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About Lingyan203

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  1. Hey Ling! Haven't heard from you in a while, hope all is well. 

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    2. UglyStru


      Good to hear! Last I heard, you graduated uni so I hope all's been good since. I've just been working a lot and not giving my YT channel any attention :( I need to get back to uploading soon lol 

    3. Lingyan203


      Yup! I'm going back to uni again in January. Things have been good lately as well. I also noticed that you don't seem to be active on Facebook anymore. I'm still doing my YouTube, but I also get paid to do my let's plays and such. For the past couple weeks I've barely had a social life because my YouTube's having its 10h anniversary on the 22nd of December, so I've been working my @$$ around the clock and even pulled off several all-nighters to beat really difficult wad in Doom, such as Ribbiks' wad Frog and Toilet of The Gods. I even made my first customized map for Doom 2 as well. So other than that I've been getting involved around my uni as well as the Greek community, and oh yes, have made lots of new friends as well.


      So asides from work, what else have you been up to? Did you do anything exciting since the last time we chatted?

    4. UglyStru


      Holy hell, that sounds like a lot. That's awesome! Life's still boring as ever, but I'm still active on FB! My old one got hacked so I'll have to add you on my new one. I'm just "Matt Stru" so send me an add. 

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