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Obsidian reacted to Jimmy for a status update, Honestly not very sure what to do with Earthless. Happily accepting suggestions! Ther
Honestly not very sure what to do with Earthless. Happily accepting suggestions!
There's only a handful of maps missing, but a small amount more that are lying at half-finished. So I still have time to change the direction of the project without an inordinate amount of redoing, but the question is do I just need to push through to the finish in the direction I'm gone? Or is it worth taking an about turn? Ignoring the sunk cost fallacy for a moment.
My goal was for it to go on the Unity port, and therefore keep it Vanilla. But I think the rigidity of this format is making me feel creatively stymied.
I could repurpose it for MBF21/DSDeHacked/UMAPINFO, and that would (a) help it stand out a bit more on its own instead of feeling like "just another Vanilla megawad" and (b) remove all the biggest stumbling blocks and let me make the maps I wanna make, but then it wouldn't be accessible on the Unity port when Earthless: Prelude (the first 12 maps) already is. The problem is, I'd probably find it even less fun to work on repurposing the maps for this format. I've been mucking around with this format to create new assets and that's been fun - so I do have stuff already made that I could conceivably add in, but whether it would fit in with Earthless or not is a different story.
I think at this point I really wanna branch out and do something I haven't done before, but I feel like I've done... a bit of everything. I've done vanilla maps, Boom maps, UDMF maps, Heretic maps, even maps for my own game(s), and most recently something for my sibling, which employs their custom weapons mod. (That's releasing on Christmas Day.)
Maybe I need to bounce to another WIP project, or find a good collaborator who I can bounce brand-new ideas off of, or do something for a new IWAD altogether like Hexen or Strife. Or maybe I just need a break from Doom altogether. I dunno, it's not that I don't want to create, it's just finding where to put that creativity. The drive to map for stock Doom has been largely absent for about a year or maybe two, now. Only time pressure from external sources seems to be able to discipline me to do so, and the intrinsic motivation to create, even though I have ideas, has waned quite a bit, with tiredness and distraction becoming a daily thing I have to deal with.
Gotta figure out how to get my mojo back.
Ideas appreciated!
Obsidian got a reaction from jmpt16 for a status update, Quick heads-up, the file you were looking to download can also be found on the /idgam
Quick heads-up, the file you were looking to download can also be found on the /idgames Database: sometimes the new Downloads section gets a little muddled. 👍
Obsidian reacted to Doomkid for a status update, I tried your password and it didn’t work you damn liar
I tried your password and it didn’t work you damn liar
Obsidian got a reaction from Maribo for a status update, Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years
Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years! :D
No, I'm not doing a mapping contest, I'm a student and I need all my money for pies.
Obsidian got a reaction from Chipper35 for a status update, Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years
Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years! :D
No, I'm not doing a mapping contest, I'm a student and I need all my money for pies.
Obsidian got a reaction from Fletcher` for a status update, Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years
Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years! :D
No, I'm not doing a mapping contest, I'm a student and I need all my money for pies.
Obsidian got a reaction from Bobby :D for a status update, Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years
Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years! :D
No, I'm not doing a mapping contest, I'm a student and I need all my money for pies.
Obsidian got a reaction from DoomRevolver for a status update, Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years
Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years! :D
No, I'm not doing a mapping contest, I'm a student and I need all my money for pies.
Obsidian got a reaction from SleepyVelvet for a status update, Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years
Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years! :D
No, I'm not doing a mapping contest, I'm a student and I need all my money for pies.
Obsidian got a reaction from Dusty_Rhodes for a status update, Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years
Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years! :D
No, I'm not doing a mapping contest, I'm a student and I need all my money for pies.
Obsidian got a reaction from Endless for a status update, Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years
Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years! :D
No, I'm not doing a mapping contest, I'm a student and I need all my money for pies.
