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Everything posted by esselfortium

  1. The lost soul limit needs to be enabled for the final bosses to work properly. Does Woof have a setting for that?
  2. This is true, but "almost never" is still not "never". The explosion generator setup is the only way I know of that's 100% guaranteed to work.
  3. Also, the titlepic fonts are just the same ones as used in the original KDiZD logo :P
  4. The shield doesn't have the MISSILE flag (and is also effectively stuck inside the Hell Warrior). I haven't looked into the specifics in the source code, but one or both of those two possible reasons is why it doesn't move like projectiles normally do, aside from the initial unavoidable movement that's coded to happen on projectile spawn, which in this case moves it by only a fraction of a unit. The fraction-of-a-unit movement is possible because its speed is specifically 1 rather than 1*FRACUNIT, with FRACUNIT being equal to 65535, which Doom's projectile speeds are typically multiplied with. (This is why in WhackEd it shows up as a very tiny number in scientific notation, because WhackEd invisibly handles the FRACUNIT calculation on projectiles.)
  5. I mean, there’s already an explosion happening there from the rocket, so the lack of a subsequent explosion from the bomber itself is less likely to be noticed. (They’ll still go through their standard death animation but not create additional splash damage.)
  6. Yes, though in practice that's most likely to happen when hitting them with a rocket explosion, so...
  7. I don’t know what was intended in Valiant, I just balanced my version the way it felt right to me.
  8. Okay, looking into this more I see I've explained it a bit wrong. Because no xdeath is defined for it in Valiant, the self-detonation in its melee state sends it to the beginning of its standard death state, which calls detonate again. When an xdeath is defined for it, the self-detonation in its melee state goes directly there instead of to its standard death, due to the amount of damage it's being dealt.
  9. The detonate state being shown twice for Valiant is its melee attack and its death. It doesn't have a separate xdeath defined to prevent the second explosion.
  10. It's not impossible if its explosion is inadvertently triggering a second explosion.
  11. The difference is probably that KDiKDiZD's suicide bomber only calls A_Explode at the start of its regular death state, not its xdeath, so that it avoids immediately causing a second explosion when it's killed by the first explosion. # Monster: SUICIDE BOMBER (replaces Dead Lost Soul) m = mobjinfo[MT_MISC65] m.clear() mobjinfo[MT_SPAWNSHOT].clear() # clear this to pin some frames m.object_name = "Suicide Bomber (DeadLostSoul)" m.doomednum = 3013 m.spawnhealth = 60 m.speed = 10 m.radius = 25 * FRACUNIT m.height = 56 * FRACUNIT m.reactiontime = 8 m.painchance = 5 m.mass = 100 m.flags = (MF_SOLID | MF_SHOOTABLE | MF_COUNTKILL) m.seesound = sfx_posit2 m.painsound = sfx_popain m.deathsound = sfx_barexp m.update(states.parse(""" Spawn: BMBE AB 10 A_Look loop See: BMBE A 2 A_BabyMetal # oh you're a fan? name 3 of their albums BMBE AABBBCCCDDD 2 A_Chase loop Pain: BMBE A 6 A_Pain goto See Melee: # fall through into: Death: BMBE E 0 bright A_Explode # fall through into: XDeath: BMBE E 5 bright A_Scream BMBE F 5 bright BMBE G 5 A_Fall goto S_SPOS_XDIE4 """)) """We're using A_BabyMetal to play the suicide zombie's scream. Conveniently, this pointer also has A_Chase baked into it, so we could shave off a frame. The XDeath jumps past their explosion, so their explosion doesn't give them a second explosion (insert Xzibit meme here) They're supposed to play the explosion sound and the gib sound simultaneously, but things in vanilla can only make one sound at a time, so I'm just using the explosion sound only. CONSIDER: Making a new sound overlaying the two. """
  12. I guess the self-referencing sector is used to ensure archvile-jumping players don't get launched into the hidden raised ceiling? I usually just leave that part out, especially in vanilla where even invisible self-ref sectors can contribute to drawseg and visplane counts... A version of this setup is used in Z1M5 of KDiKDiZD, with a combination of floor and ceiling bleeding used to control how different surfaces are lit: The glass-window trick mentioned elsewhere in this thread is also used elsewhere in KDiKDiZD, for the green forcefields. I used a variation on the barrel-crusher teleport trick also, swapping out the crusher for a dehacked explosion generator because Doom's crushers have an unavoidable random chance of breaking the setup by turning barrels into gibs without exploding them. The "damage multiple voodoo dolls to create a zombie player" trick shows up in there, too :) That's a smart idea! I've sometimes used a similar but more fragile setup for monster teleports that only happen when returning to a previously-visited area, by combining a walkover lift trigger in the affected area with a stay-open door trigger elsewhere. Using your approach instead would avoid the risk of monsters not getting through the lift before it closes back up (though I haven't seen that actually happen in practice).
  13. For what it's worth, KDiKDiZD's gameplay setup is almost completely redesigned from KDiZD's. As far as thing placement goes, I (mostly) kept the keycard placements and not a whole lot else. For your theory, it would probably be worth checking out the original KDiZD and drawing conclusions from there, as it's quite a bit different outside of the broad strokes. (Slower exploratory sections interspersed with more intense fights is arguably pretty standard Doom map stuff, in any case...)
  14. The translucent and reflective floor effects completely disappear in hardware mode. The lights also become unlit in all but the latest GZDoom builds, because the palette fullbrights were only supported very recently. Comparison shots: There are also some areas where sectors break and cause glitches to appear in the floor or ceiling. There may be additional issues I'm overlooking, I haven't done a thorough check.
  15. Sure. You would need to find that state by its number in WhackEd and modify it directly. Regardless of the dehacked editing method being used, you can't change which state A_VileChase is hardcoded to jump to, but you can modify the contents of that state.
  16. ZScript was needed to fix the mikoveyor setups for GZDoom. I'm not sure whether DECORATE would have been able to handle those in a straightforward way, or at all. And then it was simpler (and more flexible) to also use ZScript for the other fixes, instead of mixing old and new approaches.
  17. KDiKDiZD needs to be loaded with Doom 2, not Ultimate Doom. Hopefully everything will work in Doom Retro now but I can’t make any guarantees. There are some setups later on that might potentially break in untested ports, like the Z1M8 bosses, so fingers crossed it’ll behave.
  18. There was an issue where their fire attack was always getting stuck inside them. The initial ZScript fix was to reimplement the behavior entirely, but since the other fix was made today, the rest of the vanilla behavior can be restored aside from the part that enforces the lost soul limit, which otherwise doesn’t work on the ZScript-redefined fire things.
  19. I’m not sure what the specific issues with it in Doom Retro are, I haven’t tried it.
  20. It was really easy to overshoot and fall off after making the jump, so I flagged that line as impassible.
  21. The current implementation of that attack for GZDoom is basically completely rewritten from how it works elsewhere. But after the latest revision it's actually be possible now to make it behave much closer to how it does in vanilla. Since the fire attack now passes through the Bruiser instead of getting stuck inside it, it no longer needs custom code to handle positioning the fire objects, only to apply the limit so that they don't recurse infinitely. I'm experimenting with this change now, and it does seem to be working more like it does elsewhere.
  22. Public Build 6: Downloab Fix list: Z1M8: Fix Bruiser fire attack self-damage bug in GZDoom Z1M9: Fix stuck demon in GZDoom Updated credits for better clarity and more thoroughness Updated statusbar CELL display to RIFL Flare rifle no longer leaves plasma decals in GZDoom Huge thanks once again to Mikolah for the GZDoom-related fixes in this build!
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