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Everything posted by esselfortium

  1. Only software mode is supported for KDiKDiZD due to the effects used. If you play in hardware rendering on GZDoom, all of the lights will be unlit, and the translucency and reflection effects won't display at all. I'm also not sure if it'll work well with mods because the dehacked patch makes very substantial changes all over the place.
  2. If you just downloaded build 4 a minute ago, please download it again. The dehacked patch embedded inside the wad may have been incorrect because I forgot to update it. Fixed now.
  3. No human sacrifices involved, other than my own sanity. The dehacked patch's python source is commented and explains some of the tricks used to squeeze in so many monsters. If you have more questions I'm happy to answer them!
  4. Public build 4 is up: Downloab The major new features are GZDoom support (with caveats: GZDoom currently has some issues with the palette, so you'll see bright white pixels that shouldn't be there), and a rare crash fix for Chocolate and vanilla. This build also sets some more defaults for Eternity users. Hopefully the GZDoom palette issues can be fixed soon. I believe the issue is that GZDoom "steals" what it thinks is a duplicate palette color to use internally as a transparency color, but it doesn't check to see if the COLORMAP is the same between the two colors it's comparing, so all normal white pixels get erroneously turned into KDiKDiZD's glow-in-the-dark white. Thank you to Mikolah and Kinsie for the GZDoom support, and Eevee for the vanilla troubleshooting! edit: WHOOPS, JUST REUPLOADED AGAIN WITH THE ACTUAL DEHACKED FIX INSIDE THE WAD
  5. Glad you're having fun! Credit where credit's due, the vanilla scripting tech I used in this was made possible by Mikolah, Linguica, and Nine Inch Heels. The method they figured out for vanilla scripting is one of the big things that led me to resurrect this project from hibernation in 2020.
  6. Yes, SoundCanvas instruments are definitely the way to go. The default Windows midi synth should be fine. OPL emulation seems to really struggle with the voice count on these midis, so lots of notes drop out or don’t get played at all.
  7. Thanks, I should probably put that in the OPTIONS lump. KDiZD doesn't use any Doom 2 assets at all, so they needed to do new SSG sprites. It would be possible for you to edit KDiKDiZD to use the original Doom 2 sprites instead if you want that, but I think the KDiZD SSG has a different number of animation frames than the Doom 2 one, so it would possibly be awkward to do without also modifying the dehacked patch.
  8. I'm not sure. For this update, saves on Z1M4 might break, and saves where Hell Warriors (the lion shield guys) are currently active might break.
  9. Public Build 3: Downloab Hopefully fixes a rare crash bug with the Hell Warrior shield. Actually updates the UMAPINFO because I forgot to actually copy it into the wad for build 2. Z1M4: Fixed a tutti-frutti.
  10. The thing placement and monster changes in KDiKDiZD are my work, and a lot of layout flow changes have been made as well, so I don't feel like the blame should be entirely placed on KDiZD for things you didn't like, even though there is of course a lot of KDiZD in this by virtue of its concept. Thanks for the feedback.
  11. Thanks for playing! I think the chaingunner here has identical behavior to the Doom 2 chaingunner. Skill settings are fully implemented and have fewer of the most difficult monsters. I tested easy skill by playing keyboard-only with no strafing. Most of the KDiZD backtracking was eliminated here, but there's still a bit in some places, yeah.
  12. Those flags are for color remapping (normally used for multiplayer player sprites), to go along with the palette changes.
  13. This hasn't been tested in any DOS engines other than Doom2.exe itself, so I can't really advise on that. The damage and health pickup is how the vanilla conveyors are activated. The voodoo dolls each receive a single health bonus, then a perpetual explosion generator blows up a barrel near the doll, dealing 1% damage to each doll, pushing it onto the "conveyor".
  14. Get the orange key upstairs near the original exit, then take the lift down near the orange lights in the mines to get to the forcefield switch. That part of the progression is the same as in KDiZD, though I did add some signposting to hint at it.
  15. Oops, I can't read. The pickups and damage are normal, yeah. The weird sprite colors are a bug in DSDA-Doom and PrBoom+.
  16. It sounds like the dehacked patch isn't loading correctly, as those are definitely not intended behavior. What port are you using? edit: Okay, 1 and 4 are intended. I can't read.
  17. Hmm, it goes to Military Base for me. That's very strange. I've tried in the official version and in a dev build.
  18. Thanks! The use of the nonexistent line special 1023 is a workaround I did for ZokumBSP's odd behavior with self-referencing sectors. My understanding is that applying a special keeps the lines from being pruned from the blockmap, and thus keeps the player from falling through them.
  19. The main levels are from MAP13 through MAP20, rather than MAP01 through MAP08. Trying to load slots that haven't been replaced will cause errors.
  20. Public build 2 is online: Downloab Fix List: Internal demos added UMAPINFO cleanup Z1M1: Add signage for easily-missable lift Z1M3: Fix tutti-frutti in exit area Z1M4: Fix breakable lift sector Z1M5: Fix rare bug that could cause scripts to break Z1M7: Fix missing texture Z1M9: Fix solidsegs overflow (hopefully) Z1M9: Fix texture misalignments Thanks everyone who played and reported issues!
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