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About Hyena

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    Unfortunately it is lethal
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  1. <Danarchy> you're not funny at all, Hyena

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Bucket


      I don't know you.

    3. Hyena


      Grazza said:

      I'd say "sometimes".

      When you try to create funney, I think you have something like a 65% success rate overall. Perhaps that success rate goes down when you try harder, and try to force funney to appear.

      Well, I usually don't try to force funney . . . except when I'm late for my newstuff reviews and just make up a bunch of weird crap.

    4. Hellbent


      Hyena said:

      Well, I usually don't try to force funney . . . except when I'm late for my newstuff reviews and just make up a bunch of weird crap.

      Can I split the reviews with you sometime?

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