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Everything posted by esselfortium

    Everything you loved about Vanguard and Lunatic, now in a megawad. But there's more to it than that! Chaotic gameplay that makes you play fast, new monsters that change the usual power balance, impressive themes, and the great maps you'd expect from a Skillsaw wad. Yes, it's unabashedly a Skillsaw mapset, but what did you expect?
  1. I'm apparently a magnet for them! Every day is full of excitement.

    Today's helping:

    From what I've been previously informed, j4rio and I are actually the same person. This discovery was as surprising to me as it surely will be to all the rest of you, especially j4rio.

    1. Show previous comments  58 more
    2. Reisal


      I still have the anti-Brutal Doom Retard Brigade disliking my videos for no reason whatsoever, which includes people like DrewPicklesOgre and co.

    3. Obsidian


      Mr. Chris said:

      I still have the anti-Brutal Doom Retard Brigade disliking my videos for no reason whatsoever, which includes people like DrewPicklesOgre and co.

      That's nice.[/mrsbrown]

      Block 'em and forget 'em. Besides, since when does a dislike from a moron actually count?

    4. GreyGhost


      Repercussions of Essel

      Vyle Phinder waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were j4rios in the forum. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to FaceBook were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
      Vyle was a intahnet tuff guy for fourteen years. When he was young he lurked the forums and he said to dad "I want to be on the forums daddy."
      Dad said "No! You will BE BAN BY ESSEL"
      There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the forums of the Doomworld he knew there were j4rios.
      "This is FaceBook" the radio crackered. "You must flame the j4rios!"
      So Vyle gotted his Brutal Doom and blew up the firewall.
      "HE GOING TO TROLL US" said the j4rios
      "I will shoot at him" said the cumulonimbus and he fired the ban cannon. Vyle haxxored at him and tried to troll him up. But then the server crashed and they were trapped and not able to flame.
      "No! I must flame the j4rios" he shouted
      The radio said "No, Vyle. You are the j4rios"
      And then Vyle was buttsex BtSX.

      EDIT - re-worked for the lutz.

  2. I'm going to be posting up a bunch of free music in the near future, along with dorky little articles about the songs' production.

    The first one, "New Faction", was an experiment to see what sorts of sounds I could coax out of an extremely restrictive synth/sampler that I usually don't bother with.

    You can hear the song here: http://essel.spork-chan.net/2012/05/limitations-part-1-new-faction/

    If you liked "18 Apostolos" from Seventeen More Times you'll probably like this too. Check it out! Share it with your friends! Put it in salads!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. esselfortium


      Thanks guys! :)

      After a lot of procrastinating, tonight I finally got the accompanying article done for "Valley of Echoes," the second song in my Limitations series. It's a spacey, melodic breakbeat tune produced under weird esoteric limits, and more importantly the song is a free download!

      Go download Valley of Echoes, then disperse it throughout the fibers of the internet!

    3. esselfortium


      One on Twoism Vol. 5 has been released! It's a free compilation of downtempo electronica, and I have a couple of new songs featured on it. http://essel.spork-chan.net/2012/08/one-on-twoism-vol-5-released/

    4. Hellbent


      That's some professional website you got there. Are you Icelandic?

      edit: you should do an e1m3 remix.

  3. esselfortium

    Eternal Christmas

    Santa Quas has been busy making his list of changes and checking it twice, and Team Eternity has provided us with an Eternity Engine update that's rather nice! The v3.40.20 Mjolnir release sports not only a completely unpronounceable name but also a nice selection of improvements and additions, including PNG-format screenshot saving and the ability to load fancy-pants OGG music replacements (or similar) from a folder. This update also features some EDF improvements, some more steps toward Hexen support, various bug fixes, further improvements to compatibility, and even more speed optimizations. Downloads, more information, and a full readme text can be found in the release thread in the Eternity subforum.
  4. esselfortium

    Sever The Wiki'd

    At long last, the Doom Wiki has transitioned to its new home at doomwiki.org. The new wiki has been in development behind the scenes for several months, and is now fully operational. Users familiar with the old site will notice the new wiki's full-width layout and lack of advertisements. Articles have been ported over from the original site, so that the transition from this point onwards should be reasonably seamless. Check it out!