Obsidian got a reaction from PROFESSIONAL MORON for a status update, Just a heads-up, I changed your username to something a bit more appropriate for a pu
Just a heads-up, I changed your username to something a bit more appropriate for a public forum. Cheers. 👍
Obsidian got a reaction from Biodegradable for a status update, Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years
Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years! :D
No, I'm not doing a mapping contest, I'm a student and I need all my money for pies.
Obsidian got a reaction from Clippy for a status update, Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years
Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been part of the Doom community for ten years! :D
No, I'm not doing a mapping contest, I'm a student and I need all my money for pies.
Obsidian got a reaction from Egg Boy for a status update, Apropos of nothing, I'm going to link this tutorial by Urthar on how to make warping
Apropos of nothing, I'm going to link this tutorial by Urthar on how to make warping flats for non-ZDoom ports: it's a really good tutorial and one I've used myself to great effect.
Get learned!
Obsidian got a reaction from Dusty_Rhodes for a status update, Apropos of nothing, I'm going to link this tutorial by Urthar on how to make warping
Apropos of nothing, I'm going to link this tutorial by Urthar on how to make warping flats for non-ZDoom ports: it's a really good tutorial and one I've used myself to great effect.
Get learned!
Obsidian reacted to U L T R A B L A C K for a status update, I love your profile
I love your profile
Obsidian reacted to Origamyde for a status update, Some updates on Black N' Blanco II's E1M6.
Some updates on Black N' Blanco II's E1M6.
Obsidian got a reaction from Andromeda for a status update, I saw you liking some of my old posts, heh. What can I say, I'd like to think that I'
I saw you liking some of my old posts, heh. What can I say, I'd like to think that I've grown as a person since. :P
Obsidian reacted to Lazlo Panaflex for a status update, Been playing since the very beginning. Nowadays I'm getting back into making maps. Ju
Been playing since the very beginning. Nowadays I'm getting back into making maps. Just looking to share my creations and enjoy everyone else's.
Obsidian reacted to Catpho for a status update, I was browsing your youtube
I was browsing your youtube
Obsidian reacted to Mordeth for a status update, I've mentioned here before that some years ago I invented a way to construct a moving
I've mentioned here before that some years ago I invented a way to construct a moving subway, able to carry a player between two different stations. This was way before the introduction of polyobject-portals to the Eternity Engine, and an even longer time before the inclusion of ACS.
It worked by switching portal views. The actual cars and stations were connected by non-euclidean linked portals and didn't move at all. Anchored (visual-only) portals were connected to door ceilings, which as those raised or closed would reveal or obscure the linked portal and instead show a different view.
With the gates to the platform closed, a player would see the view of a standard polyobject dummy train arriving to its current station. The gates would open, revealing the in-game cars. If boarded and once the gates closed again, a different set of anchored portals would show the view of the subway departing the copied-as-polyobject station, and the destination station slowly approaching. This worked in multiplayer too; even sound cues were linked to the correct portalgroups so as to only be heard when in the appropriate in-game location.
In short: a perfect illusion. Well, "was", because I'm currently removing it.
It's all going to be replaced with a bog-standard moving polyobject-portal construction. Technically it's the right thing to do, since the result would look exactly the same as what I had before minus this very complicated setup. But it still pains me to replace it, since I was so proud of this trick. It feels like inventing mikoconveyors way back in 1997, only to be superseded by Boom's standard conveyor feature before you could show your achievement to the world.
Still, let's show off this trick. Here's the subway arriving at your station:
Now ready to board:
Subway 'leaves' with you onboard, seeing the (polyobject) station receding:
Almost arriving at your destination:
Once disembarked, watch the subway go about its return trip.
Obsidian got a reaction from Jimmy for a status update, Hot damn, I'm really not on here as much. Makes me a sad.
Hot damn, I'm really not on here as much. Makes me a sad.
Obsidian got a reaction from Gifty for a status update, That's no beaver, that's a porcupine!
That's no beaver, that's a porcupine!