You being offended more by the community's response than BOA's mistreatment of extremely sensitive subject matter itself is incredibly telling. EDIT: as Horus says, if you're so upset by perceived effort and artistic vision going to waste, then maybe it's better to blame the person who's actually responsible for the whole project? The guy who decided to instead throw his playtesters under the bus when confronted with everything that had been included?
  13. an_mutt

    Doom Streams

    Violence for the Ironman club.
  14. I'm sorry, but I have to add to the overall sense of astoundment at seeing somebody spend three months and put together a 10-PART FAREWELL ARTICLE SERIES conclude their writings with saying they're actually sticking around. I mean, come on now.
  15. an_mutt

    Doom Streams

    Streaming some Mechadon maps, drop on in and say hi.
  16. Free speech advocates often forget that Freedom of Speech is a two-way street. You're more than welcome to try and argue your right to express an idea, but I have an equal right to either make fun of you for being a piece of shit, or to obstruct whatever form of punching down you currently have a hard-on for - whether it be further impoverishing the poor, marginalizing minorities, or advocating for the destruction of whoever it is you're upset by this week.
  17. I'm glad that recent review episodes have put so much emphasis on each mapset's soundtrack - we genuinely are blessed by having hundreds (if not thousands!) of excellent midi tracks to make use of whenever we design maps, thanks to a good few dozen musicians who deserve all the credit in the world. At some point in the Plutonia 2 vid (I'm too lazy to find the timestamp when) the Dean suggests that Pl2's soundtrack is possibly the best collection of midis that has ever been unleashed on the community, and I'm inclined to agree. The likes of BTSX and Ancient Aliens have been more complete and professional in terms of their midi production, but there are just so many absolute bangers in Plutonia 2 that makes it stand out so much. There are numerous midis that the community still makes use of, right now, that originate from it. The only detraction is a handful of weird midis in the final 10 maps, along with a some IWAD midis not making it a complete soundtrack. EDIT: I quickly skipped through most of the video and I seem to have overstated the Dean's opinion on the mapset's music, he says at 2:30 that the soundtrack alone is worth recommending the WAD, and that's it. Something I agree with a lot more! (I find the set's final 10 maps to largely be a drag, and I usually give up on any playthrough around map 22)
  18. an_mutt

    Doom Streams

    World Orifice For Hope (and the Ironman League)
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