  5. Because one bad post deserves another.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Use



      happy birthday

    3. baronofheck82


      Happy birthday, you son of a bitch

  6. IT'S DONE :D

    Update: I've just set up a streaming site where you can listen to my new album for free online. Take a listen here for free!

    Album is buyable from CDBaby and iTunes.


    High-quality physical CD and MP3 downloads are available from CDBaby.com: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/esselfortium2

    01. Quantum Magic
    02. Zwei
    03. Invis
    04. Treetops
    05. Descent
    06. Hibernator (White Moon)
    07. Dirac
    08. Other/Self
    09. Final Outpost
    10. Introjection
    11. 18 Apostolos
    12. Light of the Soul
    13. Apollo (Black Moon)
    14. The Beast That Shouted "I" at the Heart of the World
    15. Close Hands/Open Hands
    16. Andante

    Free streaming previews of Zwei, Introjection, and 18 Apostolos are up on my SoundCloud page. Andante has a music video up on YouTube.

    Seventeen More Times is a full-length album I've written and produced over the past four years. It's entirely instrumental, and bridges a wide range of styles from upbeat electronica to cinematic downtempo pieces to heavy psychedelic rock.

    Higher Plain Music wrote an absolutely glowing review of the album, and so in all my vanity I'll just quote part of that in lieu of anything else to say:

    “Seventeen More Times” is an album best enjoyed as a whole. There’s different cycles throughout the album and each one plays its act in setting up the next track. You won’t feel the absolute rebirth of “Andante” if you havent crawled the depths of the previous three tracks. For that, for its craftmenship and for his ability to form absolutely storming tracks in all different guises, Esselfortium’s latest album is a triumph. Make this your 2011 new artist discovery.

    Album is gettable here.

    Hope you all enjoy :)


    Click here to hear it online! Did I mention you can listen for free?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. esselfortium


      Thanks guys :)

      I was checking around CDBaby today and discovered that I'm currently the top-listed album for Breakbeat/Breaks, and one of the Editor's Picks for both Breakbeat/Breaks and Ambient.

      Unfortunately that hasn't really translated into more than a handful of sales, but it was still pretty amazing to see.

      Album is still available for listening completely free via a stream on my site, and still available for purchase via physical CD or MP3 download on CDBaby.

    3. esselfortium


      Beauty, creation, peace, destruction, pollution and chaos are all on the radar screen as Seventeen More Times displays a panoramic view worth peering into.


      Igloo Magazine reviewed it! *jumps up and down and squeals girlishly*

    4. Planky


      Very positive review - deservedly so.

  7. The Eternity Engine has been updated to version 3.40.10: Aasgard, featuring numerous performance and usability updates as well as improved ACS compatibility and other modding features. (Long demo names are now allowed, too!) To coincide with the engine update, a single-map preview of the long-in-development map pack Vaporware has been released, featuring one playable and complete map from the project, Cargo Transfer by Esselfortium. Head over to the Eternity subforum to download the "Blue Box" package containing both the Eternity Engine update and the Vaporware demo, and have fun!
  8. There was some question over my recent disappearance from the staff roster over on Skulltag.net.

    Yesterday I voiced disagreement over a staff policy. In lieu of an actual discussion, my opinions were shouted down with otherworldly strawman arguments, bizarre accusations, and insistence that I had no idea what I was talking about. I repeatedly tried to clarify what I was actually asking for, only to be rudely dismissed repeatedly and talked down to, including questions of whether I was having a bad day and insistence that they knew better.

