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Everything posted by esselfortium

  1. I'm not sure when the fullbright glitches will be fixed in GZ. It's something that the GZDoom developers are looking into, but it has to be fixed in the port itself, so it's out of my hands. What sound problems are you having?
  2. Monsters can't use the player's attack codepointers, and vice versa. Some ports might support this, but with standard Doom behavior it'll likely either do nothing or crash. The closest thing to an exception is that A_FireMissile and A_CyberAttack both use rockets, but those are still two separate codepointers.
  3. Thanks for the FDAs! Z1M7 indeed got some major changes to its layout flow, to eliminate the back-and-forth-across-the-map backtracking treks from the KDiZD version. I rearranged the order that you visit the areas in, turned the silver/comp maze into a dropdown fight, expanded a small cave area into the big lava arena near the green key as an additional connection between the two halves of the map, added a shortcut bridge between the forcefield switch and the forcefield itself, and probably some other things I'm forgetting.
  4. Thank you! And some of these tricks will probably show up at least somewhere in BTSX E3, though BTSX isn't really designed as a feature showcase in the way that KDiKDiZD is.
  5. Yes. The suicide bomber, dark caco, nightmare demon, and wargrin (the mancubus-like) are all new additions to KDiKDiZD. I've also tweaked the behavior of some of the original KDiZD monsters that were included.
  6. Probably not eligible, unfortunately. The other mappers credited for KDiKDiZD are people who worked on this between 2008-2010 and I no longer know any way to contact several of them.
  7. Glad you’re enjoying it! The soundtrack is half by me and half by Jimmy, and we still need to figure out how best to handle releasing it, but we’d definitely like to make it available.
  8. It's unfortunately a bit more complicated than just removing an artificial cap, since (to my understanding) Doom's game loop is directly tied to its renderer, so if you render more than 35 frames per second, in order to keep the actual gameplay from happening on fast-forward, you not only need to unlatch the gamesim from the renderer speed, but also add visual-only interpolation between the 35 tics per second that are happening in the gamesim. Still, it could be done, just explaining why there probably isn't a simple Choco fork that does this.
  9. That’s a port bug due to Boom changing the automap backdrop from 0 to 247. You can manually change the color in Settings though.
  10. Not reflective, but translucent. It’s tropical fruit beverage!
  11. That's very close! There are no self-referencing sectors (which are completely invisible) or fake floors (which are a Boom feature) used. The midtextures are lowered below the actual floor and bleed on top of it. In addition to the textures being mirrored and masked with a checkerboard of transparent pixels, the textures are also recolored to blend with the floor for a translucent look. There are also upside-down sprites drawn similarly beneath the floor for the torches. Then, rather than using sector lighting, some red fullbright flats were used for light sources on the ceiling, and custom pre-lit textures were used on some of the walls, because the reflection effect breaks if the affected area has any changes in sector brightness or any other variation that touches the floor. The translucent glass floor and ceiling effects that appear in several places in other KDiKDiZD maps are done very similarly to the reflections.
  12. It would be really good to see sprite/texture clipping fixed in more hardware-rendered Doom ports someday...
  13. Eternity is the preferred modern port for it. Woof should also work flawlessly. PrBoom+UM in software mode with complevel 2 will mostly work but there will be some graphical glitches.
  14. Dammit! I fixed it in the standalone texture wad but didn’t port it over to the compiled one. edit: Actually, wait, what? I'm looking at the compiled wads and not seeing a duplicated INTERPIC lump. If you mean the Doom 1 intermission stuff, they're an artifact from when this was briefly a Doom 1 project around 2020. I know I could remove those, but it works as-is so I don't want to start deleting graphics and run the risk of accidentally deleting a graphic that's actually used...
  15. Following up on eevee's post above, the main piece of the puzzle in working around the Hell Warrior shield's blockmap corruption crash was to set the shield's speed in DEH9000 to exactly 1, rather than 1*FRACUNIT like I originally had it. With this, the half-tic movement in P_CheckMissileSpawn only pushes them forwards by a minuscule 0.0000076 of a unit, so there is vastly less possibility for them to leave their original blockmap block.
  16. I'm not sure why that wasn't doing it, but you should be able to just drag and drop the entire zip file onto Eternity.exe and have it work. Also note that this runs with Doom 2, not Doom 1.
  17. Hmm, I'm seeing a yellow key still, testing in Eternity, Chocolate, and GZDoom. I haven't touched either of those keys in the patch since long before the first public build... What port are you using, and how are you loading it?
  18. There is already a more thorough ZScript compatibility patch in build 4, which fixes not only the scripts but also several other features that were broken or misbehaving in GZDoom.
  19. Some vanilla-compatible special effects from KDiKDiZD.
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