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About Aleaver

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    Can't spll
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  1. This happend to me the other day: Click here

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dr. Zin

      Dr. Zin

      Heh, a couple of days ago a dead tree fell on the car of the people living behind me during a storm.

    3. AndrewB


      Last night

    4. Aleaver


      @Grazza: Awesome to see another weather fanatic like myslef! We have had afew tornado warnings around here aswell this year, just not in the county where I live.

      @Danarchy: Oh sorry about that..I thought you where talking about me.

      @AndrewB: Cool vids..here is a storm last year that blasted through at night.

      I should note to add to my crazyiness, that I am standing under a metal Car port during these storms..Its up against the side of the house.

  2. I have decided to upload some recordings of me playing guitar. I call them recordings cause well thats what they are. I wouldn't consider them songs. More like experements. I will say this also: I am not a professional guitarist. To listen and or download: Clicky Enjoy! :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GGG


      You shouldn't let age detract from your ambition.

      (As long as you have a day job)

    3. Aleaver


      Just added two more. One more jamming recording and one more personal recording. Enjoy!

    4. Aleaver


      And yet another one comes up..21 all together..

  3. Aleaver

    Andy Leaver's Doom Projects

    http://www.aldp.ws is a new site where all Community Chest III screen shots will be posted along with the completed project download. We hope to have Community Chest III finished by June 1st. Also at the site there are screen shots, information, and downloads on No Hope For Life Episode 1 and the NHFL Episode 2 demo.
  4. 1. I've smoked fatter joints than that.
    2. Ahh, it's cute.
    3. Who circumcised you?
    4. Why don't we just cuddle?
    5. You know they have surgery to fix that.
    6. It's more fun to look at.
    7. Make it dance.
    8. You know, there's a tower in Italy like that.
    9. Can I paint a smiley face on that?
    10. It looks like a night crawler.
    11. Wow, and your feet are so big.
    12. My last boyfriend was 4'' bigger.
    13. It's ok, we'll work around it.
    14. Is this a mild or a spicy Slim Jim?
    15. Eww, there's an inch worm on your thigh.
    16. Will it squeak if I squeeze it?
    17. Oh no, a flash headache.
    18. (giggle and point)
    19. Can I be honest with you?
    20. My 8-year-old brother has one like that.
    21. Let me go get my tweezers.
    22. How sweet, you brought incense.
    23. This explains your car.
    24. You must be a growing boy.
    25. Maybe if we water it, it'll grow.
    26. Thanks, I needed a toothpick.
    27. Are you one of those pygmies?
    28. Have you ever thought of working in a sideshow?
    29. Every heard of clearasil?
    30. All right, a treasure hunt!
    31. I didn't know they came that small.
    32. Why is God punishing you?
    33. At least this won't take long.
    34. I never saw one like that before.
    35. What do you call this?
    36. But it still works, right?
    37. Damn, I hate baby-sitting.
    38. It looks so unused.
    39. Do you take steroids?
    40. I hear excessive masturbation shrinks it.
    41. Maybe it looks better in natural light.
    42. Why don't we skip right to the cigarettes?
    43. Oh, I didn't know you were in an accident.
    44. Did you date Lorena Bobbitt?
    45. Aww, it's hiding.
    46. Are you cold?
    47. If you get me real drunk first.
    48. Is that an optical illusion?
    49. What is that?
    50. I'll go get the ketchup for your french fry.
    51. Were you neutered?
    52. It's a good thing you have so many other talents.
    53. Does it come with an air pump?
    54. So this is why you're supposed to judge people on personality.
    55. Where are the puppet strings?
    56. Your big gun is more like a BB gun.
    57. Look, it fits my Barbie clothes.
    58. Never mind, why bother.
    59. Is that a second belly button?
    60. Where's the rest of it?


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Melfice


      lol my comment sorta hijacked this thread.

    3. Dingus Khan

      Dingus Khan

      Aleaver said:

      Oh come on...It's just alittle harmless fun.

      No no, my post was in response to melfice's. guess i should have specified.

    4. Aleaver


      Dingus Khan said:

      No no, my post was in response to melfice's. guess i should have specified.

      Oh ok. Sorry about that. Hey it's all good :)

  5. ERR W00T!!W00T!!W00T!!W00T!!W00T!!W00T!!W00T!!W00T!!W00T!!W00T!!W00T!!W00T!!W00T!!W00T!!

    1. deldelda



    2. Aleaver


      Heck yea.!!!!!! hmm.. WoOT!!

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