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About capodecima

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    I played these 4 years ago i remember.
    Without decays maps should rank prob more, this only 1 star. gg
  1. This week there is a new DM wad by Shane. Maps are more NS-based, but they are nice also for classic DM. Nice detailed maps full of action you won't miss! Date: Saturday, December 12th, 2015 Session Start: 22:00 CET (21:00 GMT) WAD's: uptightdmrc4.wad Maps: 33 (UPTDM01-UPTDM32, UPTDMSEC) Mode: 16-player Deathmatch Server: [DE] [Forgotten Warriors] If you want to join up and don't have Odamex yet, head over to the Odamex site and get yourself 0.7.0. Don't forget to also check out and join the Odamex Steam Group for information on updates and announcements.
  2. capodecima

    Rage CTF

    Congrats on release, i already have some favourite maps in pack. I just found on internet are 2 versions of ragectf.wad. And this here crashed on odamex in intermission, version from BE worked well. I found only one texture bug or something. Welp GJ :-)
  3. 32in24-6 is a nice wad from the YEDS team from 2008. Don't miss out! WADS: 32in24-6 Maps: 43 Mode: 16 player DM Server: [NL] Forgotten Warriors ( Date: Sunday 03/16/14 Time: Central Europe: 20:00, United Kingdom: 19:00, Russia / Moscow: 22:00 http://liquiddoom.net/eurothunder/
  4. Uptight DM is a wad made by various authors, mainly Renegades members and their friends. I think this wad is great for deathmatch, and for dueling. Don't miss out! WADS: Uptight deathmatch Maps: 43 Mode: 16 player DM Server: [NL] Forgotten Warriors ( Date: Sunday 03/09/14 Time: Central Europe: 20:00, United Kingdom: 19:00, Russia / Moscow: 22:00 http://liquiddoom.net/eurothunder
  5. So the break was longer than I expected due to a bad server and problems with finding a good server. But now it's, I hope, all solved, so Thunder is here again! Lets play Doomkid's DM 2 wad to start. Don't miss out! WADS: Doomikid's DM 2 Maps: 14 Mode: 16 player DM Server: Forgotten Warriors ( Date: Sunday 03/02/14 Time: Central Europe: 20:00, United Kingdom: 19:00, Russia / Moscow: 22:00 http://liquiddoom.net/eurothunder/
  6. So after a short Christmas break, Thunder is back on a new server in Switzerland. This week there is a wad from Englander, not big but great for some aim practice: Vitalaim. WADS: Vitalaim_12 Maps: 8 Mode: 16 player DM Server: Forgotten Warriors ( Date: Sunday 01/05/14 Time: Central Europe: 20:00, United Kingdom: 19:00, Russia / Moscow: 22:00
  7. This week I picked a maybe-not-so-played wad which definitely deserves more play. Don't miss out! WADS: 32in24-5 Maps: 32 Mode: 16 player DM Server: Forgotten Warriors ( Date: Sunday 12/15/13 Time: Central Europe: 20:00, United Kingdom: 19:00, Russia / Moscow: 22:00
  8. This week we will play 12 action maps made by UD. Don't miss out! WADS: UDM2 Maps: 12 Mode: 16 player DM Server: Forgotten Warriors ( Date: Sunday 12/08/13 Time: Central Europe: 20:00, United Kingdom: 19:00, Russia / Moscow: 22:00
  9. This week we will play a very popular wad from The 32in24 Team. Don't miss out! WADS: 32in24-11 Maps: 45 Mode: 16 player DM Server: Forgotten Warriors ( Date: Sunday 12/01/13 Time: Central Europe: 20:00, United Kingdom: 19:00, Russia / Moscow: 22:00
  10. This week I picked the best wad made by clan UniDoom, UDMX. And the mode is DM. Don't miss out! WADS: UDMX Maps: 32 Mode: 16 player DM Server: Forgotten Warriors ( Date: Sunday 11/24/13 Time: Central Europe: 20:00, United Kingdom: 19:00, Russia / Moscow: 22:00
  11. This week I picked an old classic wad, UDM3, with nub_hat's help. And the mode is TDM. Don't miss out! WADS: UDM3 Maps: 16 Mode: 16 player TDM Server: Forgotten Warriors ( Date: Sunday 11/17/13 Time: Central Europe: 20:00, United Kingdom: 19:00, Russia / Moscow: 22:00
  12. Let's beat the wad! WADS: fune13 Maps: 32-50 Mode: 16 player DM Server: Forgotten Warriors ( Date: Sunday 11/10/13 Time: Central Europe: 20:00, United Kingdom: 19:00, Russia / Moscow: 22:00
  13. Just continuing with the party where we ended last week. WADS: fune13 Maps: 20-50 Mode: 16 player DM Server: Forgotten Warriors ( Date: Sunday 11/03/13 Time: Central Europe: 20:00, United Kingdom: 19:00, Russia / Moscow: 22:00
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