    I was then told, summarily, that my questioning of Eruanna's policy was argumentative and made "discussion impossible". At this point I was less concerned about the rule and more about the visible instability of the staff I was working with. I'm willing to accept that my opinions are only my opinions, and that they don't need to be shared by the rest of the staff, but none of my suggestions or criticisms were even given the slightest bit of consideration. As I had no interest in being a staff member in name only, whose only allowed purpose was to be a yes-man to Metal and Eruanna, I resigned.

    So, that was that. I look forward to continuing my contributions to the Doom community in other ways, and wish Metal and Eruanna the best of luck in finding new staff members who will be less questioning of their wisdom. I now no longer doubt the horror stories I've heard from other former staff members.

    I wasn't going to make a public announcement of this, but I've already seen attempts to rewrite history to make me look like the aggressor in all this, so I figured I'd post my side of the story. I was going to post it on Skulltag itself, but the thread was conveniently locked while I was writing my post. Funny thing, that.

    1. Show previous comments  248 more
    2. scalliano


      Just popping in to thank everyone for the most entertainment I've had on these boards since the GZDoom shitfight. I just wish I had Kaiser's leet scripting skills...

    3. Ten


      esselfortium said:
      I now no longer doubt the horror stories I've heard from other former staff members.

      Coming from a fellow former Skulltag staff member myself, my only gripe was how biased the promotions were within the staff. I was there a good 2+ years as a global moderator, yet some other guy who had only been in the staff for a total of 6-7 months at all was promoted to administrator over me. Same thing is *still* going on today. These people who have only been in the staff for a matter of months are rising up to administrator out of nowhere. It's ridiculous.

    4. Technician


      scalliano said:

      Just popping in to thank everyone for the most entertainment I've had on these boards since the GZDoom shitfight. I just wish I had Kaiser's leet scripting skills...

      Yup,... I think we made a difference here.

  9. Team Eternity has released a new version of Eternity Engine, version 3.35.92. Codenamed Nekhbet, this update is aimed primarily at usability enhancements. It features mousewheel support, improved joystick functionality, an optional IWAD-picker launch screen, and more, as well as a system for modders to define custom fonts through EDF. For more info check out the readme, or just go download it for goodness sakes!
  10. Kristus let me know that Team Future has updated their Doom 3: Phobos mod site with a new devblog outlining more details of the project, telling about some exciting upcoming events, and of course featuring a multitude of beautiful new screenshots, including two new hi-res shots. Their mod was also prominently featured in PC Action Magazine's latest issue under the Mods and Maps and section (and while we can't show you in detail, you can view the pages in a smaller format).
  11. esselfortium

    Eternity v3.35.90

    After an incredibly lengthy development period, Quasar has finally released a new official version of the Doom source port Eternity Engine, version 3.35.90. Eternity strives to combine advanced features with a high level of compatibility, and this update includes many improvements and additions in both fields. Version 3.35.90, a release two years in the making, features vastly improved mouse code, many EDF updates including damage types and skins, new scripting features, speed optimizations, portal rendering improvements, PC speaker emulation, a new high-precision software renderer, and numerous other changes. For more detailed information on Eternity itself and what's new in this release, check the Eternity 3.35.90 readme, and the download itself on the Team Eternity website.
  12. I think it's time for me to finally call this song finished, after having initially started on it almost a year and a half ago. The original idea came from me hearing a few seconds of some Autechre song (no, I don't know which one) on a streaming radio station, with some awesomely glitchy drums, being inspired by the sound, and immediately setting off to write a song based on that inspiration. The resulting song is very much my own, though, and it's definitely not a remake or imitation of anything that I know of. :P

    It's got some synth sounds that I programmed for it, intricate drum programming, strings, various ethnic-sounding influences, some distorted breaks, and this amazing Boards of Canada-esque synth patch that was programmed by a friend of mine, that comes in around halfway through the song. I <3 that sound and he is totally awesome. (Check him out! http://www.virb.com/tompritchard )

    I might end up making some more adjustments to the mixing, especially if Esselalbum 2.0 ever comes to exist, but for now I'm happy with it. :)

    A few people here have already heard work-in-progress versions of this song, but here's the effectively finalized one, now with an actual ending.

