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Everything posted by Obsidian

  1. Obsidian


    Yeah, generally all you need to do is rename the track to the corresponding track in the IWAD. If you're mapping for ports like GZDoom though you can specify your own name via MAPINFO.
  2. You already have a warning for spamming low-effort messages on the forums, I'd recommend a straight answer.
  3. I'm going to guess that you're 10 years old and therefore too young to use these forums. Convince me otherwise. Also I'm 28.
  4. Cheers very much for the bug report, EffinghamHuffnagel! I made some quick fixes to MAP10 and MAP15 (and also fixed some errors in the EMPAINFO, heh) and now we are officially on Beta 1.4! On a related note, how do people feel about a 31st October upload to the archives? Things are looking pretty damn polished by now and I reckon it's ready to be popped into Incoming, but I wanna leave some time for any last-minute alterations.
  5. Moved to WADs and Mods to get a few more eyes on it for ya. :)
  6. This is a forum, not your social media feed.
  7. Gracias! I've added it to the compilation and taken Revenant's proofreading into advisement, which means it's time for Beta 1.3!
  8. Don't underestimate the power of provocation. And as you can see, people did at least try to earnestly engage with the topic before things took a downturn. Anyway, locking! If someone else wants to make an actual UT thread with actual discussion, then be my guest.
  9. Cheers for finding those bugs! @Argent Agent, could we get one more update please? Eheh.
  10. Hey, so I tried grabbing this to tinker with it for myself and my computer soundly informed me that the file contained some sort of Trojan. Is there some kind of bug in the executable that's causing this?
  11. Low-value topics on video game forums are pretty cringe.
  12. Thanks for catching that @KUBA18i! From some quick testing it looks like it was a discrepancy with the UMAPINFO: looks like you need to explicitly specify all the maps that can be exited to when it comes to secret maps, didn't know that. I also popped the correct sky into your map. Beta 1.2, hot off the press!
  13. Split the topic so the other guy can hopefully get some answers to his question. 👍
  14. Hey, hi, howdy! I'm back from visiting family and I can finally release version 1.1! Changelog Added the updated maps (MAP13, MAP16, MAP31) Added the new track for MAP12 and amended its entry in the textfile Edited MAP17 and MAP22 to fix a couple of bugs Edited the credits map to include music credits for Large Cat and a mention of @Firedust's contributions to the testing process (thanks dude :D) Lemme know if there's anything that I done fuckled up.
  15. Ahhh, the intended experience: sheer bewilderment! Thanks for the playthrough @Biodegradable. :)
  16. Cheers to everyone who's submitted a map so far! Guess it's time to throw my hat in the ring. Map name: Necroduct Music: "Ded" from Heretic Format: Boom (might be vanilla or limit removing, but I can't be bothered checking) Difficulty settings: Naaaaah :P Screenshots! Did a simple map this time around, only tossed in some waterfall textures and an all-black flat for the sky. Enjoy!
  17. Cheers for the updates! I had a peek at the maps Firedust reported bugs on and took the liberty of fixing a few (if folks would prefer to fix their own maps then they can do so), but I couldn't quite figure out how to fix up @NokturnuS's submission so I'll leave that up to him. After that I need to tweak some of the credits resources and then we're ready for version 1.1!
  18. I'll give the benefit of the doubt and assume that you're starting out with map editing. I'd recommend checking out some of the better-known community projects here and here to get a feel for how Doom maps are constructed, maybe watching some tutorials (the DavidN video linked above is a good place to start) and, most importantly, keep messing around in your map editor of choice to see what you can do. You don't necessarily need to share everything you produce, but it is important to familiarize yourself with the mapmaking process and the best way to do that is to keep experimenting.
  19. Oh wow, didn't expect to see this here. Glad you enjoyed your playthrough, my dude. :) As for your questions: It is indeed almost identical to MAP05 and its purpose is to make sure the player can't see the post-game roster call that happens at the end of Doom II (which would be a bit all over the place due to the large amount of DeHackEd work).
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