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  1. Excellent stuff. The visuals were great, it ramped up well in intensity from the earliest maps' ambience, and even the credits map gave you shit to do. My #2 fav DBP so far.
  2. This is wild... I'm looking forward to the version of this with an NES emulator built in that can load SMB3, and then you can ACE SMB3 inside Doom and load SMB1 within SMB3 within Doom.
  3. Thanks for the report. I was unable to reproduce any issue on MAP04 -- the lift up to the exit works, the exit itself works, and you are able to run through all the map again to exit if you take the courtesy teleporter. I did this test again in PrBoom+ -cl 9, but I have confirmed it works in GZDoom as well. As for MAP08... you're right! This linedef that triggers the bars to lower initially spanned the entire entrance, but as I added lighting/teleport destination sectors to that area, I accidentally divided the linedef into 5 pieces. You have to be in a pretty specific spot by the wall to hit the outer 4 triggers, hence why neither I nor my playtesters ever caught this while playing. But the switch that raises the bars activates is a S1, and if you manage to hit those tiny linedefs, you can indeed softlock yourself. Shit! However, I think this is uncommon enough that I don't feel justified in trying to replace the idgames upload. Perhaps I will upload a hotfix to mediafire. Thanks for playing the maps and giving feedback.
  4. Thanks! I'm glad you liked them. Could you be more specific about what bugs you encountered, and on what source port? That's alarming to hear; I was pretty thorough in testing in PrBoom+ complevel 9 to ensure all maps would work fine any Boom-compatible port. I've seen a couple people complete it in GZDoom alright without using strict compatibility settings too, so I'm having trouble guessing what issues you encountered.
  5. Final version now out, and on the idgames archive! DOWNLOAD: longhair.wad from idgames, TSPG or from Mediafire Here's a trailer: Thanks for your time.
  6. Release Candidate 3 is out. This is likely to be the final version, barring discovery of any serious errors. Changelog: MAP01: adjusted enemies on lower difficulties MAP02: replaced metal texture in very back of drop-down vent, and top of crate in warehouse that was wrong color MAP03: corrected texture misalignments in computer room, added some pistol guys to lower difficulties MAP04: fixed texture misalignment on fakeout plasma rifle platform MAP07: final fight anti-cheese MAP08 added health leading to the corpse factory and marble circle fight. cleaned up and fixed marble circular fight. removed post-map cleanup ammo. MAP09: put health in the opening of the final fight MAP10: fixed softlock if you try to telefrag the cyberdemon in the final arena DOWNLOAD: longhair_rc3.wad from TSPG or Mediafire
  7. Thank you for the kind words. I have updated the WAD to Release Candidate 2. Here is what is new: De-cheesed the final fight of MAP04 Added music for MAP06 Added par times DOWNLOAD: longhair_rc2.wad on TSPG or from Mediafire.
  8. Hello, happy 28th Doomiversary. I have made a 10-map standalone episode for Doom II, for Boom-compatible ports, called Long Hair in Three Stages, for solo or cooperative play. The maps are short and use all vanilla textures, as my goal was to gain some skills and get it out quickly. It was created in around 80 hours across 2 months and features an entirely custom soundtrack. The episode's title and map names come from the 1995 album "Long Hair in Three Stages" by U.S. Maple, a choice inspired by BTSX's affection for Guided by Voices. I have tested the maps in PrBoom+ -cl 9, and GZDoom 4.5.0, and made tweaks based on a friend's playtest. Now I am opening it up for public play as a release candidate. The maps are short-ish and on the challenging side, and all 3 difficulties are supported. If you are a novice player I suggest playing on HMP instead of UV. Mouselook is optional but I ask that you do not use mouselook to cheese MAP10. Pistol starts are recommended but not forced except for 1 suicide exit. Screenshots: DOWNLOAD: longhair.wad from idgames archive, TSPG or from Mediafire Credits: Changelog:
  9. The portrait switches and Union Jack keens in MAP02 gave me loads of unnecessary trouble. The green marble maze was definitely not co-op-proofed :P A couple of things were too arcane, but not very many. Shootable linedef actions have always been controversial in Doom, and I think it's worth looking at how SIGIL teaches you in the first room of the first map what a shootable linedef looks like in the wad, and doesn't let you leave until you learn it. That being said, I still had a good time. The custom palette and textures were excellent, as were many of the edited monsters. The fights were generally decent, and the progression on the mega MAP02 was only a little confusing. I think with a tiny bit of tweaking you'd have a hell of a first mapset here, and the aesthetics alone are already top-notch.
  10. DBP 37: Auger;Zenith is really incredible in terms of palette, textures, doomcute sector art, and architecture. The fights are pretty good too. Highly recommended for a cacoward.
  11. Name: CMYK Author: Enterim Map Format: Boom Ports Tested: PrBoom+ -complevel 9, Eternity, GZDoom Build Time: 12-15 hours Textures: 3 flats and 3 textures from jimmytex.wad External PWADs: n/a Requirements: No jumping or crouching. Mouselook is permitted but not required. Built between March 23-28, 2021, in Doom Builder X and SLADE. Easy/Medium/Hard balancing included; single-player only. Music: "CMYK" by Enterim The MIDI is a custom creation for this WAD, included as a D_RUNNIN lump but I will bundle the MIDI file as well. This is my first attempt at mapping since a disastrous 2-hour speedmap in 2014, and the only non-speedmap I've ever tried to create. I spent a few extra hours learning how to use Doom Builder X and SLADE that I'm not including in build time; inexperience surely accounts for at least half of the stated 12-15 hour build time. The visual theme is CMYK - cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. The main theme is high contrast: the visuals, music, and gameplay alike alternate between ambience and high intensity. The photosensitive should be aware that this map contains flashing, high-contrast lights. The flashes are no more frequent than 2 Hz, but nonetheless keep this in mind if you suffer from photosensitivity issues. Screenshots: CMYK by Enterim.zip
  12. Really incredible stuff. I agree with the people saying MAP06 is possibly the best map, a standout map in an already stellar set. The elevator down the beginning of MAP07 had my jaw drop at the architecture. I thought the palette, texture set, room-over-room, new weapons, and new enemies were all used very thoughtfully and tastefully. The biggest fights I had to handle way differently than if plasma or BFG were available as all the highest-DPS weapons will splash you to death in close quarters, which I thought made for some very unique fights.
  13. I encountered a softlock on MAP04, immediately before the red key fight: https://imgur.com/a/q1eThtT I jumped off this ledge looking for secrets and ended up stuck behind a bush (and a tree, before I went back to take screenshots after loading a save).
  14. @be2lam For whatever reason the .pke wouldn't open for me until I renamed it to a .pk3 file. I've only gone through the first two maps so far so I will spare the opportunity to comment in-depth until later, but I'm very impressed so far.
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