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Everything posted by esselfortium

  1. It can. You can pretty easily make an invisible (or visible) 3D floor in ports like GZDoom. It's not a trick or illusion.
  2. It looks like you're using a hardware renderer to test the map. This setup likely isn't going to work the same way in software (i.e. in more classic ports).
  3. The opposite is true. The Doug Gillard eras are peak GBV.
  4. Oh, that makes sense then. It would be good if they were bigger.
  5. It's possible, yes! You can use Sector_SetLink to attach a 3D floor's floor and ceiling to the ceiling movement of a control sector, then use a door action on the control sector.
  6. E1M1 was kind of a special case because we felt that for authenticity it needed to fulfill a similar function as Doom's E1M1, introducing certain game mechanics and showing off what the engine could do as concisely as possible, all without stepping too far outside the bounds of what Romero was making in 1993. It was a challenging tightrope to walk, and in retrospect there are some things I would have probably done differently.
  7. DTWID doesn't have any remakes of stock Doom maps in it. It is entirely new maps in the style of each episode.
  8. GZDoom's portals have always been very limited and buggy in software mode. I don't think you're doing anything wrong.
  9. I think adventurey maps are one of the big things that people think of when they think of TNT, so if you're looking for adventure maps with a generally techy theme, the community-made TNT sequels are a good place to look.
  10. You don't have to announce "I'm not interested in this topic", you can just not post and we'll understand.
  11. Co-op testing generally happens a bit later, so you are correct that it hasn't really been set up for most of these maps yet.
  12. I believe that limitation only exists in Hexen format, which in 2023 you should only be using if you're mapping for hexen.exe or a very very very old version of ZDoom.
  13. ??? Most community-made Doom tools are maintained primarily for Windows, it's just the way it is.
  14. I would suggest getting in touch with @boris about this, as he's the lead developer of UDB.
  15. BTSX E3 preview running (very poorly) on a 1987 Macintosh II with a CPU upgrade card from 1993:
  16. "Author does/does not allow permission to reuse and modify this wad" has been standard doom community text file template stuff forever for a reason. When you make something here, you do it under the pretty safe assumption that other people here will respect your wishes for how and if you want it to be used. If you make something and don't want me to use it, you can say so and I will either find something else or make my own thing instead. If I see your "please don't reuse this" and use it anyway, that just makes me kind of a jerk. "Take whatever isn't nailed down" is one thing when you're talking about assets from a commercial product, made by people who were paid for their time, but this modding community is just people making things for the love of it. It doesn't cost much to be respectful of people's wishes when it comes to things they've worked on for free here. (And I don't think two replies is dogpiling...)
  17. I don't really get the appeal. It's very padded with self-referential nonsense along the lines of "Blue Eyed Main Character: Trope masterfully SUBVERTED!! Main character has green eyes!"
  18. Okay, I have to reply to this (and your post in the palette thread): Use whatever colors you want, obviously, but a playpal+colormap combination is a lot more than just "a certain set of colors". (Per-pixel colormap editing is hell.) Beyond that, it doesn't cost much to respect the wishes of the person who created the thing you like. "Grab all the shit that isn't nailed down, take it all on principle" is just spiteful bullshit that flies in the face of the mutual understanding of "respect when people don't want their stuff stolen" that this community relies on. The Doom community is pretty small and tight-knit, but you talk about it like you're ripping assets from a faceless corporation or something. (To be clear, I have no problem with people using any palettes and colormaps I've made. I just think you're being an ass about this.)
  19. It is still based on the Doom source. It's using Unity as a wrapper.
  20. If you use a conveyor-based teleport like this, though, make sure to set up a looping conveyor so that the monster can't be permanently prevented from porting in by blocking its destination.
  21. Real brutal hell is about 12-bar blues progressions played on cheesy synth guitars. Accept no substitutes.
  22. I can't disagree with any of these. Being able to hear projectiles near you when they've been fired from far away is something I've often wished for as well.
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