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Everything posted by schwerpunk

    Got stuck on MAP14, otherwise pretty darn good.
    Consistently amusing encounters; great midi choices; eye-popping detailing; excellent difficulty level scaling.
    Great atmosphere, but map layout and thing placement felt very formulaic and 'griddy.'
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    2. Springy


      Eris Falling said:

      yeah, but, purple is not a breakfast colour.

      Yes, that is very true (manc can vouch for that too) but this wasn't some pussy little Kellog's fart, no sir, this was one of those sunday roast ones, (with beetroot too) you could really smell the pork afterwards son.

    3. Maes


      You think you're so concrete and special, but you are random and generic.

    4. Springy


      Maes said:

      You think you're so concrete and special, but you are random and generic.

      Nope, definitely not concrete, just checked and I am skin and bone I never attended Sunnyside either.

    Great wad. A shame it isn't optimized for co-op. I foolishly went ahead and start a co-op server without checking the readme and ended up having to cheat to get past some part. But other than that, it plays surprisingly well in this mode! Anyway, beautiful, beautiful set of maps, worth downloading even if one isn't into Heretic.
  2. schwerpunk

    Simplistic Evil

    While it's frustrating at times, running around trying to figure out what the latest mystery switch (and there are a lot of them) did, the levels are small enough that you won't be running around for too long. Also good, restrained use of Archies and 667 monsters (as LordK already pointed out). Also nice how the WAD ends on the Doom 2 ending screen, rather than dumping you onto MAP06 after you're done - gives a sense of accomplishment.
  3. schwerpunk


    For starters, a very nice looking map. Great design, conscious of always keeping the player moving, especially the middle 'arena.' There are very few 'safe' areas to camp, or dominate from, which allows for skill to come to the forefront. Fences as obstacles to RL were a nice touch, too.
    Incredible. Humbling. FUN! -schwerpunk
  4. schwerpunk

    Vanilla Sky

    This map kicked my ass near the last quarter, and I swore in frustration, but once it was all done I can say I enjoyed the whole thing. Hitscanners mixed in with regular mobs were never hidden away, which was appreciated. The one thing I would change is how the difficulty ramps up so dramatically about three quarters in - it really took me by surprise, and I wasn't a fan of the massive melee at the end.
    I had some trouble getting it running, and I'm still getting unknown linetype errors, but the sight of those Pinkies charging over the hill was worth it. :)
  5. schwerpunk

    Charge Sequence

    Looks very attractive, and I liked the snug size of the map. Makes for some fun, quick bouts. Unfortunately, I didn't get to test it out with more than two players, so I'm not sure how well it would scale up. There was one alcove with an SSG that I seemed to get snagged on for a millisecond, but I couldn't recreate the snag, so that's minor.
    Now THIS is how you do secrets. Fun and infuriating, but never too frustrating. Good challenge on HMP, but not too much. Perfect health item placement. May seem a bit 'over' detailed, but the detailing is of the highest quality - not a single misaligned texture spotted in my playthrough. Like most wads with maps of this size, the automap is a complete mess and almost useless, but that's standard. 5/5
    Kind of charming, really. Solid gameplay scenarios, decent visuals, lots of traps and ambushes. Really boxy in some places. Monster placement ranges from cannon fodder to infuriatingly effective. I found it pretty frustrating at time, but I do suck. :P
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