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Everything posted by Obsidian

  1. WELCOME TO THE DOOMWORLD MAXIMUM PROJECT 2023! Description This is a project where anyone can submit a map regardless of their level of Doom mapping skill: you have the entire year to submit your own little pile of linedefs and eventually it'll be showcased alongside all the other submissions in a spiffy little compilation. Whether it's something made specifically for the project or just an old map you have lying around, all maps are welcome in the Doomworld Maximum Project. Rules One map submission per person. Map must be playable in singleplayer and be for the Doom 2 IWAD. You can map for any format or compatibility mode. When submitting your map, please specify what format the map is for. A side note for anyone mapping for Eternity: the presence of PNGs in the compilation has the unfortunate side effect of making Eternity take a very long time to load it up. Just something to bear in mind. 👍 If you're mapping for ZDoom or GZDoom, please do not submit in pk3 format. PLEASE test your maps in the format you made them for: check for things like doors and lifts not having the appropriate tags, as some source ports like ZDoom fix those ingame and can fool you into thinking that they work fine when they don't. No DeHackEd content, but other custom content is allowed: this includes textures, music, DECORATE, whatever you can think of as long as it doesn't replace other Doom 2 resources and isn't too ungainly. Credit your content sources! If you're using custom textures, make sure that they're all named with a 3-letter prefix of your username: something like OBS*****, for example. Resources (not including the map) must not exceed 2mb. If you're using an external texture pack and you're not all that versed in wad compiling, I'm fine with you sending me a message for help with it. No reserving MAP07 or MAP30 slots. No using the secret exit actions. All submissions are welcome: small maps, big maps, slaughter maps, joke maps, anything that isn't purposefully abusive is allowed and encouraged. Go nuts! The deadline is midnight on the 1st of January, 2024 in Yankee Time: here's a countdown if you'd like to keep track. The deadline has come and gone! Watch this space for the first public compilation beta. 👍 And most importantly, have fun! Your time starts now!
  2. Map name: Geisterviertel Music: "Adrian's Asleep" from Doom 2 (I can pick something a bit more inspired if need be, heh) Difficulty settings: Implemented (belatedly) Build time: 1 day Tested in: ZDoom, Crispy Doom I felt like making something reminiscent of Mordeth E1 and then inspiration reared its beautiful head and I made this. If you're still ruminating on what skies to use, I reckon a night sky or green sky would work pretty well for this particular map.
  3. Happy New Year from New Zealand! Twenty more hours to submit your maps. 👍
  4. wheej Still needs difficulty settings and it could stand to be neatened up a little, but not bad work for half a day! With any luck I can post a link tomorrow.
  5. Folks, the saga is finally over. Link. Cheers to Effingham for finding those last few bugs.
  6. Good news, I did it for you! I also went over Xyzzy01's revision of the third compilation and everything seems to be in order, so consider it authorized by the Gluteus Maximus himself. :P
  7. Ladies, gentlemen and everyone in between: ASS69-1.zip ASS69-2.zip ASS69-3.zip Massive thanks to @4shockblast for testing the maps in the third compilation (and Xyzzy01 for fixing some bugs). Have at thee! ASS69-3.zip
  8. @telefrag c Apologies for how long it took to respond, but that's pretty wild! Be keen to see these contributions you mentioned if you still have them around.
  9. Why am I doing this? Because someone has to, that's why! Next year marks the 30th anniversary of Doom and I have no doubt that we'll see some of the big guns getting pulled out to celebrate it, so this thread will be used to collate all the projects nominated between now and the next Cacowards. If you're new to the process, here's some tips: If there's a piece of work that you find particularly awesome, mention it in here! Make sure you include the name of the project, the author and a download link The purpose of this thread is merely for people to mentionate projects, so try and keep discussion to a minimum Bear in mind that winners are not chosen by the amount of times a project is mentioned or the amount of reactions it has accrued: the Cacoward judges will use this thread to see what releases are notable, but the final decisions are made at their discretion Please do not nominate your own project There is a small grace period at the end of each year for the sake of giving as many releases as possible their due consideration: as such, any projects released after about mid-November of 2022 are eligible for the 2023 Cacowards Happy Dooming!
  10. Oh hey, didn't realize I was following this thread, heh. I was studying in Auckland when this was happening, how the days go by~
  11. D: I'd recommend sticking to playing Session 69: about 62 of the maps are fully compiled!
  12. You aren't using the wrong version, don't worry! Unfortunately the large amount of PNGs in the compilation makes Eternity load incredibly slowly despite the PNGs not actually being used in non-GZDoom maps. It's a bug I'm aware of and sadly not one I can remedy, that's just how Eternity manages PNGs. Oh yeah, and Smack My Marine Up was included as a joke, no-one actually submitted a map for that. :P
  13. Currently being taken care of. 👍 Er, not by me, I just clean the toilets.
  14. Ladies and gentlemen, the Cacowards for 2022 have arrived! Discuss, praise, wax lyrical and enjoy!
  15. Alright, thank goodness, I thought I was going crazy trying to get it to work. :P Alright, one last beta! The ambient sounds in MAP61 now work as they should, the MAP61 jukebox finally plays Between Levels (turns out you gotta compile the scripts in your map editor to make them actually work, derp) and Worm's update has been added. If there's nothing else too catastrophic I'll be sending this to the archives once the Cacowards drop.
  16. ...@Jakub Majewski, is your submission supposed to have a sound called "BROOK1" in it?
  17. Excellent, thank you! Here's updates to both compilations: I used endcast on the last maps of each compilation, which should hopefully solve that particular problem
  18. Dammit, I was wondering whether or not that'd happen. I didn't know what to put in the UMAPINFO on MAP30 to end the game, so I put what usually gets used in regular MAPINFO. What phrase should I use instead?
  19. Behold, a second compilation! 30 maps this time around, check 'em out!
  20. The DMP 2021 isn't accepting submissions, I'm afraid. Fortunately the 2022 edition is!
  21. Please post these sorts of things in status updates in the future.
  22. And so I did! You can download 1.5 here. And in case you were wondering @Jakub Majewski, that slew of errors came about because I thought I might've overlooked something when I was fixing the ambient sounds in your map and I replaced the version in the compilation with the latest version you sent me...which had those bugs you saw there, heh.
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