    Without further adieu, here's Esselfortium - Invis:

    Hope you guys enjoy it! :D


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sporku


      Really awesome song. Kinda reminds me of Tangerine Dream mixed with Autechre at times. :P You should upload this song on your myspace music profile. :D

    3. esselfortium
    4. John Smith

      John Smith

      esselfortium said:

      I might end up making some more adjustments to the mixing, especially ifwhen Esselalbum 2.0 ever comes to exist, but for now I'm happy with it. :)


  13. After four years of development in an underground bunker removed from society, Scuba Steve and the Action Team have released the followup to one of 2004's top wads, Action Doom. Action Doom 2: Urban Brawl is a prequel that tells the story before the events of the first game. Instead of being based on run 'n' gun games, the game patterns itself after 16-bit beat 'em ups. The standalone game, which can be played without Doom 2, features stylized, cell-shaded graphics and cutscenes and a full narrative story with several paths and a half dozen endings. Thanks to the efforts of Scuba Steve, Isle, Cyb, Manc, Ralphis and Darknation, Action Doom 2: Urban Brawl is available at http://action.mancubus.net/ for download or purchase. What are you waiting for, it's time for Action!
  14. :3

    I went with two friends from school, and some other Porcupine Tree fans from school I hadn't met before. We got there a couple hours early and waited outside so we could get good spots inside.

    Since I didn't actually own any of their albums and I was in need of some more variety of the t-shirt assortment, I bought the Fear of a Blank Planet album-cover shirt, plus Fear of a Blank Planet, In Absentia, and Nil Recurring (new EP) on CD.

    For the actual show I ended up getting to stand in the second row, right in the middle so I got a good view of Steven Wilson. There was this kid who had been to six (SIX) (SIXXXX ._.) of their shows on just this tour alone, who was hogging the front row space in front of me. I was displeased, but the show was absolutely incredible anyway.

    The opening band, Three, was pretty decent, but Porcupine Tree's performance was..words just can't do it justice. There was so much energy, they played a ton of great songs (really, I can't think of any songs of theirs I wouldn't want to see live), and they just sounded amazing.

    Outside after the show, we waited for an hour or so for the band to come out, and we eventually got to talk to some of them before they left. Steven signed my new copy of In Absentia. I told him the show was incredible, he said he was glad to hear I was so moved by it.

    Oh god I know I'm just going on and on but it was pretty glorious :O

    EDIT EDIT EDIT: Okay, here's the fixed tracklist.

    Fear of a Blank Planet
    What Happens Now?
    The Sound of Muzak
    Anesthetize (!!!)
    Open Car
    My Ashes
    Blackest Eyes
    Cheating the Polygraph
    Half Light
    Way Out of Here
    Sleep Together

    Dark Matter

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. zap610


      Hay essel! O/

    3. alexz721


      Great band. I didn't even know they had released a new EP. Seems like I just listened to Fear of a Blank Planet.

    4. esselfortium


      alexz721 said:

      Great band. I didn't even know they had released a new EP. Seems like I just listened to Fear of a Blank Planet.

      The new EP is currently only available at concerts and through mail-order. It's got four songs from the Fear of a Blank Planet sessions that didn't make it onto the album. It's pretty good! :D

  15. At long last, SLADE is officially updated from the ancient v1.13. The version 2.0 beta adds many exciting new features, including but not limited to automatic line splitting, a make sector function, an improved 3D mode, and increased speed and stability. If you've been keeping up with the 2.0 alphas that have been posted on the SLADE forum, there have been a number of notable improvements and additions since the last alpha. Get it now from slade.mancubus.net! Kids love it!
  16. So, I'm at least a month late on doing this, but here's the official release thread for my debut album, A Terrible Flood.

