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Everything posted by Obsidian

  1. I decided to make a little test map to try out the idea and it seems to work pretty smoothly. Hopefully this helps.
  2. oshit Some notes: You'll need one of the Eternity 4.03.00 dev builds to run the megawad due to the custom actors used in MAP06 and MAP10. Map order is pretty decently set, but can be rearranged to some degree if folks feel like a certain order is more suitable. The maps with secret exits stay where they are though. The graphical work is pretty much done, but may see some revisions as time goes on. Some maps (mentioning no Obsidians names) are still a bit rough around the edges in terms of balancing and could use a bit of feedback. Yes, I'll update the credits once the megawad has received a bit more testing. :P Enjoy!
  3. You would be correct! The voodoo doll activates a Floor Lower to Lowest Floor action after the Mancs die and then closes the 666-tagged door so the KeenDie codepointer can be re-used for the Arachnotrons. In regards to the original problem, there is technically a way to do this. It requires two factors in order to work: Every monster type you use in your map needs to have the KeenDie codepointer. You need an off-map sector configuration that takes advantage of Doom's door behavior: namely the fact that doors move to 4 units below the lowest adjacent ceiling when used, regardless of if that ceiling is above or below it. It's a bit difficult to explain exactly how it works, so the best I can do is direct you to the two maps I've made that have utilized the trick: in these cases I used it to make doors that require all 3 keys to open, whereas yours would require a sector for each monster type you use. Bear in mind that Pain Elementals and Arch-Viles can potentially screw this up, given that they spawn new enemies and reanimate old ones respectively and can cause you to trigger KeenDie more times than intended.
  4. Yep, go for it! I just haven't gotten around to updating the list yet, heh.
  5. If Google translate is accurate, you're asking if it's possible to port MyHouse.wad to ZDoom. I am inclined to say no considering the heavy portal and 3D floor usage, but it's very possible that there are workarounds available. If there are some folks around that are more knowledgeable of ZDoom's capabilities, I'd be interested in some input here.
  6. Update! Initial map order has been completed and now I need to implement some secret exits, particularly on @russin's and @Berubaretto's maps. Would the two of you like to add them yourselves or are you fine with me doing it? Also credits map. I think it looks pretty neat. :3
  7. Welcome to the forums! If you're looking to request resources from the community it's a good idea to either provide some sort of financial incentive or to be an established forum user who has curried enough favour to make these sorts of requests fruitfully: as it stands you'd be incredibly lucky if someone just dropped what you were asking for into your lap. Alternatively, you could possibly make the resources yourself! There's a wealth of resources out in the community and if one doesn't exactly fit your parameters, it's possible that you might be able to edit one together that does. Just make sure you credit accordingly and you're good to go. πŸ‘
  8. You take care, yeah? It's never too late to be the person you need to be.

  9. Gonna move and close this before it gets out of hand, but for what it's worth I don't think it's too late for you to work towards your ideal, puberty blockers or otherwise. You can do this. πŸ‘
  10. Maybe put a bit more effort into the next thread, yeah?
  11. Alas, I've been pretty snowed under with schoolwork over the past month. XP I am officially on my holidays now though, so I will be dedicating time to releasing a public beta now that I am a bit more bereft of academic obligations.
  12. oops i mapped A bit slapdash, but I felt like contributing something and the concept came together pretty decently. Let me know if the composites give you any jip and I can convert them to standalone textures.
  13. Sure, go for it! πŸ‘ So long as they follow the rules in the OP, you're good to go.
  14. hay guise this is doomkid using obsidians account im gonna close the thread now kthxbye
  15. Quick status update! I'm currently juggling a fair few IRL priorities, but progress on MAYhem is still marching along and I'll be reaching out to some folks soon for testing before I release the first public beta. I'm also pleased to announce that our TITLEPIC art is finished! Art is courtesy of @uber, who absolutely knocked it out of the park. I'd highly recommend consulting them for your TITLEPIC needs, you definitely get what you pay for. πŸ‘ Ah yes, and a couple of bug reports: @Redead-ITA, I noticed a bit of a bug with the first door in your map. Check your tags and linedefs. @MObreck, I'd recommend giving the air vents in your map a redesign: the slopes make traversal a bit difficult at times.
  16. Oh yeah, the submissions themselves can be Boom or Eternity, it's just the compilation that requires Eternity to run. Apologies for the confusion.
  17. The mapset will be exclusively for the Eternity Engine.
  18. We had a grand total of nineteen submissions! Map order is yet to be finalized, but I am very likely going to be utilizing the secret slots on account of some of the more brutal and/or experimental submissions. Might even screw around with the format and have more than two secret maps: I can do that now! :D
  19. Huh, haven't seen that one before. Anyway, closing!
  20. Hey, don't sweat it too much: I know all too well how life gets in the way sometimes and the fact that you gave it an earnest shot is something I appreciate regardless. :)
  21. Oh yes, about six hours remaining until submissions close!
  22. 4.02, good catch. I'll update my version. πŸ‘
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