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Everything posted by Tristan

  1. The current task is compatability and thing placements for co-op/solonet, which will be released as RC6 when it's done. There's also of course a bunch of general changes across maps, but I'll leave the main detail for the changelog when it drops. Pending anything that comes up following RC6, it'll be followed soon by the final release. I don't want to make any promises about when this will be other than hopefully sometime over the summer. A number of us would rather this was wrapped up sooner rather than later!
  2. Around this time a year ago I was debating giving up on music entirely, but to everyone's surprise - including my own - I wrote about half of Eviternity II's soundtrack. It's the most music I've ever contributed to a single Doom project, and perhaps, ever will. Now that it's been some time since the initial release, I've added the MIDIs to the dropbox ZIP, please enjoy, and many thanks :) End of the Line (03:25) - MAP02 Tomb Crawler (02:11) - MAP06 Desert Treasure (05:33) - MAP08 Dust Devil (04:43) - MAP09 The Sandwalker (03:05) - MAP10 The Floating Islands (04:05) - MAP11 Downpour (03:06) - MAP14 Carbon (04:35) - MAP15 Giestrandæg (03:55) - MAP17 Gyászolás (06:09) - MAP18 The Longest Night (04:56) - MAP23 Cold Air (03:24) - MAP25 Otherworld (06:13) - MAP26 Velocity (06:24) - MAP32 Vector (03:12) - MAP34 (co-written by Dragonfly and mostly his track but included here for convenience) Additionally, you can find "Journey to the Other Side" from MAP24 in the Misc MIDIs folder, where it's actually been hiding away for nearly 2 years! (I didn't see the point in bumping the thread over one MIDI...)
  3. The website still shows fine for me so I'm not sure what's going wrong at your end, here's a direct link to one of the mirrors, does this work?
  4. Update your GZDoom, 4.11.0 or newer is required.
  5. You would have been playing Eviternity 1 with some other mods loaded (I don't know which one, sorry), evi1 had no custom weapons and there was never a flashlight
  6. Last batch of MIDIs are up on youtube, this just leaves the map30 track...
  7. What version of GZDoom are you running? If it's not 4.11.0 or newer, you should update. -- In other news, trying not to clog the thread up too much with these but music videos for maps 14, 15, 17, and 18 are now up!
  8. I only played a fairly small role in the development of the first Eviternity, so I joined in the playthrough when it was picked for DWMC, but since I contributed a lot more this time around, I'll just stick to talking about the stuff I did. I don't remember the exact events that led to Eviternity II's development, but I remember it beginning with a voice call between myself, Dragonfly and ukiro, somewhere around June 2019, where we decided we were really going to do this, bounced around ideas for episodes, potential new monsters, all that sort of thing - of course there was no MBF21 then so we could never have imagined how much the scope of the custom content would balloon, heh. I already had what would become MAP01 lying around from a few months prior, so that was an obvious choice to open the megawad, and it shaped the first chapter as a whole. We've made jokes about me leaking Eviternity 2 on Doomworld and Youtube and nobody noticing (sadge?), but after we commited to the surprise release, I always had a cover story if people asked about the "dark elysium map," I would just tell them it was for an abandoned solo mapping project, which is true - that is why I originally made it! As I like to often say, but probably won't be allowed to for much longer, I don't really consider myself a mapper, most of my attempts don't go anywhere and I've never really felt like I'm good at creating gameplay, but I do like to do some unconventional things, and I like a bit of storytelling/lore. It's why the original Elysium has things like the flight pads, corrupted areas, and why it returns to evi1's first map at the end, so starting a megawad with what is basically a cutscene is a very me thing to do, but once it actually became Eviternity 2, I was always a bit nervous about this map, I didn't know how such an opener would be received, especially when I was VERY picky about its direction and resisted quite a few suggestions from the rest of the team that would have brought it more in line with typical openers - I didn't want more monsters, I didn't want weapons, I didn't want it to be brighter, the list goes on, but I'm glad it's generally gone down well, people seem to get what I was going for. What once was, is no more, and will never be again, it's gone. Most of the conversion work was done in February 2019, but I came back to it every now and then over the following years, adding things like the lights slowly fading in when you reach the astral, the double-helix torch stuff (the conveyor belt there has been a FAR bigger pain in the cock than setting up the torches ever could be btw), adding in the new tree decorations as they were made, and some of the new decayed marble textures. At one point, when we decided we wanted to push for an almost all-original soundtrack, I thought about writing a new MIDI to go with the map, but decided not to in the end. The music here is "The Infinite Labyrinth," which I wrote in 2017 and has been in several other WADs already. It too, was meant to have a feeling of hopelessness, and this version of Elysium was made specifically for that MIDI, I couldn't separate them. "End of the Line" is my MIDI for MAP02, one of the last ones I made for the project. This was a tough one because we're basically treating MAP02 as the real first map so the music needed to have the right amount of energy needed to kick things into action but I also wanted it to carry the same darkness and sombre feelings that the episode really called for in my eyes. I had this slot claimed for quite a long time but it wasn't easy to get a good balance of those contrasting elements. The track also has some references to the MAP01 track, the final boss theme from the first Eviternity, and...
  9. Yeah someone added a monster alarm in the final room... rc5 let's go?
  10. For almost the entire dev cycle, I had always thought we should keep the intermission/text music the same as in the first Eviternity, which was "Death's Toll," one of stewboy's Plutonia MIDI Pack submissions. When you posted this, it evoked the exact same feeling as that track and my mind was made up within the first 20 seconds, as it should be, given that the most important part of an intermission track is the start of it. Lol, well remembered! OG Elysium was obviously always going to look like it did in the final release, but my idea for its gameplay was probably more like halfway between how it actually ended up and Evi2 MAP01.
  11. In addition to this, I've also started a playlist for the OST. Obviously still in progress right now but will be added to as we get around to uploading more of the music!
  12. At least partially; I'll be doing an album of this for all of my tracks.
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