    (cover artwork by Steve McNamara)

    A Terrible Flood is a 74-minute album, containing 18 songs of various styles, including breakbeat, downtempo, IDM, and drum'n'bass. Major influences include Boards of Canada, fat jon, Moby, Joe Boyd Vigil, and many others.

    Is this a spam post? No way! Even if you have no interest whatsoever in purchasing A Terrible Flood and supporting your friendly neighborhood esselfortium, there are five free songs from it that you can download from this here link!

    If you like the completely free music you've just listened to and want the full experience, it can be purchased from CDBaby.com! It's just like shareware, only not anything like shareware at all actually! :D

    Our very own Killingblair and Hobbs are satisfied customers. Tell me, would anyone truly not want to join these noble ranks?

    But don't take my word for it! Here's what other people are saying about A Terrible Flood:

    This is quite impressive. I can tell that you've got musical skills and the pieces are sonically interesting. There are a variety of styles on the album, yet a certain musical passion remains consistent throughout. It's almost like there are several albums compiled into one. There's a range in there between Nalpordyh to Skybox that's really moving - I like the short interesting vignettes.
    - Kurt "Peff" Kurasaki, author of Power Tools for Reason 3.0 (peff.com)

    There's so much energy in it; you can really hear you love what you're doing. [...] This album doesn't sound derivative of anything, it sounds like you're just having a blast making electronic stuff. [...] Really varied but works really well, everything sits together in a brilliant context.
    - Tom "Stompp" Pritchard, producer

    If you like melodies, breakbeats, emotion, or all 3, check this one out — you’ll be happy you spent the money.
    - Justin Smith, flawedLOGIC.org (full review at http://flawedlogic.org/2007/02/23/esselfortium-a-terrible-flood-great-road-trip-tunes)

    I have listened to a wide variety of electronic music in various flavors. Essel's CD, even in its formative stages, caught my attention. Surprisingly listenable, constantly undergoing revision, A Terrible Flood is a genuine -- and successful -- effort. Featuring songs in the classic sample tradition (The Airport) to darker and more ambient moments (Chilled), A Terrible Flood may not break new ground but stakes its territory among other works in its genre assertively.
    - Omer Ikizler, satisfied customer

    Fantastic, absolutely fantastic. It is not often that you find good music these days, A Terrible Flood is one of those exceptions. It has emotion, flow, ups, downs, soft bits, hard bits, and all sorts of other bits. And it all comes together smoothly and seamlessly into an album that is definetly just a little more than bip boop noises for the masses.
    - Hobbs, troll with really huge guts

    Good music is good.
    - Killingblair

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. esselfortium


      deathz0r said:

      I demand a signed copy

      buy one directly from me and i'll do it :P

    3. Use


      If you become famous don't forget the little guys.

    4. Sharessa


      Wow, that's pretty goiod. I'm jealous. I've always wanted to be a musician and I could never get the production right in Fruity Loops and couldn't afford anything else. Sadly at this point I'm not so into electronic music. I'd need a few guitars, a moog, a sax, a sitar, a hurdy-gurdy, and several percussion instruments to make the kind of music I'd want to make. Sadly I haven't the money for that either. Not even one of them. :(

    Best weapons mod ever. Watching Tarnsman struggle through the entirety of Doom 2 with this was one of the most hilarious and entertaining things I've ever seen in Doom. I giggle every time I see the chuper chotgun, and Doomguy desperately trying to reload it is brilliant. Life is a miracle.
  17. esselfortium


    After playing the entire wad, I'm convinced this is some sort of in-joke that I'm not in on. The "better" fourth episode still features the same "irritating rooms and endless spaghetti-string corridors" layouts as the rest, but complements them with such highlights as sector-based hairy penises (I wish I were kidding) or Doomguy going on a guided tour of the digestive system, plopping out of a butt into a giant toilet. Are we positive this isn't Terry's magnum opus in disguise?
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